
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. TallgeeseIV

    TallgeeseIV Lieutenant

    Aug 12, 2015
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    So I've been playing the game almost non-stop for a little over a week now. I've experienced everything it currently has to offer in order to give thorough suggestions/feedback.

    First of all, it's an incredible start, and amazingly playable for how early it is. I thank you for that. Well done! Even in its current state, the building mechanics are definitely the game's strongest element. They're fairly solid, and I can't recall encountering any major bugs.

    As you guys probably already know, your physics are still quite "wonky". Acceleration in all directions and while turning isn't too bad, but deceleration and direction changes are problematic. I wrote a flying vehicle script for Fallout: New Vegas, and trust me, I know they're a pain to get the math correct.

    Player Mechanics:
    This is the area that I think is entirely wrong. The player mechanics in the current game are using archaic player limitation systems that don't actually serve a purpose other than to annoy the user.

    Having limited stamina makes sense in a first person shooter taking place on a small map to prevent players from blitzing the enemy team, or outrunning everyone with a captured flag, etc. THIS game takes place in sprawling, open areas and currently does not have any competitive element. I think having a stamina bar, and furthermore one that ONLY recharges when you aren't moving or use an item, is a really poor decision and really old school thinking in terms of game design.

    Jetpack or Sprint:
    I'm sure this is only temporary as I can't think of a single way it adds to the game. Both at once... Obviously...

    Tool Charges:
    My guess is that the system for the tools hasn't been completed yet so you used the ammo system the guns already have in its place for now. Limiting the use of tools based on ammo doesn't seem to add anything to the game either. In fact, it causes additional problems such as players getting stuck.

    So, with all that nit-picking out of the way, here's how I would overhaul it:
    1. The player Walk/Run speeds are good.
    2. Do away with Stamina completely, or at least make it recharge quickly, even while walking.
    3. Jetpack maximum jump height should be increased to 3.5 base blocks high exactly.
    4. Maximum fall distance without taking damage should be approximately 5 base blocks high.
    5. Tools should run on a small amount of jetpack energy, not charges.
    6. Oxygen/Food/Health decay rates seem fine.
    7. The repair/remove tool should put removed parts back into your inventory and not their components.
    8. Using the drill on placed blocks should deconstruct them and add their components to your inventory.
    9. Terrain tool is fine.
    10. Player XYZ rotation should not be affected by collisions with other objects in space.
    11. Players should not slide off inclines of 55 degrees or less. The additional 10 degrees allows for vehicles to be landed on slightly uneven terrain and the player still not sliding off.
    Other issues and suggestions:

    • Consider adding a "Deconstructor" which would convert blocks back into their base components at the same rate as their individual build times.
    • Consider adding a "safety" feature to the repair/remove tool, which would remove any block with 1 hit. deconstructing areas of large CV's is a massive waste of time with the current system.
    • If nothing is above the cockpit, the player should always exit a vehicle standing on top of the cockpit. I've had to chase too many vehicles because I spawned next to or below my SV while it was still on.
    • While not piloting an SV that is still turned on, it should auto-right itself and stay in hover mode, unless doing so results in collisions with other objects.
    • Consider adding a keyboard key to auto-right a vehicle while within atmospheres.
    I think that's enough feedback for now. Thank you for reading. This really is a great start and the game is going to sell like hotcakes.
  2. 2lame4name

    2lame4name Lieutenant

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Great game, i dont have the best pc, and runs stable at 60fps, a crash here and there, but it is pre-alpha so that is to be expected,
    even with realy big builds it keeps on working smoothly.
    it needs abit of work, and some more content but we know that is comming so, just need to be abit patient.

    Keep up the good work :) !
  3. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Eh, I feel you, but I also disagree. The pistol is a starter weapon, and there's a world of difference between a .50 caliber pistol round (1,517 ft·lbf/2,057 J) which aren't really designed to kill creatures of large size, and a .50 caliber machinegun or rifle round (14,895 ft·lbf /20,195 J) and are intended to destroy light vehicles and body armore. Almost ten times as powerful, eh?

    Assault rifles are great against human-sized targets, but there's a reason big game rifles have huge bullets and slow reloads, you need a big powerful round to punch deep through flesh and bone and hit something vital. Most AR-calibers will deflect off heavy bone or armor, so it makes sense to take most of a mag to kill a drone or large creature.

    Bad guys seem strong because they are. I expect that to change once we have research and proper upgrades available. Try not to get too hung up on balance during an alpha is all that I can really say.
  4. blooddragon606

    blooddragon606 Captain

    Aug 16, 2015
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    I agree: the game's night is not that dark. In real life, being inside an underground mine with no artificial light, you cannot see your hand in front of you.

    Go out to Central Utah during a new moon. That is how dark the night should be on Omicron: no discernable terrain, no color, only the glow of whatever light source you bring with you.

    But one thing I do not like about lighting: the focus angle of flash and portable work lights are too narrow. I would like to see them act like flood (wide-angle) lights instead of spot lights. Maybe allow contruction of one or the other.
  5. Vrmithrax

    Vrmithrax Lieutenant

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Not sure where this belongs (or if it's been covered elsewhere, my general searches turned up nothing)...

    I'm a little bothered by the fact that bodies of water seem to have a defined edge that does not change. I found I can mine down in water and the water fills the void, but you cannot mine out from the edges of a lake and have water fill the big ditch that you have created. I discovered this when I had the bright idea to see if I could build a nice big moat around a base I had close to a lake. It seemed like the water would just not move to fill in the huge ditch I had dug right out into the lake, and making it deeper didn't seem to help. In fact, as a test, I was able to drill down, then under the lake, then back up, and the water did not fill the hole at all.

    Hoping as procedurally generated worlds are more integrated into the engine, that things like basic fluid mechanics also follow along. It would be nice for the world to behave the way you think it should. :)
  6. RonanCloud

    RonanCloud Ensign

    Aug 9, 2015
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    I agree with G4K 100%. At least they took a survey and then acted on it vs us having no input at all.
  7. Talyn04

    Talyn04 Ensign

    Aug 22, 2015
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    Sorry for the Necro and all, but I have a similar setup to your test computer, two Radeon 5770's and a Phenom X2 965 BE 3.4 Ghz quad core processor with 8GB ram and I only get 13-30 fps on fast.

    How are you getting 58 fps on high? All my drivers are updated, is it my processor bottlenecking or something?
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2015
  8. CapitanSurrender

    CapitanSurrender Ensign

    Aug 16, 2015
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    Because the graphics performance in this game is not polished yet.

    I have a monster rig and I have to play at 40fps in best cases.

    My trick? Set the resolution to 640x480 (a game with such a poor graphics needs no more) it will get windowed (another limitation I'm still waiting to be fixed) then use the windows magnifier to zoom in your monitor and voilá! 60fps
    Talyn04 likes this.
  9. abougee

    abougee Ensign

    Aug 23, 2015
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    I think the blocks are good so far. Maybe new block shapes should be introduced, such as semi-cylindrical blocks
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2015
  10. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Water critters would be great as well!....
  11. shadow250

    shadow250 Lieutenant

    Jun 26, 2015
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    does anyone else miss the sunup/ sundown time? i liked it. maybe its still ingame somewhere and i didnt see it?
  12. Xentor

    Xentor Captain

    Jan 10, 2015
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    It is now in the Map window (the one with the 3D Globe)
  13. blooddragon606

    blooddragon606 Captain

    Aug 16, 2015
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    I agree here. My wish is for variable radiii of curved pieces so a thruster doesn't have to go in a square pod with rounded corner--a thruster should fit into a circular pod that occupies 3x3 tiles. Same for inclines. We have one ramp type that is 2 blocks (a 6:12 pitched roof). It would be nice to see hull blocks with this and shallower pitches. that would fill the template window very quickly though: 2+3+4+5+6 (the number of block types required to make slopes of these each of these pitches) = 20.
  14. blooddragon606

    blooddragon606 Captain

    Aug 16, 2015
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    I found it (eventually) but I made these observations on Akua: Ningues (or is that Akua's moon?) rises just before midnight and is overhead at sunrise. Aestus rises about 2 hours before dawn.
  15. Ragner

    Ragner Lieutenant

    Aug 9, 2015
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    It is kinda a pain when you go to attack a alien tower but the description is in your way to determine where the guns are to shoot...Is there a way to turn the description off?
  16. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    What we need is a plant that grows an energy pod, one that can be used in the battery holders.
    This completely solves the issue of running out of power on a planet usually from poor management , but that is how you learn the game so there must be a failsafe to allow for players to make that mistake.
    The plants can be spread very thin over a planets surface so its not viable to use them over making promethium cells, they should not last very long, just long enough to produce a few promethium cells.
  17. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Or they can just tweak the loot tables or drones to always drop one or two power packs.
  18. Alfie2213

    Alfie2213 Ensign

    Sep 6, 2015
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    hi I'm gonna buy the game in a week but I'm confused, when I read FAQ it says supporting alpha mode if the full version comes out do I have to pay again?
  19. Rannoc McMaulin

    Rannoc McMaulin Commander

    Aug 24, 2015
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    My Wish List

    Mouse Flight Stick
    Incremental Thrust
    Corner Window Blocks
    Metal Panels (Window model with Hull texture)
    Edge Aligned BA/CV Doors
    All O2 / Heal Stations to be “Use” activated
    Slant Placements for Guns, Lights and Turrets
    Constructor Interface: +100 add (CVs take allot of blocks)
    Constructor Interface: Queue Reorder
    Recycling Station for inventory items
    Shiny Ore to make it more distinct
    Bulk Fueling for CV
    blooddragon606 and Lealu like this.
  20. Astra

    Astra Commander

    Jun 27, 2015
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    Fuel!!! What's up with the fuel cells? The run out of energy faster than usual!!

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