I'm goin to have to try this. I just finished reading SiegeInc's post about merging structs. I've never tried it, mainly because the reason i build things like that is because I want extra weapons, or extra repair bays, and I purposely make separate ones. It leaves me in quite a pickle at times, especially when trying to recreate something Ive built as 4 or 5 separate gigantic bases/platforms/structures. In particular, I have a monster Space Station/Shipyard Hub kind of thing that I built during 5.0 and saved as 5 unique blueprints. Ive never been able to line them all again correctly. If only they'd get rid of the silly constraint of ONE repair bay and make a maximum turret count rather than a maximum per type. I mean seriously, who wants to have to move their giant CV everytime they come home and need to repair an SV? And who wants a second landing pad big enough to land the cv on just to repair and then move to its normal spot? GRRR.
there are even more pieces... I make a pic, one moment... These are not all Structures, but the other aren't finished yet... these I've added to a whole Base, including some Vessels, and vola... the picture I've already shown...
Well, the physics are partially implemented for the motorcycle. They'd just need to port that over to a 3/4-wheeled blueprint physics model.
I would say it could be closer to the HV, with heavy restrictions on drifting and lower Z axis movement. Hell, we can already simulate wheeled vehicles with a HV and some clever blocks !
I guess my only hope is that modding the game won't be too complicated for me (which it will probably be anyway.) I think the main problem is that the devs don't commuicate about how the game is supposed to work in the future. There's no clear concept on how space battles and ships in general are supposed to function (at least i cannot see it). I know they aim at doing things perfectly right before going to the next problem, but i would prefer to have things kept simple and have them go into detail much later (or leave that to mods, which would actually much better IMO). With introducing mods everyone could basically build together their dream game (no matter if it is for a sever or single player game) similar like you can do in Kerbal space program. The devs could focus on things like the game universe, planets, NPCs, cities and other things like that.
Mods have to come in last, because they rely on scripted code (not compiled) which adds on top of everything else, and also because they can cause instability or conflicts. But I agree they should do much less fine-tuning and concentrate on core features for now.
In space the range of projectile weapons should be nearly unlimited. They not even need propulsion for this. Successfully hitting your target in 400000km distance is another story
we have SHIPS LONGER THAN THOSE RANGES (well, gatlins anyway) that alone makes them pointless*. * The ships or guns, you decide, it's all the same.
HUZZAH FOR NEW BUILDERS!!! Damn dude, that looks a hell of lot better than my first attempt a couple years ago! Wish I had your skills back then!
I've removed all Tier-3 materials from my BASE-STAR and re-textured it a bit... (Tier-3 are Zarcosium & Erestrum, which only can be mined after warping with an already build Warp-CV!!) Result is more Tier-2 materials (Sathium & Neodymium), as I kept Combat Steel, but still highly Mobile Base spacey ;-)
I'm making good progress on my station. I finished the four smaller spires. It's all control rooms and viewports. Nothing fancy. That leaves the four big spires containing the luxury suites. I'm still working out some of the interior design and playing around with textures. A couple pics of the elevator shafts: The elevators are surrounded by a glass enclosure. The shaft itself is a big, open, squarish shaft with rounded corners. This is a view coming down one of the elevators towards the luxury suites/pool area. Standing at the bottom of the lobby area looking up: I'm tempted to give tractor beam control and the casino another pass after this. With these new textures I could make those areas look really fancy.
@Siege Inc. I really can't wait to explore your space station, there are already so much and different areas included...!!! This thing is EPIC! (only hope that my FPS don't get into the negative...)