
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Supercrab

    Supercrab Commander

    Jun 8, 2017
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    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  2. GTv

    GTv Rear Admiral

    Feb 28, 2017
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    Plug in a USB keyboard and move on.
    Or get a new leptop.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  3. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    FWIW, I just changed out the KB on my wife's laptop after a spill. The new KB was around $30 on Amazon and it took half an hour to replace. I've replaced KB's on three laptops now, all different brands, and they all followed pretty much the same procedure. There are tutorials on line.
    Supercrab and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  4. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Wow... I did not know that was possible...
  5. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Not only that, but it's actually decently straightforward to replace a busted case. You do have to detach and lift out every single component (motherboard included), but if you keep things organized, all that's required is a steady hand and the ability to follow a tutorial :).
    Tyrax Lightning and binhthuy71 like this.
  6. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Ability to follow Tutorial, check... if I take it slow & careful enough. Steady Hand? No go, don't have one of those. :(
    binhthuy71 and Mortlath like this.
  7. GTv

    GTv Rear Admiral

    Feb 28, 2017
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    I hear Eric Clapton does...or is that a slow hand?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  8. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Never heard of Eric Clapton...
  9. GTv

    GTv Rear Admiral

    Feb 28, 2017
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    Not many have. His bands were just flashes in the pan.

    The Roosters
    Casey Jones and The Engineers
    The Yardbirds
    John Mayall’s Bluesbreakers
    Delaney & Bonnie & Friends
    Blind Faith
    Derek & The Dominos

    If interested:

    Madison Square Garden New York , NY
    United States
    Chase Private Client Presale
    Start: Thursday, 02/02/17 11:00 AM EST / 8:00AM PST
    End: Friday, 02/03/17 11:59 PM EST / 8:59PM PST

    Chase Preferred Customer Presale
    Start: Thursday, 02/02/17 12:00 PM EST / 9:00 AM PST
    End: Friday, 02/03/17 11:59 PM EST / 8:59 PM PST

    EC Access Fan Club Presale:
    Start: Thursday, 02/02/17 12:00 PM EST / 9:00 AM PST
    End: Friday, 02/03/17 11:59 PM EST / 8:59 PM PST
    Existing members of EC Access, the official Eric Clapton Fan Club, should log in to for additional ticketing details.

    Onsale to General Public
    Saturday, 02/04/17 10:00 AM EST

    Tickets for this show are US $75.00 - US $500.00 plus fees.
    There is a two (2) ticket limit for the Fan Club sale. There is a six (6) ticket limit for all others.

    Ticketmaster Link: Eric Clapton at Madison Square Garden - Sept 7, 2017
    binhthuy71 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  10. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    Been playing other games for a couple months, came back to Empyrion to see how it's going.
    Started a new game (Akua). Still fun for first couple days. Then started to notice how many things require advanced materials.
    Went up to orbital Admin Station, same freeze bug I had back in June still happens;
    Manual drilling from HV still un-playable, for me.
    Tried to assault a POI (Akua) for Power Coils. They seem a lot tougher than before? It hammered SV & a decent HV; both had only Iron/Copper/Cobalt/Sili/Mag bits.
    Feels like the game, even on mostly 'easy' settings, is just forcing you off Akua, all the way to the hardest planets. If you want the 'good' stuff.
    Can't say I enjoyed it much. I had many playthroughs prior to Alpha 6 (800+hrs). Now, just not my thing.
    I probably missed mechanics that would give at least a few Power Coils & weapon upgrades.

    Basically just wanted to give my .02 cents as I was a big fan before. Btw, part of the reason I'd prefer to stay away from the 'harder' planets is simply due to their look. I know lots of folks like the dreary/scary/dark worlds. That's fine. I don't care for them. I like Akua and Omnicron.

    Prior to 6 Empyrion felt much more sand-boxy. Now feels like a scripted game, without the script. I'd like to play an open sandbox version of Empyrion. Where all resources were on each planet. I get that a lot of the vocal folks want things to be harder. Okay. I'd like the option of having fun in a lower stress game. Please don't just knee-jerk with, "play Creative". I'm putting this in General Feedback. Letting the devs know that where once I was very positive and actively played, now I'm not; and why. Not doom & glooming, just my recent personal experiance with Empyrion.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  11. Darkscis

    Darkscis Captain

    Jul 24, 2017
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    I both agree and disagree with you on this one. I feel there needs to be *some* incentive to go out and explore the galaxy, otherwise what is the point. That said, I completely agree with you that in a sandbox type world, if someone doesn't want to leave Akua then why should they be forced too.

    I have never had any trouble accumulating enough Neodymium/Sathium/Erestrium or Zascosium to at least get started with a few rail guns for an armoured SV and a T2 drill or two though, even on my Akua starts. I have done a lot of them recently with the wife and ended up with enough of each for multiple SV's and equipment in fact.

    I guess at the end of the day, you could always make yourself a custom planet (and perhaps orbit) playfield where you have everything available. There are tools to solve your issue is basically what I am saying - just because the stock starter planets aren't to your liking doesn't mean you should put the game down :)
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  12. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    If I remember right, there's even a Thread dedicated to Shared Mod Planets... though I can't remember where it's at anymore. I'm a fan of Mios. :)
  13. Vexray

    Vexray Captain

    May 12, 2016
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    I can assure you planets will be more lively and inviting in the future, Planets like Mios and Lumia were some of my best but with our new plans, im sure everyone is going to have alot of fun going new places! ^_~
    Neal and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  14. Space Beagle

    Space Beagle Captain

    Oct 9, 2016
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    aaaaand, are we getting few more suns in that (immediate) future with this new planets :D
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  15. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    An Electric Sun would rock! :p (& the Laws of Physics can kiss my Shiny Glitch Ass.)
    Neal likes this.
  16. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    I'd be happy to see binary systems, given how prevalent they are.
    Neal and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  17. Scott.Ward

    Scott.Ward Commander

    Nov 24, 2016
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    Please allow a created graphic file from the "Choose Starting Planet" to be loaded and not load a generic default graphic on dedicated servers.
    - You already have this working in solo play where it will load the preview_empty.png in the planet folder, but when loaded on a dedicated server it loads a default graphic for the biome in the YAML.
    - For a server a simple preview_planetname.png (or jpg) in the planet folder would work easily and you already have the code in place for solo play why not extend this to dedicated servers? I don't understand why you would use 8 static preview pics which exist in the 'PreviewPics" folder. One temperate planet may look nothing like another temperate planet. A picture can say a thousands words and you don't even allow the person to see what type of planet they can be starting on.

    Edit: After some testing with graphic files I am also assuming the folder ...

    C:\steamcmd\steamapps\common\Empyrion - Dedicated Server\Content\Extras\PreviewPics ...

    is a dud folder and the graphic is loaded from the client side? why waste space on the server with these files if this is not working?
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2017
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  18. Methule

    Methule Lieutenant

    Jun 30, 2017
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    3rd person camera -
    While not piloting a ship, please remove the lerp interpolation that controls the camera while behind the player model. This causes a wish-washy movement that makes it hard to control the character. First person and 3rd person view should have the same precise motion. This works fine when piloting a vessel, however.
    Tyrax Lightning and Neal like this.
  19. The Flying Dragon

    The Flying Dragon Lieutenant

    Oct 19, 2016
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    Feedback about PVP

    This is an assessment of playing PVP in 6.0 start to 6.71. Also played in a large faction and there are a number of player who have raised the following points

    1. A serious imbalance on SV/HV armor in PVP. They need small combat steel blocks or they become either useless or super ugly and clumsy.
    2. There needs to be better range on SV weapons system because as of now the SV is only good for SV vs SV. It does not look realistic for one when you fire a rocket and it stops in midair. They should continue on a trajectory and explode when they hit what they hit period. They had better technology in the 1970's USAF. So now the Air to Ground is rather horrid.
    3.Its a nightmare taking out a turret system only because you have rendered the tanks and sv so very weak it almost game breaking. It takes hours sometimes and thats no exaggeration. There are limited tactics since the HV tanks and SV are so very weak now.
    4. Need armored fuel tanks. This is the weakest point of anything. The exploding fuel tanks. The splash damage even get in and takes a ship out right away because of this. Can there be a technology where the fuel is less explosive or more protected in armored casing itself. It takes a lot of room on a ship to double space from all the splash damage and explosive chain reaction.
    5. When a faction member turns a CV private its offline protection kills other faction members and allied members. Also a faction members private base will attack a faction vessel. This has also created lots of headache.
    6. Need faction lock codes so players do not feel the need to make a ship on private all of the time. In case they are paranoid about the new guy. In a large faction having no lock codes is a real headache at times. Esp if things go missing.
    7. Player turrets shoot to and from underground still. If you go into and area under a turret it wont shoot at you. But if you leave the area with your stuff there and come back and reload the area, the enemy guns destroy it all. Also the turrets will shoot from underground and hit you in the air.
    8. Need a submarine vessel or adapt the hv as such. Also there needs to be an ability to fire weapons underwater with a sub or player personal weapons. Or some kind of special underwater weapon. Need more marine activity.
    9. The PVP offline protection should be replaced by shields that use a lot of energy. You can weaken the shield over time but hitting it a lot and draining the power. The shield strength could be determined by the strength of a special power gen and fuel systems that supply the energy to the shield.
    10. Sometimes when you take out a core of a player or structure not visited for a week the whole base just vanishes when you try to take the core. This could be considered game breaker also. And at least have the loot fall out into indestructible cases instead of being destroyed or vanishing when raiding a base. this really sucks when you spend all the time raiding some players base and you hit a fuel tank (which is so easy to do BTW) and all your loot gets shot or blown up or vanished
    11. Please allow the server owner or person playing the games to set a precise gun limit. You can use an options tab or something and have it displayed on info along with the class size. Its rather limited now and some players want more than a class 1-4 ship fight. Some people have left the game because of this and some console players like it. But the PC player wants more and wants to create more and get more out of it.
    12. Flying is space is so slow it take too long. Its ok to have a big heavy CV turn slower but it should go faster with those giant engines they have. There is no gravity in space so the weight should not be as much of a factor.
    13. Need more optimization on loading play areas and ships. It is just so cumbersome once things begin to accumulate.
    14. I hope you get rid of those pole barriers soon. Its hard when you get caught on the wall in a middle of a fight and you become completely disorientated and sometimes stuck after hitting it and vulnerable to the enemy turrets.
    15. Need a target lock for SV on air to air or air to ground MSL to get us up to 1980s technology.
    16. The hand rocket launchers and plasma need more strength. It takes forever to take out one combat blocks with one.

    Well thats all on the top of my head for now.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2017
    binhthuy71 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  20. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    @The Flying Dragon Good points. A minor quibble with #12, objects in zero G still have mass and the Laws of Motion still apply. Bigger engines mean that you will accelerate and decelerate faster. Given enough time to accelerate in free space a ship with small engines will reach the same speed as one with big engines.
    Fun fact, the recently demised Cassini probe weighed 5712 kg. Its main engine developed 445 Newtons of thrust. It reached a speed of 67,870 kph.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.

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