A good looking ship yes, though I too tend to go for high maneuverability ships first, if they are available. Shields (if they ever make it in) might change that decision making process to bigger heavier vessels.
Nah, it isn't meant as a replacement for one of my DroneHunters But I want a bit diversity for my Mad Max Rusty Spikey Whatever Look... therefore the open cockpit (that thing will never fly into space), but besides looking somewhat original... for what usefullness should it be?! You know that scene I'm talking? Only... BIGGGGGEEERRRRR.. and more Thrusters... and everything else... and as a cross between that and... from the 6th Day...
I have a suggestion for that. One of Trig's SV designs functions as a mobile platform. It's the Utility Vessel. If your open-air cockpit was enlarged just a little to have standing room behind the seat (a longer chassis), it could double as an open-air armed mobile platform, along with being an attack SV. I frequently park my SV (in the air) next to an area I either want to harvest from, hunt in, or just scope out from the air safely. Then I'll hop out of the pilot's seat in the Utility Vessel and use the open platform. But it isn't armed at all like yours is. I think if yours was adapted to this purpose it could be very versatile. Just needs some room behind the pilot's seat, since we can't shoot from a seated position.
hm. good idea. I normally take the SkyRocket for killing anything ground level, but it could be of use... let's see if I get one or two blocks free...
I'm trying to get as much Vessels and later Bases that a small Group could do some Mad Max / Scavenger Roleplaying going
The Space besides the cockpit is absolutely enough I've added some railings, made the back a bit wider to add some more RCS... now the agility is much better... (I wasn't in GodMode)
The railings make it look very Mad-Max'y, and you didn't have to modify the chassis much. Nice design to achieve the open-air platform goal.
This evening I had an accident. I fell off a cliff while riding my motorbike. When I got my bike out of the ground--it was half embedded--I climbed on to keep up with @Friendly Timo This was not my intended outcome! Oh well, I tried to make the most of it. I couldn't get back to Akua. It's terribly cold out there, but this was a rare opportunity! Best death ever!
Thanks BTW, I build them two 'backwards' - I used to do that on some cheaper stuff for exploring so that they can stop faster and fly in reverse with more power with just one or two engines in front... Not sure know is this still a thing with SVs in last couple of versions, looks like it is working... will test in new Alpha 7.2 exp travels
"Distant Horizon" next to the Raumkreuzer MKII ... i really need to start doing some interiors. Btw. Do you think the colors (yellow and turquoise/blue) are ok, or should i go with something different?
yeah dude that totally sucks to build them backwards, the minimap radar will show incorrect, best way to spoil a build, nice ships you made there but if they are built backwards from the original flying direction I wont touch em with a barge pole.
Hello all of you .. So for a few days I have survived Akuma without the idea to create and because we have Smal Warp I wanted to get him to drive ... And maybe you know this shape well, but it's about Baby 1300 Saurian This is SV .. SVK: Zdravím vás všetkých.. Tak pár dni som prežival na Akume bez nápadučo si vytvoriť a kedže máme Smal Warp chcel som ho spojazdniť ... A možno tento tvar už dobre poznáte ale ide o Bábätko X 1300 Saurian Toto je SV RCS status is final
Small Warp..... with the emphasis on "Small"... First I thought, oh another nice CV from @typhoon01 ... ...then... Class 5, okay, indeed not too big CV... ...then his sentence "RCS is final", and I checked his stats... (you know me)... and ... eh...no comment... it's even below 1deg/m²... does it move altogether?! ...then the amount of RCS<-2... 400... 400 RCS2 in a Class-5-CV... this thing would make round-kicks like Chuck Norris when you just only look at it!!! ...then I saw the type-picture in the left corner.... uh... and realized.... it's a Class 5 .... SV! ...with the emphasis on "Small"...
7.2 update killed my 7.1 game so Im starting anew and following Lift's Season 9 playthru to see if i can be a bit more succesful. Love the new moon!
It will be with this really nice military experimental craft capable of bombing far from the base and will be able to engage in heavy fighting