What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Tryst

    Tryst Captain

    Dec 8, 2016
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    it is a MP starter planet but I am playing it in SP.

    The same applies to Roggery, you can't take a CV into the atmosphere. That's 2 planets that are basically out of hte question if you have a CV since you don't want to leave it up in space for drones to hack to pieces when it finally runs out of power.
  2. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    AllowCV: False

    from the yaml. yep.
    what's the other name? (I change that for my own scenario then :)

    Edit: Sienna.
  3. Tryst

    Tryst Captain

    Dec 8, 2016
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    They are all DAT or AREA files, no YAML there at all in the playfield directories.
    The dedicated YAML in the saves doesn't have any ability to effect playfield overrides.
  4. typhoon01

    typhoon01 Captain

    Sep 12, 2017
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    Fully ready to fight in battle :) Chrum Chrum APC.jpg

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  5. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    not in the saves, the descriptions are in the content folder:
    C:\STEAM\SteamApps\common\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Content\Scenarios\Default Multiplayer\Playfields
  6. Aeri

    Aeri Commander

    Dec 14, 2016
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    Already tried it sadly does not work. Even if you go straight up to orbit when you re enter the planet you come down a ways to the side so you can't mesh a ground and orbital base :(
    LordMontecute likes this.
  7. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    NOW THAT IS A TANK!! Awesome design. It looks very alien like.
  8. SirKnumskull

    SirKnumskull Captain

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Put the finishing touches on my new starter (lvl10, 3000-ish iron) CV, hopefully my connection will be stable for once, uploading screenshots has been a pain lately.

    Can't even upload to the forum, timeout every time. Imgur is a bit more lenient, so at least that still works. My Giant Leap:

  9. 68plex

    68plex Captain

    Sep 27, 2015
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    I woke up with plans in my head this morning... was going to do a quick setup of turning the lights on/off automatically with motion sensors in the fabrication room of my current CV project.

    It seems that doing that is a fairly straight forward process, using 2 sensors and a set/reset latch. The setup was a breeze, and I was just about ready to head off to work... when I realized that there is another door to this particular room at the other end. Ugh oh. But thinking myself a veritable logic-genius, I jumped back in to clean it up real quick before heading to work.

    Um... no go.

    Seems the simple addition of just 1 extra door creates a tremendous logic problem (well... for me, anyway :) ) when you consider you need to be able to enter/exit each and any door in any combination there of, and still make it work right.

    Well, 13 hours later, my brain nearly fried, and after about a gazillion trials and experiments, I finally got it to work... and work like a charm at that! Woooooooot!

    I feel like a million bucks right now... that's what this game does for me - like no other! I just had to share this with the community.

    Who's attempted this 2x door, seemingly simple signal logic? And what was your experience getting it to come together? Am I just a dense blockhead, or did you find this a difficult challenge too? I'll say this: I ended up having to employ 8 motion sensors, setup and placed just right, to make it work.
    a7 create_2017-11-16_23-06-28.jpg

    Except for the 1st signal, there she is. You can see by the large jump in signal numbers after the other signal (006) how many attempts it took me to figure it out. :)
    jmtc, Siege Inc., Kieve and 2 others like this.
  10. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    but you're sure that's the simplest way to do it?

    I make that this way:
    • Set ONE Movement Sensor to cover the whole Room.
    • If the Room is bigger, take more Sensors and then take the Result into an OR Circuit.
    • Set the Lights to the Final Sensor-Result with an FOLLOW action.
    • Done.
    Don't test in GodMode, you won't be recognized all time then!
    68plex, Siege Inc. and Razorwire like this.
  11. Razorwire

    Razorwire Captain

    Jul 6, 2017
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    That's how I do mine.
    I've never found I needed more than one or two sensors, and four would cover a huge area if you spaced them right and set the detection areas to max.
  12. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    As the Lexington was built in space and to be operated in space with no real intention of planet usage, i felt the need to nevertheless check the accessibility of the ship when parked or spawned on a cv dock at a planet.

    Quickly realised there was no access xD

    Ok so added these motion activated 2 doors with a foot ramp and a light :3

    Now she is planet friendly, also the hangar on roof was built using a 7x5 door meeting a 5x3 this is now 7x5 both ways ;)

    The hangar doors are now same size.
    New nametag backing highlighting brought on by external lighting.

    The bridge has emergency access doors covered with ramps.

    Added some spotlights around the ship

    A simple crew quarters since I now have a bunch of NPC crew but not a single bed in the whole ship, this was because i found 2 guys seemingly having a strong debate in the lounge about who is kipping on the sofa.

    Also a sexy little officers quarters x 2 with windows looking over the growroom.
    The science lab looks used now at least !

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  13. jmtc

    jmtc Captain

    Sep 29, 2016
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    Today I took out the drone base on Oscutune.

    This was a more difficult operation than 'normal' due to a few factors - my world seed spawned several hostile POIs within gun range of the Drone Base, necessitating neutralizing strikes on each of the POIs with my SV before getting clear access to the Drone Base. I've dealt with crossfire from two sites before, but crossfire from four sites is much more difficult, especially considering that my fighter SV is a lightly-armed and lightly-armored ship not really intended for heavy fighter duties. From within a veritable storm of hostile plasma, laser, and ballistic fire, I succeeded in stripping all of the POIs of their turrets and gun mounts after what seemed like an hour of ducking, weaving, retreating, regrouping, repairing and re-engaging.

    The Drone Base had started spawning waves of drones such as I had never seen before. My radar was a solid mass of red, and the white text labels of downed drones on my HUD completely obscured view of the Drone Base itself. There was no time to loot any of the materials from the drones, as the stream of spawns was constant for what must have been 20 minutes or more. There had to have been a few dozen drone 'corpses' downed over the base at any given time during my aerial attack. I ultimately got frustrated enough with the continued drone spawns that I used up all the rest of my 130mm missiles (about 300 of them) boring a hole through the base so that I could fly my SV in and park it inside.

    The waves of drone spawns ended just as I had cleared a hole in the wall and roof of the base large enough to pass my ship. Bleh.

    The rest of the raid on foot went pretty much by-the-book, though there was a final surprise in the lower levels of the base:

    A7 Fresh_2017-11-16_22-32-44.png
  14. SirKnumskull

    SirKnumskull Captain

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Just as I told the guy I was helping on our server yesterday: doors are something for people without godmode. ;)
    banksman45, binhthuy71 and jmtc like this.
  15. typhoon01

    typhoon01 Captain

    Sep 12, 2017
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    VERY Thenks :D You do not need to worry about invaders :) This HV is from the human workshop ..
  16. typhoon01

    typhoon01 Captain

    Sep 12, 2017
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    Today after lunch: For two years I have been wandering around the universe, and only the enemy civilizations have fought, and so often I have had to struggle for my own life. And today my ship has captured a signal that was different from the extraterrestrials. Immediately I interrupted all of my actyvities and ran away I was on the bridge .. And in the transmitter was the human voice of the woman .. I thought I was dreaming ... But after a second of a second I realized .. The pilot of the first ship asked me to land that they needed to eat and sleep properly .. Of course that I immediately met and released the hangar on the landing ... So I have two fully armed teams on board and 2 Beautiful Women :D Screenshot_2.png
  17. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    Making progress (sort of)

    The Silverstar Class, the fastest (FTL) ship in the fleet.
    NewGame-171108-1041_2017-11-17_12-18-45.png NewGame-171108-1041_2017-11-17_13-23-34.png

    It is basically a FTL clipper ship with minor armaments. Everything about the ship is to reach high FTL velocities. Interior space is not the highest priority, nor is it Combat. Maneuverability is limited to mild forward/reverse accelleration.
    Strafing (left/right) and up/down movement is meant for docking and minor maneuvering only.

    Future updates will enhance the ship with Strong energy shields and Energy weapons though.
    (you never know what crazy aliens you'll encounter )
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2017
  18. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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  19. 68plex

    68plex Captain

    Sep 27, 2015
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    OMG! Oh, the simplicity of it... the beauty of it. I'm such a knucklehead lol. Leave it to me to take the arduous route...

    Thanks, rucky, for a lesson learned :)
  20. Starwing6

    Starwing6 Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    The addition of NPC crew members has gone over so well. :D I really love them too. Of course I have been longing to add them to our current CV in progress, but being able to buy them from Pax Purgatory is the best thing for my story! (I really need to catch up on that, but my spare time has been consumed by Creative mode again.)

    In my story, we met a slave called ComponentsBasic and I want to help him get a real name he chose. I tried hacking but was unable to slip the name into his records. We're forming a little friendship and he gave me a sector map, and told me where I could find enough pentaxid that we could get far away!

    Now he'll give me a tip about Pax the slaver, and I can liberate a few of Components' friends for him. :cool: I can't afford to buy him his freedom, but for now I can give him that small peace of mind.

    Last night we went to Skillon to service the autominers. I used all our sathium on the factory project of Fort Frost, but we'd like to set up the Expedition Base Model D6 on Skillon and it's built with combat steel. When @Friendly Timo set up the miners, I watched on his monitor and we scouted a location for the base, that wouldn't be too far from the miners.

    This was my first visit to Skillon though.


    This is the radiated lake we'll draw water from--we have excellent purification technology! That beach just ahead will be our yard.


    That will be the view from the upstairs balcony. :)

    The miners aren't too far away, but they are quite close to a Spaceport. That thing will keep regenerating, so Timo made a secure underground tunnel linking them together. When we came near the opening to the Sathium mine, a couple of drones managed to spot us.


    Timo shot them down, and we needed to wait for the incoming Troop Transport before tending to the miners.



    He took it down with one shot from our basic rocket launchers. Very nice shot!


    Finally I got to go check out Timo's mining tunnel--it's so cool. :cool: We can walk from the Sathium miner to the Neodynium one without any harassment from the Spaceport.


    I piloted the ship back to Akua and saw this almost otherworldly sight. I'm very sorry for all the scenics this time--it was a scenic game session! :)

    The final part of our plan was to return to Oscutune and set up Fort Frost before bedtime. That blueprint is massive, and spawning it in Survival mode was extremely difficult. I was beginning to believe it would be impossible. :oops: I was telling Timo about the difficulties I was having, and he said, "Yeah, right about there." I asked if he was sure, and he replied, "Yup, it'll fit there."

    I clicked the button to spawn the place, but of course he couldn't actually see the blueprint as I was attempting to place the Fort! :eek: He couldn't have even known what direction the base would be facing!!! Well, we both thought the base was just too big to spawn.

    As if by pure magic, the base just barely fit on the beach. The corner closest to the water's edge is just far enough back that the tide doesn't touch the combat steel--and it ended up so perfect that I need to take a picture of it in the daylight.


    The sun was starting to set, and I finally got to stand back and check out the view of our new home. Placing our new home was a big deal because I didn't want to ruin it. We picked this location because it's right between our Erestrum and Zascosium deposits, and had enough area to fit the base. I didn't have the luxury of being picky and scouting a spot for its view, but I think we have a spectacular view! :D


    Then OMG! it was after 2 am. This game! Timo pointed out the time and said we need to call it a night, and I was like, "Just one more picture..."

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