What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Everytime I finish mining with a HV , I start thinking about building an underground base because there is so much room to put a massive base in after I'm finished. I mean look at this area. lol I'm surprised nobody has attempted to build a underground city yet.
    Screenshot (323).png
    Starwing6 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  2. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    WOW taht Space station is awesome. How did you get the top of your stations to looks so round?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  3. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Certainly was a blast yesterday. I remember my first visit to Abandoned Mine and It was a chilling experience and it took me a good while to go thru, scared to peek around the next corner. Now last night was anything but, we decided to take it slow for the sake of a new player but It still felt like we stormed the place in a heartbeat and with overwhelming firepower cut down everything on our path. It was brutal. I can still hear the screams and see the muzzle flashes. It seems we can storm a POI with good effect, mostly not shooting eachother in the back or not blow eachother up (emphazis on the word *mostly*) - and its good fun.

    Now, its quite challenging from a POI design perspective. Firepower of one inexperienced player is very different from four experienced players. So a POI can be both: very hard - and a walk in the park. Tricky.

    Anyway, looking forwards to our expedition to Omicron. But before that, looking forwards to our HV track - it was already shaping up nicely. Timo didn't let the catastrophic disappearance of Oscutune race track bring him down and started a new one right away in Akua.

    Ive been able to spend less time with the game than before - so really looking forwards to do some building too. A minibase / landing platform for my small CV and SV's is probably first on my list. Just a little personal space right next to our main underground base, mainly just hold my small CV. Material gathering for my mining ship Ilmarinen is coming along nicely too, only around 35k iron ingots still missing and some grow plots. Probably want to make somekind of docking station in the orbit for it - either Akua or Omicron, depending where we are then. And of course have to make a SV shuttle to move between the planet and orbit station. And Ive been liking my 'bigger than usual' SV 'Surma' - so I've been thinking of making a properly big SV... that and half a dozen other plans... :)
    Starwing6 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  4. hound

    hound Captain

    Sep 15, 2016
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    Banksman ..it just worked out..it's public so you can look at it. and maybe this week I will finish the bottom half....lol
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  5. Starwing6

    Starwing6 Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    I've been working hard on my new Expedition Base Model D6. I finished the exteriors, and began furnishing and decorating the main floor. I did the kitchen and then there was a game update. Now my kitchen is ruined :(

    Oh well! Every design I upload that isn't faction related has a special sign from the company, to give each place a bit of its own personality. I just finished making this new one.

  6. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    @Starwing6 Lol :D There's always a creative way to solve each problem...
    Tyrax Lightning and Starwing6 like this.
  7. AssER

    AssER Ensign

    Jul 29, 2017
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    So today I decided to build a massive capital ship.
    The exterior is kind of done, "only" a lot of detailing left.. and then I have to do the inside. Yay

    59906ceedc0fce1d893814fa23c7bf3c.jpg e9d8f51d7bf276a19e3d36753aecd30b.jpg e9d8f51d7bf276a19e3d36753aecd30b2.jpg
  8. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    In my Shamelessly Biased Opinion, 20,000 Iron for a CV is very humble. :p

    *Mock LiftPizzas Voice* Real CVs don't use less then 200,000 Iron. */Mock LiftPizzas Voice* :p

    Once the game gets farther along & stops needing to World Wipe so often, I bet the Space Moles will Spearhead this. :p

    For the Topic: Got another chunk of CV Build done. Time for the next bout of Procrastination. :p
    oojimaflip and banksman45 like this.
  9. Requiemfang

    Requiemfang Commander

    May 13, 2015
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    o_O is that the Emperors Super Star Destroyer?, you know the one with the super laser like what's on the Death Star only smaller?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  10. vicomt

    vicomt Captain

    Jul 16, 2016
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    I won't say we've not thought about it or even tried it. It's a lot of hard digging, but we're moles :D. maybe one day ;)
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  11. Starwing6

    Starwing6 Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    Thank you! I was inspired :) No matter what happens with the table's model, I'm always going to enjoy this sign.

    Sorry for obsessing over this darned table... It was just beautiful, is all. It had perfectly clean lines.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  12. Ballard

    Ballard Rear Admiral

    Feb 9, 2017
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    I died. Sighs. I HATE to die. It's a point of honor with me to go as long as possible without getting my ass kilt. But last night I was out collecting auto miners, and lo and behold! The Advanced Base my team took down the other day has regenned. I cannot get to my AMs. So I go get my Predator HV and start to work on the ring of turrets. This is the base with a full broadside of turrets on each side, and a massive interior. It's a great POI, one of the very best. Once I have silenced the turrets (after taking a lot of damage) I go collect my miners.

    Now, once you have cleared the turrets, that big old rich POI is just sitting there. It is begging to be raided! Right? This monster has about six epic drops. So, yeah. In I go. Alone. I was doing fine right up to the point where I ran out into the big room, where there is a massive turret. Almost 400 kills before my first death. I guess I'm okay. It was awesome!

    As an aside, on this MP server I have a very active faction, and we are really enjoying the coop MP aspect of the game. Best play yet. I enjoy having a team to raid with.
  13. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Bet at that time ya didn't have HV T2 Laser Drills... Now if the Max Weapon Count Band Aid Fix could bite the dust... :D (I wanna be able to build a 30+ T2 HV Mining Laser toting Mining HV someday!)

    Know how ya feel. One of the Lab Tables was also a beautiful work of art to @Kieve & then the Devs up & De-Evolved its looks on purpose... Kieve wanted to rip throats out over it afterwards. Sometimes one can wonder what in the Halibut the Art Guy is thinking... o_O I myself have wondered if the Art Guy is a fan of old 1960s Sci-Fi Shows & Movies... in all its Low Res oldness...
    Starwing6 and Kieve like this.
  14. oojimaflip

    oojimaflip Captain

    Oct 6, 2016
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    You're right!
    If I'm honest, the digging has very little to do with it though, size constraints and difficulty placing large blueprints are the biggest problems with a creative mode build which is unresponsive to local geology(!)

    We've done some pretty large underground structures, but only in survival, and we don't feel they're suitable for release because of this.

    Hopefully, BP placement rules will improve over time and these things will be easier ;)
  15. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    Heh, "wanted." Still want to. Feeling slightly less violent since they added in some of those new symbols though.
  16. Starwing6

    Starwing6 Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    We enjoyed some fantastic group missions last night. First, I managed to finally convince the men that they'd be safer around me if they aren't dressed in black. I know black looks fabulous, but I'm so trigger-happy.


    We went to orbit to mine some asteroids--hoping for iron. We didn't find any, but we harvested a lot of sathium and a nice bit of promethium. I love mining in space, and with four of us operating drill turrets, the asteroids were picked clean in a few minutes. :)

    After returning to Akua, I changed my outfit as well. Everyone had new clothes and I was jealous ;) Meanwhile, Timo and Elli scouted around for iron meteorites. I joined them when they located a second one, and @rainyday arrived a few moments later with his HV driller. :cool:



    Everyone got in on the fun.


    I enjoyed a front row view of the meteorite's destruction. :D

    Our final mission of the night was a quick raid on the Outpost POI. The other night, Elli logged out while next to it, and needed a rescue from @rainyday when he logged back on. I failed to explain regenerating POIs because I thought he returned to base with us that night. Anyhow, the Outpost's turrets were down already, so it was a good time to raid the place.

    It was just the three of us on this final mission. I'm not a huge fan of that POI because of all its levers, but we had a good time clearing it out. Unfortunately one of those mechs spawned inside the floor and was able to shoot at me. As I attempted to retreat, it shot me dead. :eek: Cheaty AI. Thankfully @rainyday avenged my death!

    Afterward, we used our mutitools to tear down the place. That really brought back memories for me! This was the first POI we raided as a team, and we tore it down that night too. I am prone to nostalgia :D
  17. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Built a hangar so I can finish my SV without some drone shoot it. lol My SV has been shot so many times just by sitting outside.
    Screenshot (334).png

    Screenshot (336).png

    Screenshot (337).png
  18. AssER

    AssER Ensign

    Jul 29, 2017
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    Yes! Eclipse-class Dreadnought, I got heavily inspired by it and decided to make some kind of version of it. ;)
    Very hard to create a replica since it's so big. :p
  19. The BigBadBiscuitnibbler

    The BigBadBiscuitnibbler Lieutenant

    Feb 19, 2017
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    That ;ittle emsemble is gagging for a couple of hover engines and some tapas...lol great build!
  20. The BigBadBiscuitnibbler

    The BigBadBiscuitnibbler Lieutenant

    Feb 19, 2017
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    last_chance_game-170802-1849_2017-08-02_23-15-40.png last_chance_game-170802-1849_2017-08-02_23-21-49.png Having been consigned to my room, Akua, by the latest bug I spent the time playing with gravity and mud pies. Here's what I came up with. Its called Sheerholm. It uses both sides of this mountain. The front aspect faces out over the southern polar tundra while the northern defences, accessed through a tunnel, face directly toward the pesky drone base and it's a bit of a turkey shoot to be honest. It's still a work in progress but then again I reckon every intrepid Empyrion explorer feels the same about their own projects. Hey devs... can I have one more block between supports please.. it'll make my day..lol

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