What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. LordMontecute

    LordMontecute Captain

    Aug 14, 2017
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    Of course, I 've now realised it's not exactly an original idea (over a thousand years old really) and I've just found quite a few castles in the Steam workshop.
    However, given that the medieval era is my thing, I will persevere. If anything, the other castles will serve as inspiration and motivation to produce something decent!

    @Kyrt Malthorn I love building in harmony with the existing terrain too, but this time I wanted a spawnable base, possibly for use in a scenario. Your castle will end up larger and more interesting than mine. I'm going to have to think about some more interesting features to add...:)
    Kieve, Kyrt Malthorn and Neal like this.
  2. Kyrt Malthorn

    Kyrt Malthorn Captain

    Apr 22, 2016
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    [QUOTELordMontecute, post: 178295, member: 21907"]Of course, I 've now realised it's not exactly an original idea (over a thousand years old really) and I've just found quite a few castles in the Steam workshop.
    However, given that the medieval era is my thing, I will persevere. If anything, the other castles will serve as inspiration and motivation to produce something decent!

    @Kyrt Malthorn I love building in harmony with the existing terrain too, but this time I wanted a spawnable base, possibly for use in a scenario. Your castle will end up larger and more interesting than mine. I'm going to have to think about some more interesting features to add...:)[/QUOTE]

    Size Isn't Everything. This is one of those behemoth projects that may, or may not end up finished before I lose interest. My track record on structures with tripple digits in any dimension is roughly 0 out of 6 projects I can think of off hand.
    LordMontecute likes this.
  3. john.73738

    john.73738 Captain

    Feb 1, 2017
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    I dig building into the terrain. (see what I did there o_O ) My current base on Akua is built into one of the new amazing mountains. Only issue with the new terrain is that it makes HVs really hard to traverse for mining, and the motorcycle is simple useless for long distance travel. Problem solved with a SV platform for mining using the drone because it is easier than using a HV mining ship.
  4. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    That's really nice to see how you're getting better and better (not that i remember anything bad from you tbh :) ).
    It's the opposite with me i think.While i really enjoy modeling the outside of a Ship/Base, i don't really like creating interiors and i think i'm getting worse the more i do, lol.
  5. Uncle Benny

    Uncle Benny Commander

    Jan 5, 2017
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  6. Uncle Benny

    Uncle Benny Commander

    Jan 5, 2017
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    So I started recording a new season of let's play on Alpha 7 today, which was nice. Spent a lot of time actually walking around looking at things, and was amazed at the "Old Base" wreckage prefab; it was (yes, was) very awesome. I took it apart though, I needed the parts ;) First episode is up, for anyone that's interested - link in my signature for my YT channel.

    Also spent some time in creative derping around with block shapes, I have an idea for a CV I want to build in survival, but prefer to create a prototype in creative so I can get a better idea of what block shapes lead to eyeball-pleasing results.
  7. Kyrt Malthorn

    Kyrt Malthorn Captain

    Apr 22, 2016
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    @Kieve I was just waiting to get a chance to spawn this in my game and have a look... OH MY GOSH. It's beautiful, compact but never feels outright cramped, luxurious... every single freaking corner I look in is yet more stunning detail. I could rave about this thing for hours, I feel like you've seriously outdone yourself.

    I also discovered you can park it neatly on top of Selene.


    And yeah that's Saber proving it's not too big to be an engine pod rider (starboard side only).

    You know what? I've been thinking for a while now I need to get over myself and my DIY compulsion that has led to all my Empyrion gaming getting stuck because I didn't feel like building the SV/CVs I needed at the time. I'm going to try a game using ONLY workshop blueprints (making an exception for landing pads because that's a thing and it's new). And I'm pretty sure I could get away with only using Kieve's. That would be awesome. Survival... with high taste.
  8. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    Hahaha, oh man... that poor Selene. If a ship could have a facial expression - I just hear it in my head, "Get this thing off me!"
    As if that weren't enough, the Drifter fits very nicely on the tail, too.
    Honestly though, the Selene hasn't been updated even for 6.0, let alone Alpha 7. Between the device, texture, and progression changes, I suspect she's long overdue for an overhaul. Glad to see someone still getting use out of her though.

    Regarding the Aetheria though, I'm very pleased to hear it - it's always a little nail-biting when you've been working on a design for weeks and then the moment comes where you have to let it into the wild and hope it lives up to the hype...
  9. Kyrt Malthorn

    Kyrt Malthorn Captain

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Ha. Selene has long been a favorite of mine (Atheria just topped her, but they're CV and SV so not direct rivals). You're right, it's a stretch to make her carry an SV THAT big. But I seriously know of no CV big enough for Atheria without being painfully mismatched in style.

    Kieve, nail biting? Seriously? Your work is beautiful, not to mention inspiring.
    LordMontecute likes this.
  10. jmtc

    jmtc Captain

    Sep 29, 2016
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    I'm in love with Aetheria @Kieve. Just beautiful work.

    Today I built a barebones orbital shipyard and played with CV spawn mechanics in Akua orbit. Orbital seems the way to go for sure, and I didn't have any issues with BP placement as others seem to have reported.


    Edit - well, scratch that. I loaded the station up again and now I can't get anything to place. I think I may have had the 'sbp' command active in the console before. Going to have to wait for the devs to fix the problem.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2017
    Kieve and binhthuy71 like this.
  11. Starwing6

    Starwing6 Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    Last night, @Friendly Timo and I began our new epic adventure in Alpha 7.0 :cool: We played in the Experimental phase, but it's nice to be able to play the released version and spend time making a base.


    I finally captured a shot of an escape pod coming down! Timo saw me and told me the direction to look, and then he made a slight turn to the north, which I thought was perfect. :D I couldn't have hoped for a better shot, I think.


    We hurried to gather as many resources as we could before nightfall. We were still within the server's "grace period" but the shelter is in the forest.


    Here we are working hard at processing ores and constructing weapons, ammo, devices, etc. This shelter is one of my custom MP shelters with an Admin core--it's a mobile research module. I know the Admin core makes it easier, but the custom shelters are a big part of my MP scenario because of the lore surrounding them. Even though it's a private server, I intend to share the scenario at some point :)

    Anyhow, Timo made some shotguns and ammo for us while I worked on the base essentials. While he hunted and gathered medicinal plants, I got to work digging a tunnel into a hillside that overlooks the lake and beach, where we set up our pumps. Today we'll continue working on these basics before we go visit any POIs.

    I really enjoy the increased survival challenge. I don't want Empyrion to be a hardcore survival game, but it really feels more "realistic," because resources aren't littered across the planet. I know Akua is easy, but I'm happy it isn't as easy as it was in the Alpha 6 version.
    typhoon01, Jᴧgᴧ, jmtc and 5 others like this.
  12. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I finished updating all the CV HPOD's for 7.0, making them compliant with the series "No Zascosium or Erestrum" rule.
    I will get to work on the SV / HV HPODS later, making them so that players can spawn the T1 ships W/O needing cobalt.

    I also removed the Bowhead from the series since the design relies on L Thrusters.
  13. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Maybe it's me but building a platform to spawn my larger CVs on will not work at all. The smaller ones work fine but when I try to build one for my really big CVs in Space it's almost if my CV ignores it and has no idea it's there. Plus now my CVs are too larger to spawn on planets now.
    jmtc likes this.
  14. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    Today I have had my first proper pvp battle and it lasted hours and exhausted me, gather around if you will and hear the story.

    I was battling for survival against the legendary Pyston.
    His arsenal was pretty hard to take the brunt of,
    Others soon joined in seeing how small my ship was and soon there were 3 or 4 of us firing on him as he tried to disrupt the peace of our empyrion universe.
    He was very large and powerful and we fought hard all night, taking some heavy hits and casualties along the way up until about4-5am for me.
    His skin was tough armour, and as i was about to fire my final shot with my last amount of power, SilvRav turned up and crippled both our ships weapons.
    we each limped away to our own corners of the battlefield.
    For a time the battlefield was quiet but then i returned, and SilvRav still remained.
    I was initially cautious and pensive about his agenda but it soon became clear that he was supporter of galactic peace.
    Pyston remained on the outskirts no doubt wondering what to do next as the powerful SilvRav would surely open fire with heavy artillery if he approached with hostile intentions.

    After opening peaceful negotiations with SilvRav, his fleet Commander Pantera entered the battlefield with a long range artillery and destroyed Pyston's ship completely.
    Perhaps he is floating around in an escape pod somewhere.

    Oh and Rucky was there too ! he said hi and stuff

    The end.
  15. typhoon01

    typhoon01 Captain

    Sep 12, 2017
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    Best ever second birthday ... from Alpha 7.0.0 1300 I wish I Commander X-1300 Saurian ;) Screenshot_4.png Screenshot_5.png
  16. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    I love story time. lol
  17. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    Na. I'm not. When it's at the expense of others.
    It's on principe.
  18. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    FINALLY built a platform big enough for my larger CVs andI was able to spawn in my Larger CVs ... I had to fight with the system and realized there was extra block sticking out on my ship and on my platform that was keeping my Larger CVs from spawning.
    Now that I have the platform, I'm working on building a real ship yard for my larger CVs.
    Screenshot (1371).png

    Screenshot (1372).png
  19. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Also FINALLY and I mean FINALLYYYYYY. Painting and Texting is easyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. No more spending weeks trying to build one ship, you can build and finish the outside of a extra large ship and base in a few minutes or couple hours if you want something fancy. Maybe a couple of days or week to do the interior.
    I've been playing with the replace all paint and texture button. Within minutes I had three different styles of the same ship. This is a gamer changer for builders. Now you don't have to think twice about building bigger ships for just fun because it's so much easier now
    Screenshot (1378).png

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    Screenshot (1393).png
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2017
  20. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    it's very hard to see anything @banksman45
    could be you poured your coffee over your screen, made a pic with your phone and uploaded it here... :p




    something like that could help :p

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