This might be a better place for this question. Does anyone know of an existing playfield that has been done that is more geared to space combat? Looking for something like an asteroid field, that will spawn in one or more enemy capitol ships every 10 to 15 mins or so. If it would be scale-able so if more then one player is in the area it would spawn even more CVs to attack them. Anyone seen anything like this? Or know if an easy way to set it up?
could you only add prefab CVs from the game to the spawn area or would it be possible to add custom CVs?
My scenario at 7.0 release has had a huge focus on space playfields, and space starts, if your looking for INSTANT action from the start of a game give it a try, also there is now the goal of defeating the Zirax homeworld and its Orbit is littered with AI ships bases to stop you, most have lights off to stem lag, runs well on my Alienware test laptop. Lost City of Sol. SINGLE PLAYER version, MP hasn't been updated to 7 as SP was soooooooooooooooooo much work, haven't even started on MP yet !
SO WAIT, your saying in 7.0 i can make my own alien outpost or fleet spawn for enemy AI to fight against!?
You can already do all of this. All you need to do is create a custom CV, plaster it with alien turrets and npc spawns and an Alien Core. Save it with a custom group name and add that groupname to be spawned through the playfield yamls. On my server I have around 60% custom content with minimal stock content. Working towards 100% custom at the moment, its taken me the better part of the last few months. Most of the patrol vessels that spawn in my playfields are all custom made from either myself or my community.
i tried to set up a test astroid 1 belt with that 3rd part map maker tool and turned masperon into a giant astroid by mistake and no prefab CV/drone enemies where there ether, this stuff is way out of my field, do you mind if i steam friend you for some help or requests?