The Lost City Of Sol-Exploration Scenario - Over 200 playfields.

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by piddlefoot, Jun 5, 2017.

  1. Loch

    Loch Lieutenant

    Nov 12, 2016
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    i was just glancing through the logs and it looks like the trader config file needs to be updated with 7.0 names for a few items
    20-17:36:29.314 12_36 -WRN- Trader item with name 'Cables' not found
    20-17:36:29.314 12_36 -WRN- Trader item with name 'ControlPanel' not found
    20-17:36:29.314 12_36 -WRN- Trader item with name 'MetalComponents' not found
    20-17:36:29.314 12_36 -WRN- Trader item with name 'Pipes' not found
    20-17:36:29.315 12_36 -WRN- Trader item with name 'Cables' not found
    20-17:36:29.315 12_36 -WRN- Trader item with name 'ControlPanel' not found
    20-17:36:29.315 12_36 -WRN- Trader item with name 'MetalComponents' not found
    20-17:36:29.315 12_36 -WRN- Trader item with name 'Pipes' not found

    If you are using a custom TraderConfig.ecf or PDA, you need to update the following names:
    Pipes > Nanotubes
    ReactorCore > CobaltAlloy
    Cables > OpticalFiber
    MetalComponents > MechanicalComponents
    AdvancedCPU > Oscillator
    ControlPanel > EnergyMatrix
  2. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Yea I never got to that and I should have it sorted by weekend, it will be updateable without a new game so shouldn't cause to much issue to your current save.

    Thanks though.
    Late2Gaming likes this.
  3. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Small update to correct the Multigate sinking into ground to deep.
    Will update next week for Trader file, still adjusting it and a few new items etc.

    So go to the save folder and into the games save theres a shared folder, go into that folder and find the Multigate folder and delete it, then a new multigate will be generated next visit to the planet, any planet its on.
    It only saves it once in the shared folder, this is the only place it needs to be deleted and that shared folder is INSIDE your save of that game.
  4. Yrth

    Yrth Lieutenant

    Nov 18, 2016
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    I am playing on the german 'Schwabenland' Server and have noticed, that the instance portals did not work properly.
    Every time you enter a potal (eg. Zen Fortress) you are teleportet to the instance. You see the entrance room for about a half second, then you will be teleportet back to the Multigate. So no chance to enter a instance :(
    Scottie Magicthighs likes this.
  5. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Are they running the scenario again ?
    They took it down for a bit there.

    They may not have applied the last update, but I have checked all of my jump gates here and every single one is working so Im now wondering if the server admin has changed any files at all and it maybe better if I get a copy of the game and game save from them to do a comparison and see whats going on.
    So if you see the owner ingame let him know please.
  6. Yrth

    Yrth Lieutenant

    Nov 18, 2016
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    @piddlefoot: Thx, I have transmitted this conversation to Bakkur.
  7. Late2Gaming

    Late2Gaming Lieutenant

    Mar 8, 2017
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    We did not realise Earth did not allow CV's before we began the game, now we have an established earth and a saved file.

    We changed the .yaml in the Scenario's folder, but as expected, that had no effect.

    Is there no way to change the fact CV's are not allowed on the planet without deleting saved game files?
  8. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Its best to start a new game if possible, OR, go into the save folder of your current game and delete the sector file so it can generate a new one.

    This update doesn't change huge amounts, mainly just re-positioning of planets to bring the map closer and seeable without dragging damned page forever to see the planet your on, hence the sector file wipe.

    It is more of a bug fix than anything, a few issues, like falling through the terrain on Earth due to a spelling error on the ground textures are all fixed.

    @ Bakkur after looking at the files you sent me, the game [ scenario version ] your running is a VERY old version and thus hasn't had some of the bug fixes or terrain fixes it should have, unfortunately the only way I was able to fix it was a completely new start.

    So the only thing I can recommend is a completely new start for your server, for players that want to bring stuff, ships are easy bases are not, bases risk data corruption on the new save, get everyone in the server to go park in ONE PVE orbit, save and shut down, start brand new game, then jump in godmode and teleport to the Orbit that everyone saved there stuff in, then shut down server saving it as you go.

    Then go into the save folder of the old game and put all the players PLY files into the players folder, then go into the shared folder and copy all of the players SV, HV and CV builds and paste them into the shared folder of the new game.

    Been a while sinse I did this, start server and check the Orbit see if everything is there.

    If theres any issues buzz me on steam.

  9. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Yes go into the save folder of that game and find the planet you want to edit and just edit that yaml, make sure game is shut down before you do it.

    Also theres an error I believe on your scenario under the terrain, so heres the fix, if you have issues pop a question on steam.

    This is what the terrain texture section looks like on the yaml.

    - [ GravelRockBrown03, 1 ]
    - [ RockBrown01, 0 ]
    - [ NeodymResource, 2 ]
    - [ PentaxidResource, 2 ]
    - [ CobaltResource, 2 ]
    - [ SathiumResource, 2 ]
    - [ Lava02RockGrey08, 2 ]

    - [ RocksmallA02, 0.01 ]

    - Altitude: 28
    - [ StoneBeach, 26 ]
    - Altitude: 47
    - [ SandBeach, 9 ]
    - [ RocksmallA02, 0.01 ]
    - Altitude: 90
    - [ Grass02Cliff, 43 ]
    - Altitude: 140
    - [ GravelRockBrown03, 100 ]
    - Altitude: 500
    - [ GravelRockBrown03, 359 ]
    - [ Snow08RockBrown03, 1 ]


    Do you see the error ?

    NeodymiumResource is spelt wrong and thus causes a section of under ground terrain to become invisible and you can fall through it, then the devs falling through terrain fix kicks in and teleports you back to surface, what they did there I think is made the Pole level a teleporter wall, like the poles are now.

    So to fix the issue on your game you need to open ALL playfield yamls in your save game AND the scenario template folder and edit that 1 line, its not wrong in all of them but you need to open them all to check which ones have that ore.

    Once you have corrected the spelling error on your save game yamls the terrain will show the correct texture and you wont fall through anymore.
    Once you correct the template yamls for planets that haven't generated yet, all games in the future will be protected from this bug.

    So if you want to remove any of the recourses from the terrain lower levels just delet the whole line but do NOT delete these lines.

    - [ GravelRockBrown03, 1 ]
    - [ RockBrown01, 0 ]

    - [ Lava02RockGrey08, 2 ]
  10. Late2Gaming

    Late2Gaming Lieutenant

    Mar 8, 2017
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    I have sooo many questionsj.

    Let's start with .yaml files in the saved game folder.

    We could not find a .yaml in the saved game planet files, only in the original scenario planet file? I went through every folder, but it is not there. Mostly just .dat files.

    Also, we JUST restarted our server much to the dismay of our players, restarting again is out of the question. So, you say we can merely replace the sector file?

    "OR, go into the save folder of your current game and delete the sector file so it can generate a new one."

    Will our players notice we have done this? What is the impact of this upon them? Our players live on Earth, Ziraxus, and Russells. Of these it looks like only Ziraxus is effected by a coord change. So...what happens to the planet, players and structures when the sector file suddenly reads Coordinates: [-53, 85, -255] rather than Coordinates: [-170, -100, 500]?

    Will the players log in to discover they are floating in space where a planet use to exist?

    What happens when our players perform an update of the Workshop scenario? Will this conflict with the server version?

    If we have to replace manually, is the attached file the one we would replace? How will this affect works in Saved Games?


    "NeodymiumResource is spelt wrong and thus causes a section of under ground terrain to become invisible and you can fall through it"

    Would this require a planet refresh for planets already visited?

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Nov 23, 2017
  11. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    OK so, open the save folder of you game, inside should be these folders,
    difficulties dat
    game dat

    In side that Playfields folder are all the planets that have been generated in the game, they are not yamls but but they are like data files for fast loading, the game de-serializes the files to here first, like a shortcut so to speak, what happens is when called to generate a planet these files direct others to place a playfield yaml into the Template folder you see at the bottom of the list, inside this Template folder which is inside your save folder is where generated yamls from planets created are saved.

    Its in this Template folders yamls you need to make the changes to , to effect the map without starting a new game, edit the resource spelling mistake on these Templates and the bug is gone.

    Then leave the save folder and go to the original scenario folder you downloaded and edit the files in the Template folder so any new planets that haven't been generated yet also get the new code fixes.

    Now the sector file, to relocate a planet to a new position should not leave players in orbits, there co-ords are attached to the planets co-ords map surface, so where ever it is they should be , auto. Area and dat files contain that data.
    The sector file inside this save folder is where you need to edit it to make changes to a current game in play.
    The relocation of some planets does not break teleporters or anything like that.
    The sector file also determines starter planets, I think Ziraxus was removed from the starters but that should not effect players already started there as there data is on the dat and area files which we don't touch and if we do players will loose stuff, so don't delete dat or area files.

    For any POIs that are updated that you want to generate the new POIs, go into this Shared folder here and find the POI, there all named, and delete its entry / folder, then a new one will be generated with the new changes.

    Players folder should be obvious.

    Short on time right now if I missed something just ask.
    I will look at sector file in couple of hours.

    I this your current game sector, do you want me to edit it ?

    EDIT= I cant read that sector file it corrupt on download for me, maybe zip it.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2017
  12. Late2Gaming

    Late2Gaming Lieutenant

    Mar 8, 2017
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    Ohhhhhh! So THAT'S where the saved game .yaml files are!! That totally solved a big mystery. I'm also understaning more how all this works which is very helpful. Thank you for taking the time to explain it. :)

    Question: Can I change CV False to CV True in here to allow CV's on earth?

    Question 2: What changes can I make in the Saved Game .yaml in the Template folder and not royally mess up the game? I'm looking at things like entity counts or drone spawns not planet data such as terrain/weather/decs or anything like that.

    For example, can I exchange the Saved Game .yaml for Ziraxux with the attached .yaml without messing up the game?

    That is good, because I am one of those players! LoL It is also good because more players on the planet were not really desired anyhow. Limited resources and all. :)

    We just found that one out yesterday as we were trying to spawn drones again after the drone base was destroyed. Found the "How To" on the forums here somewhere and now we have drones again. Though...we altered the .yaml to make the drone spawns like Akua rather then the behemoth, unstoppable waves of large drones Ziraxus was programed with. Yeesh! LoL That was crazy for a new player.

    The worst part of the large drones is that due to some sort of game glitch or bug they were able to shoot unto the terrain and destroy our UNDERGROUND bases!! What the heck? We are burried about 15-20 blocks down yet those things would come and wipe out our little wood bases and turn us into confetti in a split second. We probably would have left them in the game if it were not for this dreadful glitch.

    So with the sector file, I can simply switch your new one for the one contained in the save folder and this will not effect game play whatsoever?

    Do I have that right? That seems hard to believe that such a drastic change in coordinates would not mess up the game in any way. Wow.

    OK, well, we will give all this a try.

    Thanks a million!

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Nov 24, 2017
  13. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    So before you edit anything just take a copy and paste of the folder your changing incase it stuffs up, then you can paste copy back in and start again easy enough.

    Yes you can change CV false to true just make sure the server isn't running at the time, shut game down to do it.

    The saved game yaml can have a lot of changes and should not effect the player for the most part, the players data is on area and dat files which we don't touch so player position and all that it should not effect, the saved yaml is where the game gets its info when you restart an already previously played game, just to create the planet itself.
    So its pretty flexible, do a bit of trial and error testing and you will grasp it easy enough.

    Under ground bases being shot isn't the only thing, if you dig within 100m of a POI the they can kill you there also, its a bad bug that needs addressing asap.

    I think swapping the sector file out works fine, haven't tested that for a while so take a backup before you test it.

    Changing the co-ord just moves planets around on the map, I did it in a way to compact the map a bit because its way to spread out, needing to drag the map screen for miles to see anything, so its a much more organised map now.
  14. Late2Gaming

    Late2Gaming Lieutenant

    Mar 8, 2017
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    BTW -- the ore deposits on Ziraxus give WAY WAY more then they say they do. Not sure what's up with that. NOT that I'm complaining! Just thought you might want to know. for example I mined a 3500 deposit silicon and got 16,000.

    On Earth we are having the opposite problem. Some players are saying they are finding ore deposits that say there is 100% ore remaining, but there is actually nothing in the ore deposit at all. Empty.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2017
  15. Late2Gaming

    Late2Gaming Lieutenant

    Mar 8, 2017
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    So underground bases being shot is a known Empyrion bug? Good to know it's not just us.

    So, that .yaml I attached, would those changes be OK to make to a saved game file?

    Also, as a sidenote off topic question: How would we refesh the ore on a planet?
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2017
  16. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    When ore is depleted or bellow a specific percentage of its quantity, ore meteors fall randomly and you have to find them and mine them. It is a game mechanic.
  17. Late2Gaming

    Late2Gaming Lieutenant

    Mar 8, 2017
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    Yes, I have over 1000+ hours on Empyrion and have experienced that delighful game mechanice to the tune of dozens and dozens of hours hopping around the planet collecting metors. LoL

    But this is not what is happening here. The server was just wiped and this scenario put on it a few days ago. Earth is FAR from running out of ore right now.

    What is happening is that players are going to the ore deposits that are marked 100%, meaning 100% of the ore is suppose to still be there and none of it has been previously mined. Yet, no ore is there and no hole in the ground where another player has already mined.
  18. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    I do not know how multiplayer behavior of Empyrion works. I think it is game mechanic, taken from single player mode, that each player sees the ore deposits on map with more quantity than it actually has, until the relevant deposit is being visited by the player to update the quantity. Even if someone already mined it and the relevant mine is depleted.

    Sorry I only own one copy of the game and I can not test Zirax scenario, at least in local co op, for you. But I have another idea. If I am correct, ore meteors are falling/available only when the player is on the map. Re loading after few hours or the next day makes any meteor on the surface, gone and new batch starts to fall after a while. I have tested it by setting bookmarks on tons of meteors on Earth. I loaded the save the next day when I had time to mine them but when I visit the bookmarks, all meteors are gone. After a while new ones start falling but this time i quit the bookmarking procedure and just went mining whatever I found.

    That happens on single player.
  19. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Been seeing 100% deposits myself so that maybe a bug the devs need to sort but it may require a planet wipe to correct after they have patched it. Not sure.

    But to regenerate Ore nodes, at the moment the only way is to wipe that planet and let it regenerate.

    Now Ore nodes are 3d models we might see Ore node regeneration in the future but its not in yet if that's the case.

    Yes asteroids will vanish when game shuts down, same for servers, they start falling again about 5 minutes after server re-starts.

    Under ground bases being shot is an horrific bug the devs need to sort asap.

    Also PV vessels getting stuck under terrain and mountains shooting up through ground is another bad bug needing dev attention, AND on top of that, if you dig to close to a POI it can hit you with its little sentry guns so another bad bug the devs need to address.
    All out of our hands those.

    Now that yaml you left up the page there has this on it ?

    Jesus Christ is L0rd of all

    Short of the fact its a lie and whatnot, the yaml file is going to probably brainfart when you start it, so how did that get on the yaml ?

    No that yaml probably wont cut it.
    Is it intended as a joke ?

    Other than that it looked fine yea.
  20. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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