PVP Event Sunday! The server will be backed-up and snapshot! Anything that happens this Sunday only, will be reverted Morning. All sectors, all orbits, all planets and moons will be toggled PVP and if faction alliances are not made, or are broken, there will be conflict for 24 hours only. Defend yourself! Hunt your foes! Fight to the death!! Monday it all reverts nothing is lost =) ~r0d3nt
Server stopped responding for unknown reasons, rebooted, AOK. Apologies for the outage. I'll chalk this one up to the server being ALPHA, and I will setup a monitor for the server port 30000 so if it stops responding it will email me. =)
Server status: AOK. Been tweaking and working on the deep space systems to explore. Thar' be treasure and loots out there! But ye be warned, space is cold and dangerous. Abandon all hope ye' who explore the Pirates Sector. New players welcome! Recently we've gotten some new players and couple more factions. Exciting times. PVP event went well, but the Pirates Faction took a beating =( Thanks for playing! always feel free to message me on discord or the forums or email if you have any questions. ( added perks for votes, vote for our server and you'll get a nice perk! Thanks players! )
Alpha 7 will be released on 19th October! As always this means a full wipe! (inclusive updated universe) HOWEVER, fear not!! A backup will be kept, and I will respawn structures for our regular players if requested.
Normal server operations have been resumed. PVP Mayhem event is over. Normal PVE operations have resumed. Currently all sectors are set for defaults. Custom deep space planets will be recreated over the next 48-72 hours dedending on game play. Your administrator and hoster r0d3nt, plays the game full survival as naturally as possible. I will be playing the game to get re-established, and for nightly reboots will be making tweaks as needed for player requests and game balance. TODO: Custom Scheduled Announcements and Maintenance Recreate Custom HARRRRRRRRRRD difficulty deep space PVP planets. Update Starter Packs for "easy mode" players - (I add the assault rifle and 500 rounds of ammo for start packs and more) Find more TODOs I haven't thought of yet. Enable the Teleporter Pads on Space Stations :-/ Thank you all for playing and your interests! ~r0d3nt r0d3nt@gmail.com irc.2600.net/#empyrion
New players who want PVP and PVE, please notate, there are 2 PVE starter planets, and 1 PVP starter planet, CHOOSE YOUR POISON WISELY. Currently the admin has no gear or ships to come rescue you if you choose unwisely =)
7.x has been running well. Most old players have returned with a couple exceptions. Here are some notes: We used the same settings as the previous game, but it seems difficulty is WAYYYYyyy tougher, so I dropped the attack difficulty down 1 notch. CV Spawning on Bases is difficult and buggy, we've reported it. Choose your start planet wisely, as Hard and Harrrrrd is no joke. I updated the start-packs for each start planet, if they are not enough for basic survival please let me know! Thank you all for playing! Always a lot of fun on the RDNt Cluster ! - Events coming next weekend - ! (we need another week for people to build up and get ready for pvp and instances)
It took a little while, as the dust was settling for Eleon, they finally sent me the verified server password. I've added it to the configuration and have restarted the server. They say it may take a day or 2 for the server to show up in Blue. Thank you all for your patience, and thanks for playing!!
I sure wish we'd get a notification. :-D I'm updating the server now. I only noticed because the client updated. Server will be back up momentarily after the update if everything checks out. Thanks for playing players!
Server updated again. Sorry for it lagging behind the update curve. I was just updated yesterday, and the day before, and admins don't get any notifications =(
Hey mate, Sorry to say I am not man enough for your server. You guys were very cool and your server ran smooth but it was just too tough. Being chased by 8 to 12 spiders at a time was nuts and no amount of bullets was gonna help me. Had a terrible day where I died like 12 times and just said funk it and moved on. Some really cool people on your server like Soul who gave me an assault rifle that allowed me to hang on a few more days but in the end, it was just too frustrating. Take care and good luck to you guys
Hey Jmac! Terribly sorry! I did update the starter packs to include a better rifle, and ammo, and if you use cb:survival you can get another big boost of gear and 250k credits! Thanks for the feedback, if you ever decide to come back, I'd love to give you a hand to get situated. https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.ne...=a01a1cf84a1de53c357c9ac9cbfd5055&oe=5A6CA107 Those are our settings which were the same as 6.7.3 I do apologize and will look into this more.
RDNt Cluster Empyrion Galactic Survival! Personally hosted w/ 32 slots, on 1 gig ethernet colocated in central USA, good ping times domestic and internationally. The server has 99% uptime, and updates regularly, w/ admins and moderators regularly playing and monitoring. Join us for PVP Weekend this Sunday! the Pirates Faction YAR has challenged anyone to a fight in any PVP Sector. If you're looking for a fight, break the alliance and bring it. :-D If not, that's ok too, all other sectors normally PVE will remain PVE, and you can hide in your safe spaces. ;-D https://www.facebook.com/groups/empyrion.galactica/permalink/1020002848141994/
Sunday's patch was buggy for some users, and my startpacks broke. A couple clients were reporting to the server /Cache/ unable to read files, and would crash their client. Server is updated again, fixed the broken startpacks, fixed the buggy scenario sectors and playfields. Update startpacks again, and doubly tested, and cb:survival gives a *HUGE* boost. If you can't survive w/ the cb:survival boost of ore, tools, and weapons, and 250k of credits, I'm not sure what to say :-D Always feel free to message an admin or moderator for help. Thank you all for playing and your patience during ALPHA patching.
Thanks! That is a great question, so far it hasn't come up much,but since you're asking, obviously we need to post some sorta rules. I'll have them up this weekend.
Setup Wipe Schedule for Akua, every 30th, once a month we'll be wiping the start planet Akua. That one seem to take the most beating and abuse, and so we'll be wiping it regularly to keep it on the schedule. 10:20am ET, 30th of each month, Akua will be wiped. In-Game Announcements and Schedules are posted regularly too! Thanks for playing!