Name: Eleon Studios - Official Public Server Slots: 42 EAC: Active _________________________ Server Location: Germany _________________________ Admin Ingame Name: Taelyn Admin Forum contact: Taelyn _________________________ Offers donations or perks: No Infolink to donations: -n/a- Uses 3rd Party Tool: EAH _________________________ Savegame started with version: 12.0 build 2939 Mode: Survival Seed: Random MP Type: Scenario (Possible: Scenario, Standard) Scenario Name: Default Multiplayer (Possible: Name as visible in the folder ...\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Content\Scenarios) Scenario Workshop link: *available with standard game installation* Maximal Blueprint Spawn Class: 25 Allowed BP Types: ALL (owned, subscribed, stock) (Possible: Non, Stock-Only, All) _________________________ Decay Time: 24 (Time after which player-built structures without core or less than 10 blocks get removed when not visited) Wipe Time: 720 (Time after which any player-built structures get removed when not visited) Protect Time: 24 (Time during which structures are offline protected) Note: -All times are given in real time hours, 1h real time = approximately 24h in game -Timer counts down as long as the dedicated process is active - deactivated playfields do not stop the timer) _________________________ Maximum Structures per playfield: 500 Antigrief Distance PvE: 30m Antigrief Distance PvP: 300m AntiGrief Ore Distance: 30m AntiGrief Ore Zones: PvE Volume and Weight : Active CPU Restriction: Actiive Max Block Count: Active (Max count for certain devices per vessel or structure, e.g. turrets, fixed weapons..) _________________________ Allow alliances between Origins: Yes (Yes = will allow alliances with or join factions from other Origins) Auto-allied within Origin: Yes (Yes = Factions of the same Origin are allied per default) FriendlyFire in PvP: No (No = will not damage any allied structure even in PvP. Will still hurt players) _________________________ Global Marketplace: Available _________________________ Difficulty Settings: Escape Pod Content: Medium Player Progression: Normal Player Backpack drop: Drop Everything Degradation Speed: Normal Radiation Temperature: Normal Amount Of Ore: Normal Number Of Deposits: Normal Drone Base Attack: Medium Drone Presence: Normal Enemy Spawn Rate: Normal Attack Strength: Medium Constructor Craft Time: Normal Blueprint Production Time: Normal _________________________ Additional Info: -n/a-
*How to report issues* 1. Lost a ship or base / vanished > tell us your ingame name, base/vessel name and playfield > Send me a PM 2. Crashed/CoQ/Freeze > tell us your ingame name, time and date, playfield name > Send me a PM 3. Run into a gameplay bug > report over here: 4. Want to discuss about the server world and setup? Feel free to add a comment below (other comments will be removed)
So, there's an Official US Server, Official EU Server... And now just "Official Public Server"? Forgive me but this makes the "official" servers seem very disjointed and odd. I imagine a new player looking for a server would be very confused as to which server they should be picking and what the difference is. This one doesn't even have the same settings as the others.
If I may suggest, the names might be tweaked to more clearly show that so that nobody else has to ask dumb questions like me
Hi,Hummel, is the decay time 2 min or 2 hours? Sometimes structures without core/damaged structures without core disappear very quickly.
Have you disabled POI respawn on Aitis ? The Abandoned mine (as well as the other POI) has not respawned in a while. I even textured a few walls inside to make sure someone was not taking over the POI before me every day. No player "cored" it so I have no clue on what's happening.
I am afraid i currently not able to retrieve the ship... the spot looks like someone has digged it and the ship is there..but gone. Need to investigate.
Yeah, weird isn't it. I have to confess that I was the one digging. Was curious if it might have been placed underground. Knew it was probably long odds to find it. I've been playing on the server through several iterations and have seen this happen before. No real explanation. It's not a big deal that it cannot be retrieved. I'm reasonably well established on the planet and have plenty of means. Thank you so much for looking into it and for replying.
I'm only taking a guess at this and see if you are only looking at the history tab and not seeing the server listed there anymore. I cannot be certain but I know that I was on the "Eleon Studios - Official Public Server" and I think it's been wiped and now is called "Eleon Studios-Official US Server" I would assume that the Starter planets are now subject to a wipe as described in some of the other forums. Taelyn or Hummel....., please correct anything that I may have gotten incorrect. Thx
Nope, you are mixing quite a lot of stuff together. We wouldn't wipe servers silently or merge them or whatever. Regarding the starter planets wipe this mentioned in the Official US / EU thread. The server is online again and was down because of some maintenance / restructuring. RexXxuS