What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. En_Ma

    En_Ma Commander

    Aug 2, 2017
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    So far ot seems ... well, everything is overkill :)
    The blocks directly orthogonal to a full t2 tank exploding got 27 damage, those diagonal and those 2 blocks away got 18 damage.
    3 block away is a safe distance.

    Putting in some separators however still seems a good idea if there are other things that may be targeted behind the tanks. It's a good excuse to layer armour without going all "PvP steel brick"
  2. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Did you notice if damage is propagating through blocks? I seem to get that a lot despite AoE supposedly not doing so any more. I often get issues with things being damaged despite being covered in Combat Steel Blocks. I wonder if it's simply a lag-shot - which still exist - or some form of AoE not being stopped by the blocks.

    I regularly get things damaged that are behind armoured blocks that have taken a hit. I'd assume a lag-shot would see the covering block undamaged, whereas an AoE effect would see the covering block take some damage too. I invariably see the protecting block slightly damaged, with the device it was protecting either destroyed or at least damaged. In my own tests, admittedly not recently, an air gap - so no blocks - seemed to yield the same results as an armour layer in regards to a device exploding and affecting adjacent, but not touching, devices.

    Starwing6 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  3. Its Just Steve

    Its Just Steve Captain

    Aug 4, 2017
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    That's a nice lookin ship there! Liking the lines of the main body front to back, and I'm jealous of how you put together, what I assume is, the rear thruster assemblies.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  4. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Holy crap.

    Nice ship Darkscis.


    My own endeavors with CV building are getting closer...






    Must... keep.... small....

    Must... restrain... artistic.... side... (but not too much.)

    Need a toppin off of the caffeine...

    *guzzles red bull*


    Every block matters!
  5. Its Just Steve

    Its Just Steve Captain

    Aug 4, 2017
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    Now, I know you all have been waiting on pins and needles (which has nothing to do with me) to hear how I've got on with the @piddlefoot scenario Exploration for Sols Lost City, so here we go...

    After a couple of fitful starts full of running away and dying, I've finally gained a foothold on what many in the galaxy consider, a tame planet. Venus is not easy, nor is it particularly difficult. It's just not Akua. Not having a breathable atmo and occasional radiated fog haven't been my issue so much as the ever present PV-hard that seems to be everywhere and the Large drones of every type around every POI from landfall. I've learned the value of of running and hiding and was fortunate enough to happen upon the trade station that has free air, medical and most importantly, a large constructor. I spent close to the first week on planet working out of the trade station, exercising patience and control as the night life is anything but tame.
    I was fortunate enough that local galaxy builder and designer @rucky sent me blueprints for a simple miner to help my efforts in acquiring resources, but new to me I could not begin the factory production until I was "appropriately leveled" even though the resources had been sent to the factory.

    There was still much work to do, planet to discover and drones to deal with so it behooved me to pick random plants as far as I dared venture on my bike, so I built the most basic HV I could and set out. Only to discover that having a ventilator on board was needed, which led to a rebuild, which led to more equipment needed. But I was finally able to get out and explore. And explore I did and just kept finding and running from the PV and POIs that have popped up every 1-2 km. This planet is not tame at all.

    Perseverance was paramount and I pressed on making multiple passes around the planet, through the dense jungles and over the vast water bodies and located a mountaintop that even @Starwing6 @Friendly Timo and @rainyday would take a second look at. So I made note of it for future reference and headed back to the TS to gear up and pick up my mining HV.

    Skipping past the fun of telling you about the mining, having the PV pass overhead while I frantically burrowed away and multiple drones take some shots at me, I finally made my way to the mountaintop I'd located, and dug like crazy. And dug, and dug and dug...

    With one last visit to the TS, I dropped off the stone with the vendor to have processed into concrete blocks and picked up the processed ore I had left earlier. I grabbed a quick meal, washroom break and shower and headed back to the mountaintop, building materials and necessary equipment to survive up there in hand.

    Building out the base very quickly turned into "just one more thing" and I now have my largest base (and tired eyes) I've built with a hangar to fit even my biggest H/SVs multiple times and it actually has a wing for each main section of what I need for life. But for now, this is my favorite place, the Eastern skyview deck overlooking the plains with a view of a pretty epic moon. With my single rocket turret happily one-shotting any drone close enough, I've managed to gain a livable existence on what is a not so tame Venus.

    How you like that moon?
  6. Friendly Timo

    Friendly Timo Captain

    Aug 8, 2017
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    Good data! I tested these things furher; I went to PvP playfield on survival mode on our server and got these following initial test results:

    Blast damage to the next object:

    SmallO2 tank - 5

    Large O2 tank - 10
    O2large 2.jpg

    T2 Fuel tank - 27
    T2 fueltanks 2.jpg

    T3 Fuel tank (2x2 arrangement) - 40
    T3 fueltanks 2.jpg

    Hitpoints for a regular steelcube is 500. According to these initial tests, I think it is safe to say one layer of steel is sufficient to block any chainexplosions from happening. So I would stick to same plan in the future: Separate fueltanks, or pockets of fueltanks from each other with one layer of steel. In case of any event you would need more than that, you would be already in huge trouble regardless since something is tearing through layers of steel. Separating O2 tanks would be advicable but not neseccary, especially if pockets of O2 tanks would be still separated by one layer of steel to guard against possible compounding damage.
    Starwing6, Tyrax Lightning and En_Ma like this.
  7. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Size comparison:

  8. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I decided the ship was far enough along to post a few screenshots of it.

    Sadly, it's still my classic flying box design, but it does have the two hanger decks JohnDoe44 requested.
    (Roof access for one, side access for the other.)

    There are 5 3x3 grow pot grids in both wings, so it has a large potential for food production.

    It's still very much a work in progress, feedback is welcome.

    Forward view showing the windows for all 3 decks.

    Top view showing the upper hangar doors.

    Side view showing the side hangar doors.
    I'm also figuring out where I can add a few side thrusters for redundancy, it currently only has one large per side.

    Looking back from the cockpit, the lowered ceiling for the second deck stops after the elevator blocks.
    So the lower hangar is larger than the screenshot would suggest.
  9. En_Ma

    En_Ma Commander

    Aug 2, 2017
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    Today I exploded things! and it's all @Friendly Timo 's fault :D

    Have a look over there: http://empyriononline.com/threads/guide-fuel-tank-explosion-damage.12642/ , I'm trying to consolidate some data. ;)

    And I even had the time to finally build a small SV I like!
    I had some trouble naming it, but while doing loops I thought "... this kinda looks like the horns". Well, it does not anymore now that I finished it, but I liked the name, so in honor of Mr. Dio, here's the corna.

    The 3 thrusters blocks can be switched on and off separately. Two are all rounders, the third is only forward propulsion for when I need to go somewhere in a hurry.





    The full blueprint has an utility pod that I'll probably take off when I need to go do serious combat.
  10. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    3854 iron with two hangar bays.... So close!

  11. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    @Fractalite - Build 1193, has there been an undocumented hotfix? I'm still on 1192....am I MISSING OUT OF STUFFS? :)

    Oh, just sorting out some updated screen shots...be back in a bit....

    It's dawn on Akua, and here's a shot of my CV again, it's pretty much finished now, though doubtless I'll continue tweaking. Notice that it now has the full compliment of Six Minigun Turrets, just in case, as well as a single Mining Turret I added a while back. I've already used this CV for Asteroid Mining :)


    Check out that rear end...


    Inside the Port hangar. This is the Main Hangar with a Repair Pad and Storage for HV/SV and BA/CV Parts and Equipment. Behind that Shutter Door is a Med Bay and O2 Dispenser. The HV in the Foreground is one of my ancient designs I'd been updating a little. LoD issues mean the two front-facing Spotlight Cubes are not being rendered. This build is currently unarmed, but is designed to take just the one turret for defence. It was designed long before any HV mining equipment was available, and was designed to be fast, fairly tough (Hardened Steel) yet be able to defend its self, and me, from the odd drone while I was manually mining nearby. I like the design, so thought I'd bring it into this game :)


    Here's my little SV, a bit more well-armed than it once was, plus sporting my personal paint job. Grey lower, Blue Upper is my scheme of choice.


    Today I took out a Fortress POI on Akua, then ran into issues and was forced to revert to a save backup from over an hour earlier. I've since re-taken TWO Fortress POI's and reclaimed them in their entirety, giving my an excess of Steel Plate and Hardened Steel Plate. Doubtless that will be useful some day... I also assaulted the Drone Base, it's now mine...well, I popped a core down to check for devices, but I'd already reclaimed everything :)

    With peace being brought to Akua thanks to guns, explosions and death, I'm only now seriously considering setting up a BA of my very own. It's going to be a lakeside property next to my deployables and will be made of Concrete. I like Concrete. I'm going to ponder the design of this build. It'll not be underground as many of my prior build were by necessity. It's also not going to be actively defended with turret placements, there's no need now after all. I'm thinking lots of space and windows, along with a landing pad area large enough for my CV. I'll equip it with a Repair Bay of course, and it'll be classed as Home.

    Looking forward, I may equip it for crunching Ore, though I'm yet to upgrade my auto miners, I've not the materials, missing Zascosium and Erestrum needed in the upgrade.

    Oh, interestingly, I've not visited Akua's Moon yet but it's on my list :)

    Last edited: Aug 12, 2017
  12. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Alright.... 90% complete.


    Just realized, in addition to final tweaks concerning texturing and painting, I do not have a gravity generator... crap. And it is an even number of blocks wide.
  13. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Heh, I feel your pain. I do wish some of the functional devices such as the Gravity Generator had some different models via Right-Click. The amount of times I've wished for a 3x3x2 Gravity Generator for symmetry is, well, definitely some :) Lol.

    Oh, I've started work on my Akua BA, used about 2,000 Concrete Blocks already, as well as about 40 Window Blocks. I've an area large enough to land my CV, as well as a bridge plus stairs leading to my Deployables. Currently having slidey fun on the stairs though lol.

  14. En_Ma

    En_Ma Commander

    Aug 2, 2017
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    Assuming you've not already put that in, you could pair it with the offline protection eggbeater thingy. I guess? Only thing that matches and is 2x2 that I can remember.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  15. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Robot Shark, En_Ma, Starwing6 and 6 others like this.
  16. hound

    hound Captain

    Sep 15, 2016
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    Frac that is one pretty ship......but I hate you so much.....I wanted to play tonight. I have a single player game going and I am doing well. BUT now i just want to get in creative and build a spindly smexy ship like that....I hate you.....thanks dude....lol
    Tyrax Lightning and Fractalite like this.
  17. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Truthfully, i've always wondered what those are.

    Oh grow up Drones. YOU get to have Infinite Numbers vs just us lone Players in SP. :p

    I like how the Player's big fat Head sits in front of that Spotlight while Piloting that thing yet the Spotlight can still do its job just fine for no reason at all whatsoever. :p

    Ya think that's bad work? Ya shoulda seen my first CV or two... I was so ashamed of them I intentionally have no surviving Pics (That I remember...) of them & intentionally worked to erase them from my brain. :p

    Even as is I bet no one in the Empyrion 'verse will ever wanna use my CV Builds except me.

    Also dunno why ya are trying to keep your CV less then 5,000ish iron... i'm not proud of a CV build of mine if it doesn't need at least 20,000 Units of Iron's worth of Badassery. :p

    Oops... I forgot to think about the fact that one cannot really fire a CV Turret straight forward & strafe left or right at Max Speed at the same time... guess that'd take 2 people to test that way... I tend to test this kinda thing out by Cheater Spawning in a CV for Testing into a Dummy SP Survival, cheater spawn in the Ammo, Fuel, O2, & such & load up, then 'draft' a Alien Space Station into helping me test by strafing left or right at Max Speed around said Space Station while making sure I have the CV oriented & pointed toward the Station straight enough that the Targets it'd acquire would be at or close enough to dead ahead. Usually if i'm hearing Impacts on my Ship the Alien Shots don't look like they coulda caused & at the same time i'm not seeing shots from my own Turrets I think I should be seeing I assume one or more of my Turrets's Positioning isn't good enough & i'm getting self-inflicted friendly fire damage.

    Wow, normal Steel DID sufficiently armor vs Fuel Tank Blasts? I never woulda called that. :eek:

    Also yeah, I too have come to the conclusion that O2 Tanks & RCS are only weakly explosive.

    So... the Empyrion Site is telling us how many Malicious Attack Programs are on the Site at any one moment...?

    Yeah, kinda like sticking some stuff into a Bottle, sticking some Water in, closing it up, shaking it up, then it fills with Gas from the Mixture till the Bottle goes POP!!!, except on a bigger scale, & with Pressurized O2. The stuff to stick into a bottle to do the above, I forget off the top of my head... too long ago...

    I did this ages ago & one Layer of Combat Steel was always enough... just make sure ya do the Corner Block Spaces too cause the Corner Blocks get hit by the Explosion too.

    Ya tryin to make me feel like a Klutz for using an entire 6 Gatling Guns on my Barebones SV? :(

    Nah, you're just a One Man Army. :cool:

    That's a mighty interesting Design... I bet Fractalite's Asymm Thread would welcome that dude with open arms. :)

    Even...? Don't ya mean Odd...? o_O

    Also yeah I wish there was a Odd Number friendly Grav Gen too. :(

    I can't help but to snicker at the Wood Plank Usage for some reason... but nevertheless, interesting lookin dude. Not every day ya see a CV with a Goose-like Neck ya could imagine Giant Hands wringing... :p (Unless it could get more Guns onto it to 'deter' this. ;))

    & yes i'm sure i'm being a Muscle-Head again. I can't help myself.

    Hey, this is what us Forumites are for... to make each other jealous! :p
    En_Ma, Friendly Timo, Kieve and 2 others like this.
  18. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    Work on Argentspire has progressed to the point where structural integrity is no longer a danger, so I've moved it to Omicron for better lighting.
    This is actually the front of the build. I figure most people will have a hover or SV they prefer to park inside, and thus the garage will be the main entrance.

    The more familiar "spire" face is actually the back this time around, although the stairway on the lower right permits access for those on foot (so no running all the way around to the garage). And of course, the upper deck can serve as a landing pad for small SVs.

    Still working out a design for the garage wall. Internal setup has yet to be decided - right now I'm just working on pathing (stairs and elevator). It's much more "open" than the old Angelspire, but I suspect that space will fill up fast once I begin placing walls, utilities, and deco.
  19. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Very awesome! It puts me in mind of a futuristic church . . . perhaps we've been searching for Empyrion the wrong way all this time :p.
    Starwing6 and Its Just Steve like this.
  20. john.73738

    john.73738 Captain

    Feb 1, 2017
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    Second attempt at a 'roid base. Entirely in survival. 20170812163057_1.jpg 20170812163123_1.jpg 20170812163139_1.jpg 20170812163155_1.jpg

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