@typhoon01 I noticed that you always upload files and do not use the workshop. Do you know how to use the Steam Workshop? If not, I am posting a link below to help you. --- Všimol som si, že vždy odovzdávate súbory a nepoužívate workshop. Viete, ako používať Steam Workshop? Ak nie, posielam odkaz nižšie, aby som vám pomohol. https://empyriononline.com/threads/howto-blueprints-and-steam-workshop.4570/
I like it, have you published it yet? (I'm at work, so can't check) please do, I or someone else with experimental 7 can add the warp drive
After realising how much pentax was being used getting around my galaxy map, a few days back I tightened up the distances. The default planets are now clustered together between 1-4 au of each other. The 4 clusters around the map are now perfect for the new limited capacity warp sv, I did this by accident xD A cv is required to travel between clusters as it is typically 20 AU + but sv can navigate around within the clusters only. Looking forward to 7.0
Looks like fun! I don't suppose there's a scenario download handy? It seems like it could be a great testing ground for this lil' beauty - once she gets out of drydock that is. I've been itching to do a luxury / yacht SV for a while, and SV warp drive seems like the perfect excuse. No name yet, but she's taking style cues from real-world yachts (like the 48m Supersport). For better or worse, I'm repeating my previous mistake with the Sabre - shielded weapon bays, left empty for the armaments of your choice (if any). Hopefully the lack of default guns won't be too off-putting for people.
I dont have it as a scenario sorry. Dont even know how to turn it into one either xD I am currently running the map on a public dedicated host but still in 6.7. Thats a nice yacht too !
Now with Fewer Weapons! lol Like any good minimalist I take things away until it hurts. This SV started with four rocket launchers and it worked well - So I took off two launchers. Works even better. Although it now takes two salvos instead of one to slick off a turret the increased agility evened things out.
Didn't do much today but added some more pipes in different rooms. I never thought I would enjoy adding pipes but these textures make it fun.
Hello I ... I'm giving files here because I do not have the opportunity to join Multiplayer games ... I'm also dropping steam SVK: Zdravim Vás... Ja dávam súbory sem pretože nemám možnosť sa zapájat do Multiplayer hry... s toho dôvodu vynechávam aj steam
Not published just yet, still tweaking and also have made a CV version today. Still tweaking that also.
hey guys, this time I want your opinion too ... My second vessel in my Rugged-Vessel-Theme (no, that Micro-SV and the small SV aren't counting), is a new-build-Manic-Miner. But which one? Yes the second has GATLINGS but let's forget about that function for a moment, please only count for the LOOK... Fine tuning and Rust etc. will be added later... Variant Nr 1: Spoiler: more pics Variant Nr. 2: Spoiler: more pics edit: I think I'm going with the double-armed one...
The look is good. The low profile and sloping armor makes it look like something designed for burrowing. Very well done!
Love it! Looks like it would have no trouble digging out (or into) anything... ! Good mining HVs is the one thing I've never mastered, mostly because after they introduced Autominers I never bothered mining again...
Ok this is really embarrassing, but aside from the gatlings, whats the difference? Anyway, if you go for "rugged" why not make it slightly unsymetric? (I'd remove one or two of the "spikes" on the rear, just to see how it looks)
yes, mainly the gatlings and the side armor instead of that. unsymmetric? hm, nice idea, have to take a look... (but mostly I need symmetric balance, don't know why) besides symmetrics, does that look a bit mad max style? It was a fast build, 10 min I'm in the build or better said upgrade process of the Neutro-Explorer for 7.0; a bit bigger and RUGGED So I did some testing how big the hanger should be... ThunderTank, RuggedDrifter and... ManicMiner... so I made a rugged version with some upgrades... it's just a ... side-product...
It looks definitely like Mad Max style! Maybe add some over the top chrome (sort of) machine parts, pipes or stuff like that. Just thinking about Fury road style cars. (man, i need to watch that movie again. )
Today in Empyrion I drank some Kavac coffee. At present I haven't found a single set of heavy armor and only one temperature boost which made it tough to play outside after nightfall. Just for grins I made some coffee and it worked a treat. Kudos to the team for making another formerly little used thing useful.