What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    I just died a little inside. :confused: Combat steel is the worst texture in the game.
  2. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    It's all relative....be grateful you've not seen my own attempts at texturing... basic Combat Steel really is the better option.

    That said, it does annoy me when, due to invisible block rotation (a cube is a cube) the texture edges do not match. The only way I've found that works around this is building with normal steel then upgrading it to Combat. Dunno why.

    Ok, that said I don't really think I'll keep the textures as they are, I like to texture the interior of my vessels a little, but maintain the outside largely untouched. I get bored fast when trying to colour/texture anything...guess it's just not my thing.

  3. Its Just Steve

    Its Just Steve Captain

    Aug 4, 2017
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    I'm a big fan of default colored hardened steel, and a big stripe around. I'm trying to do better, but my current build just got put aside in favor of actually playing the game!
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  4. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Yeah, I quite like that too, it's a nice, neat texture. In my prior game, I did experiment more with colour and texture and obtained some quite nice results. However, what we really need is to be able to set the colour and texture of a block before we place it. I know that goes against the separate tools for colour/texture thing, but it'd make life easier. At least give us colour/texture mirroring.

    Anyway, I've shut down for the night now. However, I did take a little trip into orbit to obtain some more Neodymium and Sathium and, while doing so hit level 20. Upon my return to base, I unlocked Fusion Cells, and went to collect the Hydrogen Bottles that'd been building up. In my (now Advanced) Constructor dedicated to Promethium processing and Fuel Pack creation, I have near four thousand hydrogen bottles and 30k+ Promethium pellets, that should give me a stack of Fusion Cells and solve my energy requirements for the near future :)

    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  5. Its Just Steve

    Its Just Steve Captain

    Aug 4, 2017
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    Near future = nearly forever
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  6. Its Just Steve

    Its Just Steve Captain

    Aug 4, 2017
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    After spending too many hours in creative on another CV, my inspiration was waning and with a week of sudden bachelor-hood, it was time to explore, conquer and pillage.
    Having filled up the CV Twisted Cat (quirks and all) with what I was limiting myself to from home (two stacks of ingots of the basics ONLY) and with full support ships, it was time to take to the stars again. I decided to go the route of Skillon having passed by but never stopped. I kinda wished I hadn't bothered with the desert landscapes and short of resource variety.
    Glad I did with such epic dusks and dawns!

    The initial SV landing involved mapping the planet with a priority of locating the PV and its base and then finding and marking off the Drone Base. Well, after Omicron and entering atmosphere on top of the drone base, I somehow did it again. So being flexible, it was quickly defanged and I proceeded to traverse the planet and mark off the danger zones.
    While I found and de-cored the PV base, the PV itself remained elusive, but I had work to do.

    Returning to the orbiting CV it was a quick trip back to the PV base that I would call home for my stay and quickly back to the SV to hunt down the PV itself. It tried to hide but seeing as it had no base to return to, it had wallowed down in the green muck and sulked. There wasn't much of a fight out of it and I pretty much had my way with it.

    (Pics: The Landing, The Hunt, The Finding, The Victory)


    With the threat of the PV gone entirely, I headed back to "my" base and retired the SV fighter and hopped into my HV tank/miner and proceeded to finish off the drone base and the fortress next door to make complete my safety while on planet. Well, at least from flying things, the radiation is seriously trying to kill me!
    Feeling accomplished after the first day on planet I headed back and emptied a couple of resource deposits to build up my travel stores. Just a 10k cobalt and 6k promethium, so that should help in the short term. ;)
    Really though, for as few types of resources this planet has, they are HUGE. 3k is the smallest I've found so far and I'm playing with whatever is below normal for deposits. My Akua start was slow between that and slow player progression. Everything there is 1283 or less. Mostly less.

    So that takes me to the end of my day, and what I did. What have you accomplished today?

    IJS Out.
  7. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    Solo Raptors are only the white Night ones, these that attack on sight (the normal 4 won't, only when being attacked)
    So if you see a standard one, you can be sure, the pack is somewhere (or have been shooted by someone else) ;-)
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  8. Starwing6

    Starwing6 Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    LOL @ Starwing being threatened--I'm only ever inspired :)
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  9. Triblade

    Triblade Ensign

    Aug 3, 2017
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    Yesterday I wanted to finish my borgcube-esque Capital Vessel (vehicle?) with the last of the walls and then move all already placed devices the their designated equipment rooms.

    While my friend spent some hours mining iron for this undertaking, it was still not enough. AKA I placed blocks faster then he could smelt ore.
    I decided to go on a mining trip myself. Deep down in the mine I went on my way to get a buttload of iron to finish the task.

    At the bottom of the mine, I got the red message that my base is being attacked. While I really don't care about that base (it's got enough protection) one drone decided to go for my location. The thing was, I only noticed the drone heading my way when it started firing at my SV, which was parked right outside the mine's entrance. 'Oh Hell' I thought and started to make my way upwards. Unfortunately I just then realized I dug too deep without making an easy exit. When I finally dug/jetpacked my way out I could fire at the drone until it was upside down on the ground. As fast as I could I ran toward my nearby parked SV only to discover that my primary cockpit and core was blown out, making a giant hole in the center. Thank goodness all my devices/equipment was stored safe and sound in the back, which was not shot at somehow.

    Well, I had to ran home that night only to spend a good amount of my recently mined iron in the factory making a blueprinted copy of my shot-down SV. (fortunately I did make a blueprint!)

    Of course I only then saw that about half of the needed resources where missing and I wasn't a high enough level to create my ship again via the factory... Sigh... Quickly leveling just enough to create the blueprint by borrowing my friends SV and mining a few resources to finish the blueprint, my SV was finally 'back'.

    Only then I used the rest of my mined iron to create the SV iron blocks to finish my cube in the sky. After I finished I looked at the clock. It was 00:15. And I had to get up early.

    Of course the 'one more block' issue persisted and I had to move all the things, refill it etc. Always one more thing too do! I quickly placed everything where it should be. Suddenly it was 00:45... I really had to call it.

    Oh well, there is always tomorrow.
  10. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    Some Drone Bases never learn...


    this one thought spawning dozends of these pesky flies could help her...


    Edit: but indeed that was a very funny event :)

    Why did it spawn so many?
    I think it was because it was still the first day I was at this planet (Skillon) and it's reserve was still at maximum (besides these obligatory drones at ore deposits and POIs it hadn't send any Drones out)

    But from a roleplay/immersion perspective I will suppose these guys there only are in heavy blue funk (fear) that I will do to them what I've already done to their PV and PV-Base :D:p

    And their fear is justified. :D

    But good, that I took my Omega-Fighter this time, it's much more armored than my DroneHunters.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2017
  11. Starwing6

    Starwing6 Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    Last night I spawned the space station @Friendly Timo and I started making during version 5. We didn't get much work done on it before joining the experimental branch... and then it was such a daunting project that we put it aside for a while more. @rainyday asked us if we'd built a space station and we were like "sort of..." He took a look at it for me to help solve the mystery of oxygenating the station. It's so big and there were two places exposed to space--probably by me messing around too :oops:

    Here's our work in progress:


    This station isn't stationary--we wanted something mobile like Deep Space 9, but much, much smaller. It's a CV space station that we named Moonlight Station last night.

    The concept behind the station is it's a small space motel. It might've one day been a family business--they thought they could strike it rich by providing a comfortable place for miners, explorers, and freight runners to rest for a day or two while having their vessel serviced. It's not much of a business model though, so they abandoned the station.

    It's a real fixer-upper, but we've got big plans for this old place. I think we can bring her to into the 2360's with a bit of work and personal investment. :D
  12. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I've had this occur too, but not on a planet-based drone base. I had a station in orbit spit out 20+ drones in rapid succession one time, but the Flak Turrets on my CV just chewed them up. I got soooo much loot from those.

    I've not .yaml edited for a while, but I used to massively boost the reserve drone counts for POI's. It was actually quite fun, you'd assault a POI protected by (the then max) of three drones, take out the drones, and reinforcements would be sent right away. This turned into an immensely intense fight one time when I attempted to take one of the Titan wreck sections fairly early in the game. The close proximity of the Drone Base - I later found out it was just over the hill - meant a replacement drone was sent within about 15 seconds of killing one. As such I had a constant stream of Drones arriving to reinforce the POI. At the end of the play session, the area around the Titan Wreck Section was pitted from Rocket Drone shots and I'd been forced to retreat in a damaged HV that simply wasn't up to the job (yet) of securing the POI. Such fun. Really must .yaml tweak again some time...though I've been trying to stay vanilla for testing.

  13. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Maybe I missed this update but I was mining on Akua and instead of hitting the solid rock that you can't drill I ran into some lava. I don't remember hearing about this in any of the updates but pretty cool.
    Screenshot (347).png

    Screenshot (345).png
  14. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Hmm, that's a new on on me too @banksman45 - I certainly don't recall seeing a lava base layer on Akua before. I thought it was restricted to Lava planets.

    Tyrax Lightning and banksman45 like this.
  15. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    it definitively is at least since 5.5
    wait, I had posted here a picture... of me mining a 12000...

    ...searching initialising...

    uhm thats' posted from jun 24th, but I'm sure I got that too in May (5.5...)
    What did you do in Empyrion today?

    Nah.. don't have a picture (of proof) from 5.5... sorry...


    for clarification I re-post the relevant picture:

    Last edited: Aug 9, 2017
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  16. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Maybe they added it in the last update because I know it wasn't there two weeks ago.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  17. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    Is this something different than I posted above (the red bodrock)? Because that existed at least on 24.june (date of post, but I'm sure that was way before that)
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  18. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Well this is like lava rock but maybe it has been there longer .
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  19. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    I've added the relevant picture above; red bedrock definitive were here longer, but I'm not sure if that was lava
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  20. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Thanks for that. Possibly I've simply not dug deep enough to discover it. I usually run with "poor" resource yield per deposit, so there's never that much to dig out in the first place.

    Tyrax Lightning likes this.

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