Images of ships I've made in other games

Discussion in 'Other Discussion' started by The Blue Thunder, Aug 10, 2015.

  1. The Blue Thunder

    The Blue Thunder Lieutenant

    Aug 10, 2015
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    I've made ships from other games and I want to build them all over again in this game here are the ships:
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Animated gif
  2. Captain_Brian

    Captain_Brian Commander

    Aug 5, 2015
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    These are awesome.
    The Blue Thunder likes this.
  3. The Blue Thunder

    The Blue Thunder Lieutenant

    Aug 10, 2015
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    Thanks :)
  4. HeadHunter

    HeadHunter Commander

    Aug 13, 2015
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    That Merlin is awesome. When I played EVE I was a Caldari pilot (though I was usually a Drake jockey).

    I'd love to make that in Empyrion, but as an SV it would be useless on the surface (no way to really get back in the cockpit!)
    The Blue Thunder likes this.
  5. Leatherneck

    Leatherneck Captain

    Aug 5, 2015
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    Outstanding work!
    The Blue Thunder likes this.
  6. Optimalcrab

    Optimalcrab Ensign

    Aug 18, 2015
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    did you build all of these in 'From The Dephts'?
    great designs
  7. matheus_portugal

    matheus_portugal Lieutenant

    Aug 11, 2015
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    I think that "From the Dephts" is only the last picture of first spoiler the others appears Starmade
    The Blue Thunder likes this.
  8. The Blue Thunder

    The Blue Thunder Lieutenant

    Aug 10, 2015
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    I have more ships in from the depths I think... Here's the link to my ships in that game:

    And images

    And a game I used to play Planet Explorers
    My F1-RaceCar!!!

    I've made lots of other ships and other stuff I just forgot where I upload them xD

    Edit: I forgot the repaint of my SU-47 its here:

    Now that I think of it, what do you guys think if Empyrion would have some functionality of the other games we play wouldn't it make it better or not? But for me I think if Empyrion would take somethings from the others games and improve it here the community will grow and more players will buy the game, lets take for example starmade, players there don't like prefab objects they would like to shape it out with blocks and other shapes. And their logic gate systems would be cool to have in this game as well as their rail systems for moving hangar air lock doors, or trains and build mechs with it too. And the weapon systems combination would be okay too.
    Like from the depths(FTD) weapon systems has lots of improvement with creating and engineering better weapons for your ships.
    Think about it xD if you didn't use prefabs and have to build it with different shapes and block functions to make that object do its job in the game wouldn't that make it more interesting and other players would share designs or factions would hide their ideas so they have the upper hand in PvP on the server side. I have too many ideas I can create my own game xD
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2015
  9. Dead8Eye

    Dead8Eye Captain

    Aug 15, 2015
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    hi... soo the ideas are nice but :) the aircrafts what did you build are ineffective because they are too huge.
    i had play from the depths too and the problem what you have are, on the story missions are the maximum of resource points what you have for use.
    because at moment i do never play from the depths, when the ACB updates explode. sry dude. the ACB is a nice control block, but
    it has no more what to do, with the original gameplay of the game. :( so i look on the bad campaign editor too.

    because the 3d model import in this game also empyrion, i think far away in the future it will be implemented to import .obj or .3ds models.
    the devs makes a good work on this game, who was released at 05.08.2015. the designs what you share with us (so me too :D) are
    ok but i think you must make the design of these models smoother because empyrion is a space game. :)

    this is what i can tell you about this things. :)

    because your starmade ships, this are really great! :) and useful!
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2015
  10. The Blue Thunder

    The Blue Thunder Lieutenant

    Aug 10, 2015
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    My ships from the game fromthedepths are not for story mode of that game but for campaign mode, campaign mode has no limit to RP and it is effective, it only takes one of my ships to take over the whole campaign of the planet once spawned in. I never made a ship for the story mode because its kind of boring and limited. Campaign mode is like a sandbox you have full control of your fleet and faction. I design my ships in a way Kalashnikov design the AK47, made to be reliable under all environment and take out a bigger fleet with a single ship.

    StarMade on the other hand my ships are full faction PvP only I never upload the blueprints which has our faction tech built in it. But when I do upload ships for starmade it would be a water down version less power cap, less power gen, less alpha damage with weapon systems but more rooms on the inside.
  11. The Blue Thunder

    The Blue Thunder Lieutenant

    Aug 10, 2015
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    More ships from starmade

    What me and my faction built together for an Eve titan and was never finished due to the lag
    Siege Inc. and Dead8Eye like this.
  12. Dead8Eye

    Dead8Eye Captain

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Hi! :D your Starmade ships looks awesome! :eek: . it will be really nice, when i can build some colored ships too.
    in starmade iam more the rpg player with my faction, so are many ships from me not 100% pvp like. :)
    too big ships ill never build in starmade, so ive build too huge things in the past. .obj like ships will i not make anymore, because the voxeling are not 100% perfect in binvox so in smedit too, so i
    try in future to build smaller but rpg like ships.

    how i can see all sour ships are rpg like too :eek:. this is amazing.

    Last edited: Aug 25, 2015
  13. Dead8Eye

    Dead8Eye Captain

    Aug 15, 2015
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    more pictures :)

  14. The Blue Thunder

    The Blue Thunder Lieutenant

    Aug 10, 2015
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    Cool ships and station now all we have to do is get starmade players to buy this game, the only problem I have getting my 250+ friends on steam to buy the game is they want rail systems, logic gates and weapon combination for ships and stations, also building your own turret as well, they kind of don't like prefabs objects to work with. Maybe we can get the devs of Empyrion to get some stuff from starmade.
    Like the following:
    • Rail systems: used for moving parts push/pull and rotation. Able to build mobile suits, trains, elevators, moving hangars elevators for storage of ships, hangar air lock doors and custom built turrets.
    • Weapon system combo
    • jump drives and warp gates
    • infinite universe
    • Faction system
    • Being able to build your own turret and not use the prefabs turrets.
  15. Dead8Eye

    Dead8Eye Captain

    Aug 15, 2015
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    :) hi .. i think the team of empyrion will integrade some features in the future. this game was released at the 05. august so it is
    ,,brand new,, . starmade exists since 5 years. schema worked alone at the engine since 10 years.

    custom turrets be not a good idea for empyrion so i think. we look back to the problems
    with fairness and rpg what we have on starmade. some idiots build super turrets and
    ships, who shutdown and crashes the servers. this are not playing in my eyes so iam
    good with the new shipyard update for more rpg like.

    what will be a really good opionion are a weapon customization, because you can edit
    and create new weapon types with a maximum of mass. the turrets can be redesigned on
    the same way but ,,block controlled turrets,, are rly bad for this game. :eek:

    actually, the empyrion game has the stables economics between starmade and space engineers. graphic is
    very nice and the tasks what you can have, are really good too. the faction system are included at moment
    but is not detailed. in creative, you can use alien or player cores to use it on the ship or base.

    however, i think it is to shortly because to say ,,empyrion are in the end status,, it is really at begin of this big project :) so starmade are on the first ,,end status,, because they have many things included. but in starmade you must edit the config files to bring more fairness in the game and configurate the economics. as standard, it is not rly integraded in starmade.

    planet exploring too. in starmade you can only build ships or stations but not life and be active with economical targets on planets. so the actually size of the planets must be over 100x bigger than now and a really good economic must be integraded so how minecraft. this is a big problem for 1 developer :eek:
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2015

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