I've read here: "If you are using 30004 as your game port, you also need to forward 30005, 30006, 30007 (and 30008 if you want to use Telnet over the internet)." So if your starter port (in the dedicated.yaml file) is 30001 then the last port will be 30005. If it is 30000 then it shouldn't be larger then 30004. (according to the linked post)
I've seen cases that disabling the firewall causes connections to be blocked, so I never turn it off anymore. Seriously.
I have even opened up 29000-30006 now and still nothing. server is running but still cant connect. keeps timing out
Are you connecting through a VPN of some sort? Or over the internet? If over the internet, ask someone else to try to connect. Maybe it's your client. If over a VPN, it could be routing or a VPN client firewall-esque features or something.
ok so if server is running and i try to connect = it gives me a timeout message if server is not running and i try to connect = it gives me a connection timeout message so something tells me the server receives the connection request, but either dont grant it or the client fails to get a response from the server
You are correct. Timeout = the client knows it gets through, but gets no response. Connection timeout = The client does not know if it's packets reach the server. As said before, in my environment this was because UDP was not open. Since UDP does not let the sender know it works, you can never know if it does. I still really think UDP is not opened. Could it be that the hosting party did forward all TCP ports, but did not opened up UDP? You could disable all firewalls you want, but if the hosting company does not forward UDP, your screwed. Edit: with 'not opened' I meant the router/firewall before you server, I do assume that your server is configured correctly. It's too late to think clearly, but if it's really not the above, then it's either something like (D)NAT or a routing issue. To rule out routing, use the tracert -d <serverIP> command in a prompt to see if both sides can reach each other. Some * or timeouts are to be expected, as long as the destination is reached (=Trace complete.) and not running around in circles. Do be aware that this test is not conclusive, but could help.
Host confirmed both UDP and TCP are opened. So tracert is successfuly from client to server but NOT from server to client? it does seem to reach my country.
ok, tested the tracert to my fixed line that i use to play empyrin and it now completes from server to client.
Yeah, it looks like an issue with the border security. @SilvRav are you absolutely sure you've not been given info/credentials to a control panel of some kind to manage the router/firewall/slice thereof for your server? (I do not really have much experience with vps, but all the hosting I have used so far included one or multiple separate firewalls at the borders)
HI nope, only my server login details to remote desktop connect. yes on my side, server side all ports are open and empyrion / resource manager confirms this as it states allowed, not restricted. Gonna try fight with the host co some more
I have spent about an hour searching for a good UDP test tool. (you need the server and client because UDP is one-way traffic only) I have found this one: http://en.freedownloadmanager.org/Windows-PC/UDP-Test-Tool-FREE.html Simple and works like a charm. I did try it at our internal network at work. From here to my home server I could not test because our company firewall disallows it. Try this: On your VPS: 1) Stop your Empyrion server 2) On the right should be the (local) IP of your server. Do set the port to 30000 on the right. On your home PC: Open the same tool and type the external IP of your server (not specifically the one the server says!) into the left field, with the same port: 30000. Type a message on the client and press send. If you server gets the message in the bottom-right log, try all ports 30000-30004. If all ports get the message, UDP is setup fine. If not, something is blocking communication and you are 100% sure an UDP blockage is the cause. Where this blockage resides, that's unfortunately up to you.
yis, thanks man. my home network is down at the moment and our work firewall is also blocked to the brim. will try this tonight at home
Unfortunately that's not indicative. I don't really know how Empyrion goes about network communication, but considering that it uses multiple TCP and UDP ports it's fairly different than, say, Terraria (which uses a single TCP channel for each client).
Home network came back online. all tested...from 30000-30006 and all working. the 1 or 2 missed is when i forget to press bind so this settles it then...ports are setup correctly
It could be those games only use TCP Or those specific ports are opened on both protocols. As far as I found, UPnP is not (yet?) used with Empyrion. This dynamically/automatically opens up all required ports. Perhaps those other games do use UPnP, where EMP doesn't. This last bit could very well explain your situation. This, however, still points to a port issue with your hosting co's border security.
Indeed. UDP is setup and forwarded correctly. Now I'm at a loss honestly... Bug report to Eleon perhaps then?