
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Stoickk

    Stoickk Lieutenant

    May 8, 2016
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    No, I really don't like it. You can tell by my post count that I don't spend much time on these forums. At this point, a good third of my posts are on this subject alone. Perhaps I am wasting my time. It's mine to waste.

    I won't be spending my time trying to hack my game to work around a bad mechanic. This game will simply be uninstalled until there is a change on this front. If it doesn't change, well, it's not the first game that I've bought that I don't play. I avoid early access titles zealously. I made an exception in this case. Perhaps that was a mistake on my part. Time will tell.

    Don't get me started on Fallout 4. That travesty of a title doesn't deserve the name, and never has. The Cashgrab Club fiasco was simply the icing on that cake.
  2. Ranger

    Ranger Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    Not to continue rubbing salt in your wounds here, but have you tried mining with the drone? I’m compmetely baffled at your experience. I can mine out a whole node in less than 10 minutes, and expend less than 2 drill charges. Just because you aren’t seeing a huge node vanish before your eyes doesn’t equal zero progress. Yes, you’re drilling dirt most of the time instead of the ore itself, but you get far more ore at once, far quicker than before. When I first started playing this, it would take an hour or more to mine out a 3k node. Now it’s a 10 minutes and done deal. I have to believe there’s something about this you just aren’t getting.
  3. wagfeliz

    wagfeliz Commander

    Oct 24, 2017
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    Just both the game today. I would like to ask why new players needs to wait 300 secs to to click in the register button here in the site ?
    Just remove this, its serves no porpoise other then get new players upset.
  4. ECubed

    ECubed Commander

    Sep 29, 2016
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    We've been having very serious spam issues. It might be one of the countermeasures.
  5. Stoickk

    Stoickk Lieutenant

    May 8, 2016
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    Yes. I've been playing this game since before planets had foliage. I know how to play Empyrion. The problem isn't my lack of ability. It's a bad game mechanic.
  6. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    How can you "know how to play Empyrion" since we don't even know what it will be in its final version ?

    I used to be hypnotized by the old mining system, looking at this fuzzy texture melting under the drill buzzing light, seeing the ore count going up very irregularly like there were "empty colored rocks" although it was clearly "the ore" I was mining. Was this logical ? I think there is at least the feeling that when we get to an actual "ore bit" we do get ore now, even if we have to look for it more cautiously.

    If you say that "playing Empyrion" is mining, I say that it is also exploring, fighting, trading, building, recycling, thinking, and a nice walking simulator at the very beginning. What do you think about these aspects? Did you try to fit them more or less into your playing experience, just to see if it all balances out?
    monktk and IanX like this.
  7. Yucatec

    Yucatec Ensign

    Oct 27, 2017
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    Hey guys, so I've been playing SP for a little bit and noticed a few things you might want to know about:
    - Headshot multipliers aren't showing up on the weapon stats anymore. Have they all been changed to the same number or are they showing up somewhere else?
    - You probably shouldn't have access to the T2-E Rifle BEFORE the T2-E Pistol, right? I would personally have the T2-E as a final Tier at level max level, and I'd still require the use of points to unlock them.
    - With the way the new T2-E weapons are made, Ultra-Rare Loot crates seem EXTREMELY underwhelming. Either that or the T2-E upgrade kits are too common. I personally think the crates themselves should be buffed. What would be great is a tier above the T2-E found only in those ultra rare crates, or just different weapons entirely you can't craft or get any other way. Perhaps some vintage weapons like the double-barrel shotty, or perhaps entirely new ammo types.
    - The new mining nodes are a big upgrade, even if poeple don't see it yet. Good work!
    - Overall the game feels much smoother, but it can never be 'too' smooth ;)
    - Alien blocks feel like a nuissance rather than an exciting material, because that's exactly what it is. Perhaps it could have some actual use later on down the line?
    - Why were the starting planets cut down? I thought Masperon was pretty cool as a starting zone.

    That's it for now. Epic work as per usual and can't wait for future updates
  8. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Ship taking damage when landing very softly... this is getting old pretty fast. I can't find the other player that mentioned this being a bugger, but I agree : it's ridiculous.
    monktk likes this.
  9. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    And any structure or vessel you land on also takes damage. There are some types of realism I can do without.
    monktk, ion_storm and Kassonnade like this.
  10. ion_storm

    ion_storm Captain

    Jan 6, 2017
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    Speaking of realism, I find it completely realistic to have hydraulic landing gear to absorb the realistic impact...:D
    monktk, Sasquatch, Kassonnade and 2 others like this.
  11. Taniyama

    Taniyama Captain

    Apr 7, 2017
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    There's nothing like the ship bouncing across the planet to wake you up in the morning. ;)

    On that subject!

    How about adding retractable landing gear and some type of aid that analyses the terrain around your ship and shows you the best area to land your ship in, because I don't know about you, but it's a big pain when you come down and you find your ship is tilting to one side or another. Hard to move around inside of it.
    ion_storm likes this.
  12. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    Has anyone seen slimes on Akua since 7 was released? I haven't been able to finish Huntsman Akua because I haven't seen a single slime in several games.
  13. crimsonedge885

    crimsonedge885 Lieutenant

    Nov 1, 2017
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    I got a few misc suggestions, some may have been mentioned already.

    - I feel like HVs need better armor blocks than SVs. Possibly HV combat steel armor that's got 500HP.
    - We need some T2 RCS for both HVs and SVs. Just look at some of the larger SV/HVs, people are using upwards of 100+ RCS blocks, and that seems a bit insane. Some more powerful devices could lower that count considerably. Same as a T2 RCS does for a CV over a T1.
    - Thruster Ls on HVs are basically useless, as they're only 10% more thrust over thruster Ms, yet are 1 block longer. You get more thrust by using x3 thruster S or x1 thruster M + x1 thruster S. I think thruster L should be twice as powerful as thruster Ms. The cost could be increased to compensate.
  14. wagfeliz

    wagfeliz Commander

    Oct 24, 2017
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    I did in 7.0 a few days ago, they spawn in some areas close to the water, but its very rare.
  15. Ambaire

    Ambaire Captain

    Nov 23, 2015
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    Please change or remove the damn motorcycle sound. The current sound seems like it was specifically designed to be as annoying as possible...
  16. wagfeliz

    wagfeliz Commander

    Oct 24, 2017
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    One thing Im missing the most is the possibility to customize the ship toolbar, like adding buttons to open hangars, etc.
    Also more properties to change for the devices would be nice in the control pannel, like one button to open/close hangars...
  17. Bollen

    Bollen Captain

    Mar 22, 2017
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  18. wagfeliz

    wagfeliz Commander

    Oct 24, 2017
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    Another thing also, the current bp spawn mechanics linked into ingots just broke the need to refine and produce parts, its much easyer to make an ship in creative and just spaw it into survival ratter than caring about the components. Loot also get compromised by this mechanics.
    An solution would be to require components into the bp spawn mechanic not ingots.
  19. minmatjan

    minmatjan Ensign

    Jul 25, 2017
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    Few basic improvement suggestions:
    - remember settings for jump jet + light after warp and boarding ship/motorcycle (so you don't have to always press L when unboarding in dark)
    - mark if armor has upgrades on inventory
    - tech tree: double-click unlocks new tech
    monktk, Sasquatch and binhthuy71 like this.
  20. Runeshadow

    Runeshadow Captain

    Dec 25, 2015
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    Hello Galactic Survivors,

    A small AI rant, if you please.

    It would be nice if the Talon Guardians guarded something besides sources of food. Now, with the civil POIs and AI staff in the prey faction, it can be tough to get started.

    They really only function as another predator. On MP servers, predators attack you straight out the pod. Admin buildings become a nice safe haven. But if you try to kill a prey animal for food, the entire AI staff attacks. What possible interest can they have in protecting the prey animals? Are they on SALARY??? LOl kidding.

    It seems like they should have their own faction. That would open up an opportunity to have some dynamics between the different AI entities. ie, certain predators don't like each other and will fight if they get too close.

    At the very least, if Talon Guardians are pacifists, they could attack anything that attacks something. So, they could defend the player when attacked by predators

    Also, I cant use the cargo boxes at the Admin buildings, either. What are they for? Admins don't use them, they get what they need through the console. Would be nice if they were set public, like the constructors. I could store stuff there at the risk of someone swiping my stuff, just like in the public constructor.

    TLDR: A separate faction for Talon Guardians and AI staff at Admin buildings.
    zztong likes this.

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