Help with meteorites

Discussion in 'Planets & Playfields' started by Guru, Nov 22, 2017.

  1. Guru

    Guru Captain

    Jan 13, 2017
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    I have a request for someone from Eleon or another server owner/admin please. I'm having trouble with meteorites and could use a bit of help, lol.
    I've tried multiple ways of setting them up on starter planets to replenish the resources that are used up, but no matter how I implement them there are problems.
    What I've tried:
    - Setting them to spawn based on % of resource type remaining (for example 0.3). The problem I had was that it would spawn meteorites of only 2 of the 4 types I had in the yaml resulting in 40-ish meteorites of those two, but nothing for the other types
    - Next I tried timed meteorites. Set each type for a specific amount (8,000 or so) at a 1 hour interval spawn and 1 hour despawn. I have all the type dropping with this, but they despawn within seconds of a player starting to mine them. Quite frustrating. It almost seems like an extension of the issue with drones camping a base and not "activating" until a player is close enough and then, when that area is "activated" the game says "hey, this isn't suppose to be here" and despawns the meteorite. Just a thought

    So, if someone out there has a working way of using meteorites I'm asking if you could please PM me your resource section of the yaml or give a good explanation, because I'm confounded. Thank you in advance

    **UPDATE** Figured out what was needed to be done.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2017
    Dimmizer and Mortlath like this.
  2. Mortlath

    Mortlath Commander

    Jul 26, 2017
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    What was your solution?
    Dimmizer and binhthuy71 like this.
  3. Dimmizer

    Dimmizer Ensign

    Nov 28, 2017
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    Yes I am trying to figure out how to get random meteorites to spawn as well cause I think it'd be cool and a lil bit more realistic if I could have a random meteorite with a random resource fall on planets like Akua n such so even newbs can get some of the more rare types of ore, any help on this?
  4. Dimmizer

    Dimmizer Ensign

    Nov 28, 2017
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    Can you post a snippet of what you changed exactly in the playfield.yaml or what ever file it is you modified so I could see and change to my likings.
  5. Guru

    Guru Captain

    Jan 13, 2017
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    Initially I was trying to have a "constant" supply of replenishing resources for a starter. Back in 6.0 we could never get meteorites to fall properly using the % method, no matter how we changed the numbers. We simply ended up with just 2 types of meteorites instead of the 4 we wanted. For 7.0, I went with the timed method. First attempt was a nightmare, lol. Not like we get much instruction or documentation for features but it seemed logical to me to set the amount I wanted to fall on an hour timer with a despawn of an hour. The idea was to have them fall, and an hour later despawn and fall again.
    Weeeell, Empyrion has had spawn/despawn issues forever so this idea resulted in meteorites not despawning on their own. It took a player getting close them them and starting to mine and suddenly it would realize it wasn't suppose to be there and it would despawn. This causes frustrated players that could never find a meteorite to mine more than a few seconds. Not what we wanted.
    So, I went in and played around with the timers, tossed out he despawn idea completely and it now works as intended. If you set your meteorites for each resource, the time you want and NO despawn then you will actually get them falling as they are depleted. Don't use the % method or you will have issues with them falling, just use timed.
  6. Dimmizer

    Dimmizer Ensign

    Nov 28, 2017
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    Yea it's a pain we don't get documentation or anything for this kinda stuff =/ I was messing with it all day yesterday while waiting for you to reply. Every time I kept messing with it the server would break completely to the point where if I restarted my server it would say in the control panel that the server was online but when I would check my server history in-game it wasn't there. I wasn't getting a server version or online player count in my control panel either. I reinstalled the server so many times last night cause it kept breaking.

    I couldn't figure out how to change starter planets either.. I followed what was specified in the sectors.yaml file and added like 'human:3' or w/e to the end of the planet I wanted to become a starter but it wasn't workin.

    This is in reply to the PM you sent me btw... I tried replying to you in the PM and it kept telling me that the reply was either spam or I had something in it that wasn't allowed..

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