Issue with playfields and blueprint question..

Discussion in 'Planets & Playfields' started by Areonic, Jul 3, 2017.

  1. Areonic

    Areonic Lieutenant

    Jun 12, 2017
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    So after a couple hours of having to dig the ground out for my base that I saved from a last wipe, I have got to ask. Is it possible to spawn a base, and the hollowed underground parts be cleared out, or do you always have to go manually clear the terrain out of the base?

    If a server has already been started, can you still relocate a non-random POI? Let's say I log onto the server, "destroy" command, log out and shut it down, edit the yaml, will that cause issue's with the current server?

    If I make changes to the resources such as the asteroids and the amount of nodes that are currently spawned, will that affect the current server?

    Why are the settings on the playfield.yaml files in the content folder not sticking to the playfields that are created when the game starts? Here are the steps I took.....So I installed a fresh wipe on the server and deleted the /content/playfield folder, I used Empyrion Playfield Designer to create all the .yaml, uploaded a whole new folder set of playfield settings, deleted the /save/mysavegame folder, started the server up and still ALL the settings didn't take. Not the starting load-out, resources are WAY too high (12 nodes of each), regeneration rate of the POI's etc.

    Anyway, these are a few issues/questions we are having if someone doesnt mind helping us out real fast.

    Thank you,
  2. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    1. No
    2. No
    3. If u edit the playfield.yaml inside the templet folder of the save game it affects the server. Normal Deposits cant be changed unless u wipe that planet. Asteroids can
    4. Are u edditing the right files. If u use the default multiplayer setting in the dedicated.yaml then u have to edit the files in \scenarios\Default Multiplayer
  3. Areonic

    Areonic Lieutenant

    Jun 12, 2017
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    So I have went in and edit the right files now, and edited the playfields that were created in the save location and still the changes are not taking affect. The one I am really trying to get working is the starting loadout. Even though I edited the current saved playfield, when people start, they are not getting the loadout I put in.
  4. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Changeing the starting gear req a wipe
  5. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    To set a base deep in the ground and have the terrain cleared out, tick the flatten ground box and set to -21 for example.
    This will put base 21 blocks down and clear all terrain out from inside the base, this doesn't work so well on round structures, works much better for square or rectangle structures.

    If you make a change to the TEMPLATE folder of your scenario, and then just delete that planet in your save folder, it will then generate a new planet with the new settings or POIs.

    Same for Ore nodes, change it in the Templates folder and delete that planet in the saves folder, then when it generates a new one you get all the new Ore nodes.

    The reason your changes are not sticking is because you have a save game in the save folder already named whatever this games name is.

    When Im testing, I take a copy of current server files, store them, incase of stuff ups, then I edit things in the TEMPLATE folder of the Content folder in the scenario folder, never change files in the default game they just get wiped next update anyway, then I delete the save game in the save folder and start server to see changes.
    Once I have it sorted, I then bring the current game save back in, make the changes, sometimes it means deleting a planet from the save folder so it regenerates with all the new features.

    Start server and go check, but between every single change and check, I have to do this, delete the save game, this is before bringing the online save back in, its a slow process but methodical.
  6. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    I have no luck with this.
    I think that does only work on generated POIs (in the yamls), not for own spawning bases (ingame), right?

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