Blocks and Devices wish list

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Siege Inc., May 27, 2017.

  1. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    I can 100% agree with this. But I would love to add a rotor and piston system to that list. I would like to ships with moving parts.
  2. SPV_Bladebow

    SPV_Bladebow Ensign

    Aug 27, 2017
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    Ok new idea. There are water worlds how about a entire new tech tree for vehicles designed solely for use in or under water. like impellers for movement under water. sonar sorta like the night vision but gives a ping picture of whats infront of you. the tree is open for ideas
  3. GTv

    GTv Rear Admiral

    Feb 28, 2017
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    The water is not deep enough for this to be much fun though. Plus HVs go over water just fine already.
  4. Gawain

    Gawain Commander

    Aug 13, 2017
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    This tread is about block right so I got one for you.

    I dont like invisible block for logistical reasons, but we need something that we can pass through that maintains air pressure. There has been countless requests for larger doors so we can house medium to small CVs. How about a tangible force wall?

    Like the solid block only make it simi transparent like the door force fields, regardless of power. Give it a minor amount of hit points so that it can be damaged or multi tooled but make it so that any player or operated vessel could pass through it. The code would be simple. Tangible vs attacks and tools but unaffected by collision just like the field on doors and pressureized. This would allow players to make any sized doors.

    Considering this would primarily be used to pressurize large spaces, it would be an ideal time to implement larger than 1x1x1 blocks. I would recommend 1x5x5 wall chunks with 250 hp. Keep in mind this is not a defense screen, simply a large oxygen barrier.
    admiral_slapper, ion_storm and IanX like this.
  5. Frankyln

    Frankyln Rear Admiral

    Sep 13, 2015
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    I want air tight Force field
    • No defense/hp on the field.
    • Can be shot through,
    • Can be walk through.
    • Infinite scalability
    • uses power
    • It just keeps o2 in when a door is open.
    Something like Shaostoul - Force Fields mod for Space Engineer
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2017
    ion_storm likes this.
  6. GTv

    GTv Rear Admiral

    Feb 28, 2017
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    Through. Not threw.
    I went through the barrier.
    I then threw a ball through the barrier.
  7. GTv

    GTv Rear Admiral

    Feb 28, 2017
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    The pass through windows look cool, but I cannot understand what the narrative is saying. I assume he is speaking about the windows.
  8. rotrules1234

    rotrules1234 Ensign

    May 27, 2017
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    I desire an option to size scale most blocks and devices up to overwhelming size.

    • The bigger the armor block, the heavier but more hp the resized armor block could contain. For example, if an armor block is twice as large, it will have 8 times the hp but 8 times the mass.
    • The bigger the device, the more effective the device could perform its intended function(s). A constructor twice as large could manufacture components 8 times faster than a normal sized constructor.
    • The bigger the turret, the greater the firing rate (or damage and blast radius) and range of the turret but the slower the turret rotates in degrees per second. An artillery turret on a capital ship twice as large could fire 8 times as fast, have the range of 8 kilometers, but only rotate as fast as any other normal sized turret.
    • Some devices should not be resized such as furniture, farming plots, and warp engines.
    • A mining turret twice as large could harvest ore 8 times faster than a regular sized turret.
    As there are already non-device blocks that are capable of achieving sizes greater than 8 cubic meters of space, it shouldn't be too difficult to implement a mechanic to resize blocks.

    But there's one potential balancing issue when it comes to larger blocks for larger ships: whoever has more firepower could easily level entire bases with the biggest "mini gun" turrets the galaxy has ever seen. But the bases could also have an even bigger artillery turret to vaporize the big capital ship before the capital ship could even get in range of the base. A big base or capital ship may look impossible to board, but larger turrets have a much greater minimum range and have poor maneuverability; making boarding larger bases and ships just as easy as their normal sized counterparts. Bigger blocks also require far more resources to manufacture and more fuel to maintain, creating a good reason to start interplanetary conflicts over dwindling resources to fuel an escalating arms race.
    Neal and Gawain like this.
  9. jtgmerk

    jtgmerk Lieutenant

    May 31, 2016
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    how about this idea, a special block that any shape with a group of these blocks would have a blue force field like doors or hangers would appear between them. This would allow passageways without doors of any size to be made. It wouldn't solve the larger hanger door issue.
    Neal likes this.
  10. Gawain

    Gawain Commander

    Aug 13, 2017
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    This is close to what Suggested above but it has merit. It would take more coding but in the end be more practical and efficient than my idea above. Please keep posting.
  11. IanX

    IanX Ensign

    Sep 2, 2017
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    I would like to see round elevator blocks and piston ones, those would give a nice new look to some areas.
    A holographic cockpit - One that is closed from outside, but inside you would have the view because cameras, like Ace Combat Falken, would make a great T2 or T3 upgrade.
    Has someone suggested new formats for the round turbos (Those M, L, XL...)? They simply don't blend well with other blocks.
    Siege Inc. likes this.
  12. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    Place a camera on the outside of your vehicle/base.
    Have a surface (texture) on a block (or more blocks combined) become a monitor for that camera.

    Also i'd love to have some "special Effects" blocks, like a steady energy stream or force field (just for visuals).
    ion_storm and Siege Inc. like this.
  13. IanX

    IanX Ensign

    Sep 2, 2017
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    Maybe I didn't search correctly ( sorry I fail at using the engine), but would be good to have top-closed bathroom and showers
  14. Jonofwrath

    Jonofwrath Ensign

    Feb 13, 2017
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    A set of blocks (like there are already for angles and long wedges) but for large radius curves (creating a full circle if you only use the group). You can currently make a circle of radius one iirc so you could have odd increments; 3, 5, 7 etc. The more the better!

    Corresponding corner blocks would be good too.
    Ntslatko likes this.
  15. jackik1410

    jackik1410 Ensign

    Sep 9, 2017
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    I would really, REALLY enjoy seeing to things in the game.
    1. A way to remotely control a vehicle (perhaps even automate it a little), useful for basically everything ranging from combat, mining, scouting, gathering and hauling.
    2. A docking device or connector; What I mean with that is a device that is capable of accessing the tanks(o2 and fuel) of another ship to refuel it or its own ship, with the ability, to pull/push items from one to the other.

    1 think I am missing in this game is the automatization (played too much Factorio). While it's nice that I can have auto miners do half my work, I still have to do the other, getting the resources to my base and have them processed. If the devs were to implement 3 tiers of small robot drones that do the resource hauling for me (and perhaps a range of other things) instead of giving the ability to build them would also be awesome, but I think that is a part that is missing in the game.
    As I advance in the game I find myself less and less flexible in the resource aspect and spend more and more time doing the mindless work of running/flying around putting resources and fuel from one container to the other, which isn't all that much fun. Were there systems that were to be capable of assisting me in those chores I could do more of what I want, like building, dying, shooting or docking 2 CVs for example :p
    Ravis, IanX and Mortlath like this.
  16. IanX

    IanX Ensign

    Sep 2, 2017
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    A round, thin and one sized landing gear for svs.
  17. Ravis

    Ravis Captain

    May 17, 2017
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    A device or array of blocks (dep on ship size I guess) that would allow me to build a ship in a "ghost mode" without parts in survivel. (And saved to a blue print you can then spawn in). I guess Im looking for a sudo creative mode, in the normal game as it seems past a certain point I end up in creative more to build bigger and more complex things. Maybe it could be tossed in with repair blue print as it's kinda similar, (just starting from scratch lol) when / if they do that?
  18. oojimaflip

    oojimaflip Captain

    Oct 6, 2016
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  19. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    I'd like to see that and also a set of Small blocks that could be used to divide up the interiors of bases and CVs. Give them low HP to prevent exploits. The Large blocks are a bit huge for room scale features.
  20. Gawain

    Gawain Commander

    Aug 13, 2017
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    A perfectly flat wall section. Thinker than the catwalk, Like just the outer wall of the cube and no third dimension to it. I have spent a significatn amount of time trying to merge barriers and blocks. A flat wall would not be miss placed. In fact they could replace the 1ft thick walls currently available.

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