
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Are you making your own planets / playfields?
  2. Taniyama

    Taniyama Captain

    Apr 7, 2017
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    No, quite frankly it's too easy.

    What's needed is some type of SV & missile anti-weapon. Like they've got on navy ships to shoot down missiles. Like a high rate of fire mini-gun or even mini-laser in this case.

    "And for those that are following my adventures on Sienna. Day 4 is out!" :D
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2017
  3. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    YES, SURVIVAL is in DEEP NEED to get some additions!

    Scenarios are good, and the framework done so far from the Devs are good to. Yes, definitive!
    BUT! Even Master Build... eh SCENARIO Builders can only use things, that are ALREADY INGAME.
    They've done incredible things. Even me got hooked and I build up already my view of Survival game.
    BUT there is only as much to do as is implemented in the CORE Game.
    And this is too LESS.

    I want SURVIVAL. Where is the constant threat for food, O2, WATER (we don't need water atm), Shelter ?
    When I've got my first 3 Growing plots and a place near a lake..... I am set.
    Then it's only a matter of my personal time I want to invest to be a visitor to that game. VISITOR. Not a permanent VICTIM I should be.
    Where are the threats that can take away my food, O2, shelter, bomb be back to stone age literally?

    No, I don't want an even longer way to get to ore f.e., that's tedious, that's not survival.
    Survival is FIGHTING against the elements, against wildlife, against aggressors, against.... THE UNKNOWN.

    When did you got surprised latest?
    You don't know, right?
    Because there is NO SURPRISE in our Survival game.
    This needs to change.
    Jᴧgᴧ and Kassonnade like this.
  4. Booyaah

    Booyaah Captain

    Sep 7, 2015
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    Please elaborate how pvp without core targeting is too easy. Literally killed an enemy tower last night, all turrets knocked out. Now trying to get rid of the structure standing right in front of our base, 3 ppl spending 2 hours, 20k rockets on a 5k block of armored concrete looking for a needle in a hay stack core. Doesn't help that structural integrity is bugged.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    (endless layers of concrete...zzz)

    What we need is a hacking device that could be plopped down, similiar to an Autominer, that sits there for 10 minutes and if it is not damaged, it will put a hud marker over the structure's core. Honestly I'd rather they just bring back core targeting and get rid of thruster targeting for now (until if and when they require CV thrusters to be exposed), other wise CVs are pretty much unkillable right now.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2017
    Thundercraft and Bollen like this.
  5. Taniyama

    Taniyama Captain

    Apr 7, 2017
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    It's easy because all you need to do is target the core.

    You destroy the core?

    You disable the ship.

    That's why I mean it's too easy.
  6. Bollen

    Bollen Captain

    Mar 22, 2017
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    Planets not really, I'm recycling some of the already existing ones. I am mostly designing story, missions, silly amount of ships and bases. But as you might remember I'm still stuck in the automatic pilot feature for early missions. Also, since they announced that they will introduce solar systems this will fit my story much better. So in the meanwhile I continue with design and story... So yes, I am creating a playfield but it's on standby till the new features come into effect.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  7. Bollen

    Bollen Captain

    Mar 22, 2017
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    Love this idea!

    Personally I always turned off the core targeting previously because I prefer to take over the ships myself i.e. the hard way... But I agree that it's a pain sometimes trying to find the core.
  8. macrollat

    macrollat Ensign

    Nov 12, 2017
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    I feel like Empyrion would benefit a LOT from interface clean up and in game mechanics optimization. It seems to me that some quite obvious and relevant things have been overlooked, even more so in a survival game where it tends to be difficult for us to keep track of all the stuff we have. Even so, the devs efforts in making this game better are noticeable, with all the updates coming out and forum support. Thank you.

    - The inventories have no sorting options. It would be really nice to have one - click inventory organization, as it gets messy when raiding alien bases.
    - The bike is really wonky in irregular terrain and often drifts without consent, making steering it much more of a headache than it should. Also, I feel it would be better for us to steer not with A and D, but rather with mouse movement.
    - Drills apparently dig in a radius having the player as the pivot, making it difficult for us to choose the direction in which we want to go, since it often digs underneath us.
    - The complete absence of hand crafting some primitive tools makes it so we need to commit suicide if we lose our survival constructor (as in, having it removed from the world due to any possible occurance).
    -No makeshift melee weapons appart from the chainsaw makes it so that we are left defenseless early on if we run out of ammo/fuel.
    - The rates of needed resources to crafted items are in need of balancing, since we are able to make tons of ammo/devices/components early on but building blocks are actually somewhat expensive since their cost/product relation is 1:1.
    - A "Take all" hotkey is needed. I know it's been discussed before in other posts, but still remembering.
    - Insted of having to disassemble every placed block, have frames to actually prototype the whole building first and then upgrade said blocks. THEN, after upgraded, should we ever want to remove them, we'd need to disassemble.

    These are only a few of the things I could think of, will bring more once I get them in proper order. I'd advise the people here not to take everything I say too seriously or too lightly, these are just my some of my thoughts on the game and no one is obliged to agree with me. Thanks!
    Bollen likes this.
  9. Bollen

    Bollen Captain

    Mar 22, 2017
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    Just like you this is solely my opinion and you should not take it as a criticism of what you wrote:

    - The inventories have no sorting options. It would be really nice to have one - click inventory organization, as it gets messy when raiding alien bases.

    The inventory is just a bag or drawer, it's up to you to keep it tidy, but there are many way to manage this e.g. I have my looting shuttle which I usually bring in after I've finished taking over the station/base/ships. I have a special cargo hold where I put everything in (my normal inventory items) except the multitool and its charges. Then I proceed to loot and everything I find will go in order just after the multitool charges. You can also use an empty container for sorting in categories, use SHIFT+Left click to move everything in one slot to one side (your inventory or container) do this in categories e.g. food, construction materials and when you're done, you just use the arrow on the container to move everything in the new categorised order!

    - The bike is really wonky in irregular terrain and often drifts without consent, making steering it much more of a headache than it should. Also, I feel it would be better for us to steer not with A and D, but rather with mouse movement.

    I think that's kind of the point, it's supposed to be a very small and relative improvement from running. The game wants you to upgrade to an HV or SV ASAP. So... Walking/running is easy to control, but slow > the motorbike allows you to go fast but it's a pain to control and it has limitations > the HV has no limitations, it goes fast, it can drill and attack, but it's a pain to control > finally the SV is the best in maneuverability and has no limitations, but you can't drill with it. So it makes sense that they would do it like that, because that justifies the existence of every vehicle for a different purpose. If you start removing this limitations, other vehicles will become redundant.

    - Drills apparently dig in a radius having the player as the pivot, making it difficult for us to choose the direction in which we want to go, since it often digs underneath us.

    That's why, just like above, it makes sense to have all the different categories. Even in Creative I'll have all three drills if I want to make say... An underground base. I'll use the basic drill for small tunnels and stairways, the T2 for larger hallways and the T3 (or debug, I can't remember) for big areas like hangars! The basic drill will not drill below you very much...

    - The complete absence of hand crafting some primitive tools makes it so we need to commit suicide if we lose our survival constructor (as in, having it removed from the world due to any possible occurance).

    Well... It is a survival game. In real life you wouldn't be able to just commit suicide and start again (unless you're a Buddhist);). Plan ahead, don't change the game. I almost always make two of everything and keep one nearby in a shuttle or my base. I suppose they could add a tiny inventory to the motorcycle, but you can also put your backup tools/weapons in your survival constructor and leave it nearby. Maybe even in your O2 or water generator, don't know, haven't tried. But I've only ever lost everything once in my first few days of playing, then I discovered the blueprint feature and I started backing everything and making two of everything. I even have a med container in all my shuttles where I keep half my medicines in case I die. I can always run back there and fully heal before heading back for my backpack.

    -No makeshift melee weapons appart from the chainsaw makes it so that we are left defenseless early on if we run out of ammo/fuel.

    Same as above.

    - The rates of needed resources to crafted items are in need of balancing, since we are able to make tons of ammo/devices/components early on but building blocks are actually somewhat expensive since their cost/product relation is 1:1.

    It makes sense though, no? We've had hammers, spears, bows, cannons, muskets and other tools for centuries, but a car takes a lot more. Same can be said about a modern house, a building or even more a spaceship! Is not just the technological know-how, but it's also the complexity of the small parts that make up the whole.

    - A "Take all" hotkey is needed. I know it's been discussed before in other posts, but still remembering.

    There is! It's an arrow on the top right of cargo containers or other creatures' inventory. Alternatively there's shift+left click to quickly transfer everything in a slot back and forth.

    - Insted of having to disassemble every placed block, have frames to actually prototype the whole building first and then upgrade said blocks. THEN, after upgraded, should we ever want to remove them, we'd need to disassemble.

    You can by using the terminal. I can't remember the exact command, but it's something like changeblocks(type) ID blocktype. It's easy to find in Google. The new copy/pasteçut/delete function allows you all kinds of goodies...!
  10. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Whoever had this idea to make a "racer bike" to roam in the fields and rocky terrain should try it in real life...

    We need 4 wheel buggies and trucks. Kill that damn motorcycle no one likes. How is that for feedback? Almost 9 out of 10 players have been complaining about this cumbersome vehicle. Kill it.
    rucky and Bollen like this.
  11. Bollen

    Bollen Captain

    Mar 22, 2017
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    LOL, I have, nearly broke my neck... (I mean a real one). But then a friend of mine that had never played Empyrion came over the other day and he was jumping through hills and doing all sorts of crazy within minutes... I agree with every complaint I have ever read, I just wouldn't take it out... I like hard in a game!:D Call me a masochist!
  12. Thundercraft

    Thundercraft Captain

    Oct 27, 2017
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    Yes, that's a wonderful idea!

    Like Booyaah and others have said, it can sometimes be more difficult than it's worth to take out a structure or capital ship, particularly large structures with lots of armor. But, really, it depends on the structure and how familiar players are with it. Rather small or weakly armored structures are one thing. And, after you've located the core once, you will know where to aim next time. It merely becomes a matter of memorization. So, yeah, in those cases, it's too easy. But it's no longer fun if it takes real-life hours to find the Core. What we really need is a compromise everyone can live with.

    Just and idea: How about we get a Core scanning device, like Booyah suggests, but also change things so POI's spawn with the Core randomly placed somewhere? That way, we won't be able to know where the Core is simply because we've attacked this POI before and memorized the location.
    Bollen likes this.
  13. crimsonedge885

    crimsonedge885 Lieutenant

    Nov 1, 2017
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    I think there needs to be more of a distinction between SVs and HVs, and that HVs need to be improved a bit.

    Some things I think HVs need:

    - Combat steel blocks whereas SVs are limited to hardened steel.
    - Some additional device options that SVs can't get. Like maybe T2 mobile constructors.
    - Weapon types that SVs and CVs can't get. They need more than just gatling guns.

    At the very least, HVs should get combat steel blocks, IMO. Because they're less maneuverable than SVs are. An F-18 fighter jet doesn't have access to the same armor as a tank does, but in Empyrion they do.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2017
    Thundercraft likes this.
  14. Mikemc

    Mikemc Commander

    Sep 30, 2016
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    Could we please get either some new faces or add a checkbox for happy/sad versions? With everything creatable in the game, you'd think he'd cheer up a little.. :`( . Face 6 at least looks indifferent.
    Neal and Thundercraft like this.
  15. Slipstream

    Slipstream Captain

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Do we have any idea/ETA on when enemy heavy weapons will be addressed? CV/PV/Base turrets, etc. They still can't hit a moving target.


  16. p0n71u5

    p0n71u5 Ensign

    Nov 14, 2017
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    (Longtime player, first-time poster, so apologies if this is not the appropriate place for this suggestion.)

    With deco NPCs on the horizon -- & the possible behaviors/actions resulting -- I would love to have the ability to marry them with the in-game logic, creating NPC workers that fulfill tasks I define. For example, an NPC porter that delivers water, hydrogen, & oxygen from my pumping station to my base &/or CV landing pad (some distance from my base); an NPC attendant at that landing pad that refuels my ship & refills the O2; guards that patrol those installations; &c. As a committed single-player, such capability would be an absolute boon (& tweaking the logic would be fun, too).

    Many, many thanks to the devs for an already fantastic game!
    Bollen and Thundercraft like this.
  17. Kurgis

    Kurgis Lieutenant

    May 16, 2017
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    The update to the new version of Unity seems to have fixed a problem with AMD cards. Previously, (and only in Empyrion - not in any other game old or new) after a random amount of time the fans would spike on the card and the monitor would turn itself off. This seems to have stopped - it certainly hasn't happened since in all my play which is about 50+ hours on Exp 7.X
  18. Bollen

    Bollen Captain

    Mar 22, 2017
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    When I got the email alert for this post I thought you said: "With deco NPCs on the horizon -- & the possible behaviors/actions resulting -- I would love to have the ability to marry them..."! Ha, ha, ha, ha! After all, they look quite cute....:D
    p0n71u5 likes this.
  19. p0n71u5

    p0n71u5 Ensign

    Nov 14, 2017
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    Lol! That's a whole other kind of logic... or lack thereof, depending on your POV. <wilts under spousal glare> o_O
    Bollen likes this.
  20. zorgkirill

    zorgkirill Ensign

    Nov 12, 2016
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    For a long time, character and textures resolution options were locked by RAM/VRAM, as it might had big performance hit. But recently this lock was removed, I tested max character/texture resolution, and everything was OK with it! It had no impact on FPS at all! Thanks for removing that lock and allowing to play with better graphics!

    P.S. i play on notebook, it has 8 GB RAM and 1 GB Vram nvidia gt740m. It's not very powerful, and playable settings are "fast", giving 25-30 fps (both with half and max texture resolution).

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