Alpha 7 - FAQ and Feedback: Blueprint Spawn

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Oct 18, 2017.

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  1. Magicslayer

    Magicslayer Ensign

    Feb 6, 2017
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    I love this new feature. This balances out a lot when it comes to ship building. On the Wolves server, because the blueprint system was so over powered, we actually deactivated the blueprint system all together but now we can re-add it to the server. My only suggestion would be to make it where a crafting bay and blueprint console would have to be crafted and the wait time would be the construction animation finishing, kind of like the construction from the old game Total Annihilation.
    Mortlath likes this.
  2. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    Epic weapons are buildable!? I didn't realize that. Clue me in on how I can see that in the game!?

    If it is true, I agree, TERRIBLE decision.

    ADDIT: somethings I believe they VERY much need to add to the game, now that bases of X by X size are a required part of using BP spawning:

    1. Better clarification on what the the dimensions on vessels mean. For example, I have an SV that says it was "5 high 25 wide and something like 17 deep." I also have a CV which is something like 40 high by 21 wide by 23 deep. However, those are not the same units it appears. It is a count of blocks and it appears the side of one small block corresponds to about half or one-third of a large block. I honestly cannot say for certain and the game is no help. This stuff now MUST be clear as crystal or it will cause players enormous headaches. I suggest you dispense with the block count nonsense and use an actual unit of measurement like meters.

    2. Include some widgets in the building tool to help people build strings and plates of blocks of particular dimensions. At present, if you want to be sure you drag out an exact number, you have two options: pull out a full max length (which seems to be 11) or count them as you pull them out. You guys are good at this UI and tooltip stuff. Whip us up something that makes it easy as pie to drop down a set of blocks that fit with an exact dimension on the fly (without having to resort to the symbol too, which is clunky as chunk).

    3. Include more features in the "N" building tools pane: (a) block counter -> allows the player to maker a point as a start point, then point at another point to get a count (and a number superimposed on each block in between). Perhaps even for X,Y planes! (b) [not related but while I'm at it] Show damaged blocks

    4. Related to 3.b: you gave us a small, medium and large spray on the color and texture tools which was fantastic. Now how about giving us that with the multi-tool? You know, your base is getting repeatedly harassed by drones which don't really cause much damage but keep whittling on your 6,000 block concrete bunker. 3.b allows the player to see where any of the damaged blocks are, and a wide spray multi-tool would allow them to be fixed far more readily. Alternatively, give us a block that can be built and installed in a base that auto-fixes blocks at a slow rate (not enough to compensate for the incoming damage during an attack, but enough to repair minor damage between attacks, perhaps only able to fix blocks that are less than 50% damaged?)
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2017
    Kassonnade likes this.
  3. Tanuh

    Tanuh Ensign

    Oct 15, 2017
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    Server admins can set "GroundedStructureSpawn" to false.

    How? I tried on my dedicated.yaml and it says I don't have the permissions yet i'm the server owner and logged into the actual game panel to do this. Thanks!
    dichebach likes this.
  4. Keith

    Keith Commander

    Dec 19, 2016
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    What if your SV gets blown up while visiting another planet, do u kill yourself so u can spawn back on your home planet in another system ? as you might have another blueprint of an another SV, but you cant spawn it as you dont have a base/CV on that planet. this is a stupid idea that not one has given any thought to...
    Ratan Kabidge likes this.
  5. Keith

    Keith Commander

    Dec 19, 2016
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    I'm an old guy, playing this early access game for a really long time now and its like your dealing with the minds of teenagers and adolescents that are designing and putting this game together and not for the better I might add.
    dichebach likes this.
  6. Ratan Kabidge

    Ratan Kabidge Lieutenant

    Nov 14, 2016
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    I agree... and it seems I am not alone in this opinion.

    I had a bug yesterday where the client crashed due to the memory leak issue as I entered a new playfield (said error has been mentioned in the bug thread already, my page file had increased to over 50gb at the time which filled my SSD primary drive) and when I returned to the game, I was in the new space playfield, yet my CV was still in the previous playfield. My solution? I changed to creative mode to spawn a warp capable SV where the blueprint had already completed to return to my CV... I would not have had to change modes to return if I could have spawned the SV anywhere as before. Anyone that has seen my videos on YouTube may realize I have learned to keep a completed SV prepped in the factory for when I fail to avoid incoming fire (my eyesight and reflexes are not what they were several decades ago for sure) as I have done more than one multi-SV POI attacks I must admit. :confused:

    While console commands are currently in game of course, I had the option in this recent case, but I would think they will likely disappear once the game is out of Alpha, and when (if?) that occurs losses would surely be the end result especially if more than one playfield is involved.

    It occurs to me that a possible solution could be if you have an adequate BA or CV located SOMEWHERE, then you could spawn a SV or HV ANYWHERE, perhaps one could assume/argue that in a technically advanced multiple system society they could spawn at the shipyard and then it could fly itself to your location (SpaceX is basically already doing that in the real world for example with the Falcon rockets, and we've not even departed our own solar system as yet, and then there's the self driving cars we currently have that Tesla, Ford, Cadillac, Mercedes, (others?) have been working on for years along with Intel, Google and others).
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2017
  7. 1979danb

    1979danb Commander

    Jun 14, 2016
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    my thought was to modify the old system and combine the two, you can still spawn anywhere but the material costs are way higher, cheap in a shipyard expensive in the wild!
    dichebach, IanX and Ratan Kabidge like this.
  8. Ratan Kabidge

    Ratan Kabidge Lieutenant

    Nov 14, 2016
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    Also a good idea, would apply to the last paragraph my previous comment as well. A complication I can see though is how to add the cost if a blueprint is already completed. Perhaps if the resources are taken from a cargo box, constructor, or the like, but I realize that's opening up a whole new can of worms for that to occur. Another alternative would be for the cost to be paid up front, then you get half returned in your inventory (or at your feet if not enough space) if the blueprint is spawned at an appropriate location.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2017
  9. StuardBr

    StuardBr Lieutenant

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Mortlath likes this.
  10. IanX

    IanX Ensign

    Sep 2, 2017
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    What I think that is a major problem with the new system is keeping the old as it is.

    When spawning before the restriction, you had the green box and full liberty to spawn anywhere. Now, damm red box and spawning is kinda of a harass. The thing with mixing the old spawn mechanic with the new restriction is that the feelings attached to the old will overrule the new. Its total freedom x total restriction, a blow to the face.

    The spawn mechanics could be changed, somehow, so that when you spawn a blueprint, it will be in a place somewhere, like the ADM Station hangar, from where you could proceed to take it. Trying to better explain: When you hit the spawn button, your bp ready, you will not have the green box thing, but, instead, a list of places where your ship will be at, like you "ordered" it. This may take us to new possibilities, like buying a ship (or stealing one, like a pirate lol), and the implementation of transport ships, that could take you to the station where your ship's been "constructed" at, or out of some messes...

    Like: You've been stranded on a planet or in the space because of a bug. You then order a transport ship, that will take a x amount of time/days to be in a planet, or some minutes to be in the space where you are. Its a dynamic, "simple" and nice solution to the bugs of the game and mistakes we might make when assaulting a poi or drones lol
  11. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    Interesting ideas; and something definitely to consider as ancillary or auxiliary functionality.

    But for the core functionality, given the spirit of the game up to this point, the BP spawning needs to be contiguous with the rest of the players "building everything from scratch using materials on a hostile world and a few high-tech survival gizmos." Ordering from some other production facility then transiting to pick up your production is definitely a cool idea that could be neat once the game is in Beta and there is a rich galaxy full of NPCs, characters, dramas, factions, quests, etc., but for now, the BP spawning mechanism needs to be player centric.
    IanX likes this.
  12. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    I can certainly empathize with the serious bummer that it is to be stranded like that. (Its almost how the game starts.)

    You're suggesting it is a stupid idea that people should not be able to materialize a pre-created a ship in the middle of nowhere?

    Sure, the game is full of real-world nonsense. (I can eat a salami with my helmet on.) But I think the Devs have been clear where they've been headed with the Factory.
    dichebach and Mortlath like this.
  13. Mortlath

    Mortlath Commander

    Jul 26, 2017
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    Yes, spawning a new ship to leave a planet one is stranded on doesn't seem to be the point of this game.

    I like this new restriction. Large ships need infrastructure to build.
    dichebach likes this.
  14. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    I don't usually blueprint my bases because they usually depend on the terrain, so I've not yet tried to spawn a large concrete pad from nothing, and then spawn a CV on that pad. That's probably the "work-around" for the mean time for those who like having inflatable space ships.

    I'm curious where this ultimately goes with the Factories. On a planet, making a platform make sense because of gravity. But what about in space? I don't think you'd build a construction platform in space unless you wanted artificial gravity. You might build within some kind of frame. You might even want to build within some kind of container. If you think about it, construction usually produced debris and you wouldn't want your debris floating around where ships could run into it at high speed. Artificial gravity potentially solves the debris problem.
  15. sillyrobot

    sillyrobot Captain

    Aug 21, 2016
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    All it means at this point is you have to have a pre-constructed pad in the factory large enough to spawn an emergency ship. A bit more steel, silicon, and copper invested and you can even recover those resources once the ship appears.
    dichebach likes this.
  16. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    Exactly. Once I have a base set up on the starter planet, one of my mid-term goals is to collected enough stuff to stock a "Base kit" cargo box. This box gets all the stacks necessary to create a base (by hand, not by factory . . . I like my bases underground for the most part and the mechanics of doing that with a BP are no less laborious than just doing it by hand). This box goes with me all off world trips and it is sufficient to stock a base anywhere they can be built: in space, under a target POI, on a moon, on another planet.

    Given the whole theme of the game is organizing stacks of building materials and components it doesn't seem like too much of a stretch of the imagination that players should all be capable of some basic planning and logistics along these lines. If you are happy with using BPs and spawning a base that is mostly above ground it is even easier.
  17. sillyrobot

    sillyrobot Captain

    Aug 21, 2016
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    I was thinking more along the line of a blueprint of a 11x11 pad of steel or concrete blocks labelled "Emergency Ship Pad". Put in a central 2 block-high pillar underneath in case the ground is very uneven to guarantee structural integrity and enough of the pad is above ground wherever its placed.

    You should be able to get away with less if I've understood Hummel-o-War correctly, but I haven't managed to spawn on ground surrounded by a base yet. I've always needed a pad.

    Anyway, create one or more in the factory and ignore them until you need to spawn a ship. When you're done, disassemble the pad and start the factory to build one again.
  18. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    That too. Anyone who is actually playing the game should be proficient at going into Creative, make a simple base: core, small gen, small fuel tank, all stashed in a clump under the middle of the slab and wrapped in concrete . . . make it two layers thick if you want added confidence it won't get blasted by drones . . . do the Creative in Omicron orbit = easier. Put a concrete slab of any size you choose "on top" of the core module. Done "Emergency Spawning Pad" ready for spawning in survival.

    Given how cheap concrete is, there is no reason not to make the dang thing as big as you imagine you might ever need for a big ship?? 31 x 31??

    Add some 3 or 4 tall high legs under each corner to anchor it on uneven terrain. If you make it big, you might find you have to do a bit of terrain leveling to get it to spawn in survival.

    Actually, I'll do that right now . . .
  19. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    The actual factory system will not stay long in that form, no need to spend hours trying to find workarounds in that case.
  20. sillyrobot

    sillyrobot Captain

    Aug 21, 2016
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    Heck, the pad doesn't need to be powered. Just 122 structural blocks and a base starter gets you 11x11 on a small pillar. Building larger is possible, but you need to plan extra support pillars and make sure everything important in touching ground when you place it. But 11x11 is more than large enough to spawn an escape SV. And if you are in too rough a spot, simply abandon the pad behind you. It's not like the cost is extreme.

    You can get fancier and add a room to hide in in case you don't have a ship prepped and need to wait for a few minutes. A few more blocks and maybe a door and you're safe from local predators until you can place the ship.
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