Currently, in order to show the state of a signal logic I have to place two LCD screens. Using one to to state what the switch is for, and one that toggles on and off with the switch so you can visually see the state from a distance. It would be awesome, if that instead we could place a single LCD, with two configurations. A blob of text/formatting for ON, and a blob of text/formatting for OFF. Here is a sample of what I currently do:
I think this was already suggested in the official "Feedback: signal, triggers &signal logic" : On page 2, @Dinkelsen wrote (along with lots of other good ideas): LCDs that can change their text based on an input signal - for interactive LCD displays. Like a switch with a label: "Landing gear DOWN" and not just "Landing gear"
Repeating the question isn't necessarily something bad. I'd say the more people want a feature the more likely it will get implemented.
I totally agree, just a tad bit disappointed because I thought I’d posted something original for once And yes they also need to add: A light that has an integrated motion sensor - For making intelligent lighting easier - Should have an external input signal used to switch the whole thing off - Should also have an output signal to control a second light
Currently I use 2 screens for 1 door, the green text screen shows up when door is secured, then switches to the red text screen when its open. In real world signal logic an lcd display is controlled by various gates and varying voltages in order to show certain digits, it would be awesome if they added this but at the same time it would also be very hard for people, it would require a crash course in circuitry far beyond what is required now for the basic gate logic knowledge. This leads me to suspect they may not add that feature complexity, however I hope they can add something of their own in order for us to use multiple signals into 1 lcd allowing different text combinations. EG: the screen has 3 or 4 optional messages operating from different signals, that would work well for everyone and certainly give us much more flexibility with what we do with the LCD screens and would be simple for players to setup ^-^