A question about mission coding

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by leo8913, Nov 11, 2017.

  1. leo8913

    leo8913 Ensign

    Aug 30, 2017
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    Hi guys!

    Hope this is the right place, i have a simple question about missions. I'm trying to create my own scenario with missions and i need to know if there was the possibility to replay an already completede mission, the only method i know is by the console command, i want to know if is possible do something trough the pda.yaml.
  2. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    You can do that through an Instance.

    So then after instance closes its ready for next person through the stargate.

    You can set instances to a time limit, set faction, set if backpack comes back or not, ie inventory, so lots of things you can do with an Instance, check em out.
  3. leo8913

    leo8913 Ensign

    Aug 30, 2017
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    Thanks for your replay, I'll try to look at Instances. To be more precise, I created a mission where if you go to a determinate Base and put a particluar mineral in a box then you recive money, what I want is that the mission can be played infinite times and not just once. I have (if is possible to do) to transform the base in an instance?
  4. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Yes, my Instances, you can look at the yamls in my scenario to see how I did it, but basically when you go through the stargate you teleport to the POI, to the position that you put the ''player spawner'', that's where you will spawn, in mine your already inside the POI and in some I use an Admin block NOT the blue one the PINK one this allows you to script the POI better without writing a single script so to speak.
    With the pink admin block you grab a T1 multi tool and hit any blocks you want to be destructible just once with the multitool so it dents, now that block in game will be destroyable, any you don't damage will be indestructible, you can use this to force players to go a specific way and not hack there way through walls ect, I use it a lot for vents in the walls, damage the vent mesh so players can pop it out and then crawl up ventilation shafts etc.
    The Instances have a timer, so you can set it to any time you like pretty much, you have the choice on the yamls to allow player to bring back inventor or not, and at the end of the set timer the whole POI will regenerate for the next player that steps through the gate, so its a forever setting so to speak, set it up once and its good for ever basically, well unless devs change something of coarse, which they specifically try not to change teleporters and the like because it would affect so many scenarios and there default games.

    So they do pretty much all of what your looking for from what I can gather.
    Needleship likes this.
  5. zaphodikus

    zaphodikus Captain

    Oct 1, 2016
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    Hey, piddlefoot, is there a space where people post workshop links? Like to show how these various mechanics can be set in a mission or in a scenario?

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