SCENARIO - Feedback: : DEFAULT Multiplayer Scenario

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Oct 18, 2017.

  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Global changes:

    - new MP only starter planet: Sienna (snow planet): Hard
    - new MP only planet: Roggery (desert plant) in vicinity of Sienna
    - new MP only starter planet: Tallodar (temperate planet) - Easy in vicinity of Akua
    - Meteoroids Drop when main resource of planet drops below 60%. Each fills up the planet’s cache by 40% of the original amount
    - Added proper space playfield Aestus for Default MP (with regenerating resource asteroids and POIs)
    - Almost all POIs are regenerating in MP default scenario
    - Average amount of ore on each planet is 150% compared to the SP scenario
    - Added Ore Scanner to starting equipment for MP: Akua, Omicron, Tallador (easy, medium)

    New Instances / Missions:
    1. Top Gun Mission: fight in a fast paced battle with your SV against massive space drones and capture the Enemy Base to escape
    2. Elemental Space Race: a PDA driven space race through 15 checkpoints with a big reward - in case you are fast enough and get rid of your Alien followers

    Config Autominers: Use AutoMinerDepletion: true or AutoMinerDepletion: false in the dedicated.yaml

    - Feedback on the change of the OFFLINE PROTECTION please read and comment here:

    Alpha 7 - FAQ and Feedback: Offline Protection
    - Please discuss global gameplay changes about weapons, templates and game progress over here:
    Alpha 7 - FAQ and Feedback: GLOBAL REBALANCING & CHANGES
    Alpha 7 - FAQ and Feedback: WEAPON REBALANCING
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2017
  2. Horaf

    Horaf Ensign

    Jan 31, 2017
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    Info on how/where to configure the autominers to NOT deplete resources within the dedicated.yaml? Can't find this anywhere, and our private server is not interested in depleting autominers. At all.
  3. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Use AutoMinerDepletion: true or AutoMinerDepletion: false
  4. SyraphX

    SyraphX Lieutenant

    Sep 27, 2017
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    Not sure if this is the right thread to post this feedback.

    The fact we can't move as usual in a vessel when it's moving is one of the most annoying thing while playing with friends. Our avatar position stay pretty much in place while the ship he's in is moving. It wouldn't be too bad if we were thrown all over the place when the vessel is doing some intense move, but the fact our avatar can clip through the walls and get ejected in space or left on the ground is extremely annoying.

    Same thing when we're logging out of the game while in a vessel. If it's moving while we're offline, our avatar is not keeping track of the position of the ship. I know it must be a technical challenge, but it shouldn't be too much of a problem for you guys :)
    IronCartographer and RDNt like this.
  5. RDNt

    RDNt Lieutenant

    Sep 5, 2017
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    So far so good. Difficulty of PVE seriously increased. I used the same settings, Enemy Spawn Rate and Attack Difficulty as before. It was almost too hard for some/most players without some help. I increased the start pack loot to help, ended up lowering the attack difficulty to medium instead of hard.

    AI behavior of drones is definitely improved. They maneuver better, they attack better. That little dance they do when they get hit is *lame*. But a vast improvement on their overall behavior and deadliness. Good work.

    Terrains look great, disappointed they're no longer randomized based off of seeds though. POIs seem to be randomized no problem.

    Really not sure why they changed the ammo line-up to be half generically named, and half by their caliber. I'd prefer caliber and an appropriate picture/icon for said ammo. (One of the ammo icons is totally wrong, it's a picture of a laser guided bomb, not a futuristic ammo type)

    I had 1 player who would get bounced into space on his motorcycle, literally take a jump and bounce off terrain and be launched into orbit. This happened very infrequently in 6.7.x - yesterday in 7.x it was happening to a couple players quite *regularly*. Not sure what that is about. It does feel like gravity is weakened. Whereas the latest patches on 6.7.x increased gravity for Art-Gravity on CVs, and on planets. Now it's a little less, but I haven't tested it on a CV yet. I'm still in early game trying to survive.

    I play naturally as possible, even as an admin, so I'm still in early game from the wipe yesterday, but so far so good. No Show-Stopper bugs yet.

    I do have to say, that red circle with the arrows in the bottom right hand corner on-top of the ammo status was a pretty ridiculous bug to let that out for a release candidate and only to patch it hours later.. COME ON GUYS!!! <3

    When I think of more, I'll post more. Thank you again for all the great work the Eleon team and supporters have put into this release. THANK YOU!
  6. RDNt

    RDNt Lieutenant

    Sep 5, 2017
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    If your passengers are sitting in seats when they log-off they should stay seated if you move the CV/SV while they are offline. IT SHOULD. That was the behavior before. *ONLY* *IF* *THEY* *ARE* *SEATED*.

    But yes, largely I agree. This is a huge game limiting bug that others have worked out. You should be able to walk around a vehicle in motion, and I agree, thrown around and against the walls, and death if warp is engaged.
  7. RDNt

    RDNt Lieutenant

    Sep 5, 2017
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    This new requirement to spawn blueprints on location is ridiculously limiting and pointless, for example to spawn my CV, it has to be ON A BASE. I can't spawn my CV on a 8x10 landing pad, apparently it has to be bigger. Trying to spawn the Survival ThirtyThree. Never had this problem before. :-/
  8. Ranger

    Ranger Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    There's a thread dedicated to the spawning. It has info that would help you get used to this. It's not ridiculous, it's just incomplete. It's a step in the right direction to prevent the bp factory from being more of an exploit than a tool. It's needed. Please read the FAQ on it, try to adapt, and offer feedback and ideas to help improve it after you've gotten it to work.
    zztong likes this.
  9. RDNt

    RDNt Lieutenant

    Sep 5, 2017
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    As I've suggested before, the Factory shouldn't be some magical thing that just magically spawns huge vessels and bases. It should be large place-able Factory block, that you have to be local to print.

    So again, I think this limitation hindering gameplay needlessly without addressing the real issue. But thanks for the feedback, we'll just have to agree to disagree, good day.
  10. Ranger

    Ranger Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    Well, if thats how you feel, we don't disagree, except that you arent able to see it needs to start somewhere. Sometimes, things can't be completely finished the moment they are introduced. Tehre needs to be a starting point, and it gets iterated on from there, with feedback.
    Feedback in the right place.
    So again, theres a thread dedicated to feedback on BP spawning. If you'd like to offer suggestions, its here:
  11. Zeellott

    Zeellott Lieutenant

    Oct 23, 2017
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    I have a found a problem with the multiplayer starting planet Tallodor, there seems to be no pentaxid at all in the sector. No crytals in lakes, no deposits and no asteroids in space for that sector. I am going to add 14 pent to each of the wreckage personal cargo boxes on my server when I get home. Unfortunatly I will have to wipe the playfield save file and template for it pull it from the scenario again but that's the life of alpha testers. Cheers!
  12. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    @Hummel-o-War I'm reposting again ;-)
    you haven't add this to the OP:

    In the "Default Multiplayer Scenario" Ore distribution in the Starter-Orbit playfields (nowhere else I've yet seen) is different to the SP version.
    Moreso, these are the OLD 6.x VERSION FILES.
    As @Hummel-o-War wrote, this is intentional.

    I want to question this ;-)

    This is a major difference in how to play, how to plan your playing as it defines when do you can get your SA and NEO, do you have to build a Warp-SV for that, or NOT.
    I'm not talking big Servers here (these mostly have changed distributions / scenarios themselfs).
    As I thought, SP and MP would not differ in such an elemental design change, just in the amount distributed, as written in the OP:

    Don't get me wrong, I can adapt, (and change if I want)
    I only got fooled about that and criticised for a small ressource guide I had provided with a published CV.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2017
  13. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    This got fixed, thanx Devs!

    better that way, Default SP and Default MP should only really differ in deposit sizes, PVE planets and regenerating POIs, but NOT in the gameflow / gameplay wise.
  14. Zeellott

    Zeellott Lieutenant

    Oct 23, 2017
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    Please, Please, Please reduce the loot from drones in Multiplayer. I just spawned a CV from looted drone parts and I haven't even made an SV yet
  15. Zaflis

    Zaflis Commander

    Sep 15, 2017
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    Some Tallodar experiences on custom difficulty; enemy amounts are high but fight difficulty easy, resources high. Not saying all of these things are bad, but it's up to you to judge if it's working as intended. We can now travel to other planets to fill the gaps.

    - I was able to build a new base at peace. Placed starterblock and everything but drones wouldn't send anything. Only after i explored one of the indestructible POI's that have purple name.
    - Why are they indestructible? Direct hit from explosive charges do no damage to core, and i can't destroy invisible spawners. And they can't be used as a base.
    - First drones that came were i think 3 or 4 large base attack drones, and i think if my base wasn't already setup with turrets properly and have SV in air, it could have been difficult to defend against. I mean, i thank my luck on not scouting much with motorbike early on. Next attack came relatively soon after first one, and so on... until 6 large drones were sent at the time and destroyed, all attacks stopped. I explored the whole map, destroyed turrets and some drones from Drone Base (without taking out its core), but they really stopped sending anything.
    - My orbit zone didn't have pentaxid when i started the save so i deleted the templates folder and orbit playfield, and they regenerated. After mining 1 pentaxid asteroid, i went home with roughly 1500 unrefined of it. That's 3000 refined pentaxid. Sure, the resource settings were high but... that will last for a lifetime. In my plan i just needed 15-30 refined pentaxid to travel to Ningues was it, which i heard would have more pentaxid on surface. But i do agree asteroid should give more than just the bare minimum needed. It could take long until you find another one.
    - There were no lootable hostile POI's on the planet. Except for 1 defence tower which was only made of regular steel, like the civilian places. I didn't go Drone Base yet, but places i did check i can't get hardened steel (sathium) from. The space station i saw may be different thing, but i expect it to be even harder than the drone base. On the flipside, the amount of those indestructible POI's was very high. But they only have a few chests and that's it then.

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