Hey folks, i want to present my small Youtube Cannel "Games Insights" By now Ive start to record my experiences and adventures in the universe of Empyrion Galactic Survival. Also I like to show my crafting projects as good as I can. The channel is in german language, so i hope there are maybe one or other german speaking players who find the videos I made interessting. by the way, am sry for that prefix "closed Alpha". I know its wrong but there is no other option to choose
Also mir gefällt es sehr gut. Spiele jetzt schon einige Zeit aber auf die Idee in Episode 9 die Ausgrabung bin ich noch nicht gekommen. Hatte eigentlich den gedanken ins All auszuwandern ^^
Hey JM, thx for the Feedback You really should thake your drill and go to dig around and in the wreck. For me it makes a lot of fun, to dig for new rooms or cargo boxes. I think, that game posibilitie is a nice content, which sould be found oftener in Empyrion universe. Maybe some alien citys, which you can found unter sanddunes, another wrecks or bunkers for example. When i finish my base on Omicron I will also start to point my view to space. But before I start exploring the starsystem, I want to explore all possibilities on Omicron Will see what happend next
Hey folks, Ive just finished a new video. I finally start to build up my hanger for my groundbase on Omicron. Its the bigest building I had builded so far. I Hope you enjoy teh video
Hey there, ive finished my next video. In it I try to get a bit closer to the black alien towers on Omicron
Hey, another videoclip is produced. I updated my small space vessel a bit based on the experiences from the last video. Hope you will like it
Like i sad it in my last video, i start to create a new small vessel named "Hornet". Ive finished it now and start to fly to my first space mission. Hope you enjoy the clip I will put the Hornet into the tread "small vessel blueprints" as a download if some one want to give it a try
I thought about to build a real big starbase and as more as I thought about it I came to the belif, that it would be better to start such a big project in the creative mode of the game. So here a tiny video about some first steps in the creative mode. For all how allready use this mode presumably not really interesting
Hey there, my base project is going on well. But there is just one big problem Ive got. My base got to big! Ive just reached the building limit for bases, so I have to look for other options to finish it.
Well then, I hadnt made videos for a long time. For now I just miss the time to go on. So my Empyrion Youtube project is still put on hold for a long while. Maybe I will go one in some months, when I got more time