[Challenge] Dual Small Generator CV - Complete

Discussion in 'Questions, Discussions & Feedback' started by Robot Shark, Dec 4, 2017.


Who gets the bragging rights?

Poll closed Jan 6, 2018.
  1. sillyrobot's Tiny Hawk

    0 vote(s)
  2. Razorwire's Cottonmouth

    5 vote(s)
  3. Fluffy's Dumbo Dome

    0 vote(s)
  4. KwC TrixX's BlueBottle

    2 vote(s)
  5. Kahrek's The Challenger V2.5

    2 vote(s)
  6. Siege Inc.'s Argos Explorer

    3 vote(s)
  7. rucky's Challenger One LX

    3 vote(s)
  8. Zaflis's Mini Crystal

    0 vote(s)
  9. CatmanDoes's Blockade Runner

    0 vote(s)
  10. StyleBBQ's A7.5 CV_B20v1 Lvl10 Has: Warp AdvConstrc Medbay. No-GravGen

    3 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Razorwire

    Razorwire Captain

    Jul 6, 2017
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    Constructor is clickable when you open the shutter by the armour locker and look left-ish. I tried to get all the usable stuff in the open, the only truly buried things on the Model C (that should probably be PoV clickable) are the extra cargo cans and the fuel/warp-fuel/O2 tanks.
    I might try and do a model D tonight where these things are accessible to ground-crew via shutter doors. Can't remember where exactly I hid the warp tank, so may involve gutting the back end and re-populating it, maybe even re-locating the core.

    Docking the HV/SVs; the way I use it, HVs dock backwards using the clamp on their rear, and I drop SVs onto the roof of the CV. There's a blue block up there that is to be replaced with a repair pad if you can loot one, and that's also why there's a sunroof over the pilot seat. Great for repping the SV, but getting a hover tank up there is hilarious.
    I regularly use two mining HVs and an HV tank, plus a lightly armed Drone/POI buster SV, so my co-pilot and I can both mine at the same time with the hovertank on overwatch, or both assault a distant POI.
    binhthuy71 and Robot Shark like this.
  2. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    I've added another LCD showing what Levers exists, so anyone should get them right atleast after some trying ;)


    Add I added Back Spoilers :D


    Looking better now... even if it got a massive manoeverability hit :confused:
    (Pitch from 5.47deg/s² down to 4.38deg/s² that's a minus of 20%!!!)

    Still, please use the new blueprint, thank you!

    Space for one Small SV and one Micro-SV / HV:
    Small SV, like the DroneHunter MKII on top:


    Micro-SV or HV below, like the SkyRocketSled:


    (note, the pictures shows the upgraded version Challenger Two...)
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2017
  3. Razorwire

    Razorwire Captain

    Jul 6, 2017
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    Are the switches on texture-able blocks? 'Cos you could add A/B/C/D/E labels and a key to what's what on that LCD...
    Spoilers make everything better. Disappointed you didn't use spoiler tags though... :D
    monktk, binhthuy71 and rucky like this.
  4. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    1) nah, none of them this time, but they're color-coded... see post with pictures of switches

    2) :D:p
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2017
    Razorwire likes this.
  5. Razorwire

    Razorwire Captain

    Jul 6, 2017
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    We should really get some switches with built in LCDs, even if it's only one or two characters...
    Hadn't looked at your colour coding, I like it.
    ion_storm, Robot Shark and rucky like this.
  6. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    It would be nice to have them integrated, just a little screen just above the switch.
    I usually put a panel just above the switch, But you have to have the space to do that.
  7. KwC TrixX

    KwC TrixX Lieutenant

    Feb 8, 2017
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    Thought I'd throw my hat into the ring here.

    It's called the Bluebottle and got the idea from Razorwire using a SV as inspiration. So I borrowed my modified Mosquito based off the ZeroG Sidewinder (awesome little starter ship!) and created this tiny CV.

    It's about as compact as I could make and still look good. Currently it runs 2 RCS which maybe too many! Has all the expected amenities though I couldn't squeeze in the medical Deco's.

    v7 Omicron Creative_2017-12-07_04-40-27.png v7 Omicron Creative_2017-12-07_03-55-52.png v7 Omicron Creative_2017-12-07_03-56-13.png v7 Omicron Creative_2017-12-07_03-56-23.png v7 Omicron Creative_2017-12-07_03-56-41.png v7 Omicron Creative_2017-12-07_03-56-50.png v7 Omicron Creative_2017-12-07_03-56-53.png

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    Last edited: Dec 6, 2017
  8. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    Ugh...that 1 kiloton/2 generator limit is killin' me but here's my entry...

    The Bumblebee. This thing was such a pain in the arse to get oxygenated properly. I had to stick a ventilator right below the upper cockpit to get the that whole section oxygenated. o2 would not move past the cockpit chair otherwise which left a dead spot in the room.
    Area 71.2_2017-12-06_16-45-27.png Area 71.2_2017-12-06_16-45-32.png Area 71.2_2017-12-06_16-45-42.png Area 71.2_2017-12-06_16-47-51.png

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    Last edited: Dec 6, 2017
  9. Space Beagle

    Space Beagle Captain

    Oct 9, 2016
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    Thanks a lot mr. @Fluffy for this, you made me (finally) to downgrade my old basic mobile base-tower-mining concept ship (that I'm actually using ATM on one MP server).

    I build it first in late Alpha 4, but didn't use it much during Alpha 5, then it wasn't very practical in Alpha 6 with all that engine heat & warp core radiation from big doughnut hung on ceiling - but then with new model of warp core I could again redesign everything to be functional and practical :)

    I call my rebuilded Alpha 7 version "Beagle Nomad", it's that armored grey-orange model, and for this challenge I had to change & downgrade things to get this "Beagle Starter" - and I went with cheapest variation with original 6 engine request... It is extremely good & open concept for constant upgrading - lots of space inside, and also outside for defence turrets. It is big, but not very big :)
    Maybe it does look that it is not 'designed' but I actually did put a lot of thinking & designing in almost every part of it - and I like it a LOT, it looks like my beagle :D


    beagle-starter-2.jpg beagle-starter-3.jpg beagle-starter-4.jpg beagle-starter-5.jpg beagle-starter-details.jpg beagle-starter-exterior.jpg beagle-starter-interior.jpg beagle-starter-stats.jpg

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    Last edited: Dec 7, 2017
  10. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    The forked cockpit is a nice touch.
    In flight the ship was very responsive and I could not get the power usage above 79%
    It's very close to the 1 KT limit, but still below it.
    I did get roasted when I stood right front of the food processor, but this can be easily fixed by swapping the food processor and fridge with the O2 station. The O2 station is large enough that it keeps the player far enough away from the thruster.

    Not part of the challenge... I did find a number of buried spotlights, please remember that this only works because of a glitch in the game, one that the devs are planning to fix. I would also recommend using the "Change and Rotate" setting on the multitool on the cockpit glass panels.
    Shower, but no toilet...

    I cannot get the generators past 81% in flight, no roasting or getting irradiated walking around the interior of the ship.
    Nice texture work, it handles well and is under the weight limit.

    One note about your O2 distribution problems, you could always try glass doors between the bridge and cabin. Non-airtight doors can be used to get O2 into rooms that you would normally need an additional ventilator to get into. I managed to oxygenate the entire ship with one ventilator that way.

    I enjoy seeing unusual designs, lots of texture work and I'm guessing the block in the rear is for docking HV's.
    Vertical flight is sluggish, but I can fly it into orbit and the generators max out at 51%. The interior is oxygenated and devices are manually accessible.

    Oddly enough, I did not get irradiated when walking in the space between the warp core and the constructor. I was going to suggest another cargo box there to keep the player away, but.... no glowing no foul.

    You can walk right up to the warp tank and irradiate yourself, replacing the L-window with a regular window would keep folks far enough away to avoid exposure. If you want to persevere manual access to the tank, players can still access it over a railing block.

    Not part of the challenge...but one stair block to the grow pots so you do not have to jetpack to them.

    Here is the lineup so far, lots of great work here.
    ... yes, I gave the Schlock Runner a second generator and put one on the pad.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2017
  11. KwC TrixX

    KwC TrixX Lieutenant

    Feb 8, 2017
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    Will address the O2/Food Processor issue. For the front spots I did have one at the front but the 25HP unit just doesn't cut it when it's an airtight block. I'll see if I can reposition them. The lower spotlights are only capped with an angled piece which can easily be removed if needed. I may just put a Vent over the top for the moment instead.

    EDIT: Addressed the O2/Food Processor issue, no more roasted survivor. All 4 spots have been fixed too, with the two front now being angled at the side.

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    Last edited: Dec 7, 2017
    Robot Shark likes this.
  12. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    @Fluffy I was trying to avoid using a glass door. That way if one of the cockpits got blown out there would still be air in the main room. I did get the o2 straightened out eventually. Just some weird glitch where it wasn't passing through the pilot's chair.
    Robot Shark likes this.
  13. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I wonder if the game is counting the pilots chair as an "airtight" cockpit (like a SV cockpit).
  14. Kahrek

    Kahrek Captain

    Mar 7, 2017
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    Well there we go final edit before I go thru the grueling texture process. Still no idea what I will do for that but hey at least now I know what my ship will look like. Fluffy I took your advice and got rid of the walkways around the cargo bay. Replaced them with solid steel.

    Got to 999 tons and kept everything. Added a fair bit of interior and exterior deco. No access to warp core but dedicated access to engineering with grav gen and warp tank. Weapon loadout changed slightly, 6 minigun and 4 cannon turrets. Also worked the back turrets unto the engine pods for much better angles

    NewGame_2017-12-07_02-30-53.jpg NewGame_2017-12-07_02-31-11.jpg NewGame_2017-12-07_02-31-42.jpg NewGame_2017-12-07_02-32-01.jpg NewGame_2017-12-07_02-32-18.jpg NewGame_2017-12-07_02-32-28.jpg NewGame_2017-12-07_02-32-41.jpg NewGame_2017-12-07_03-01-42.jpg

    Oh and attached the file this time so Fluffy can actually test and see if I messed up somehow.

    Cheers folks!

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    Last edited: Dec 10, 2017
  15. Razorwire

    Razorwire Captain

    Jul 6, 2017
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    I made a Cottonmouth version D; shifted stuff around internally so that PoV access to the fuel tank and warp fuel tank is possible via shutter doors in the wings. Doesn't change the shape, interior or parameters of the ship though, so I didn't upload a copy.

    Nice side benefit: one of the hotspots underneath is now gone due to a moved generator :D
    Robot Shark likes this.
  16. Space Beagle

    Space Beagle Captain

    Oct 9, 2016
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    You can get up to plots in your indoor pajamas without using jetpack - just run & jump with pressing 'shift' ;)
    Upgrades during gameplay can block few 'hot corners' (bigger ammo box, ore box, more cargo boxes on ceiling, etc.).
  17. SirKnumskull

    SirKnumskull Captain

    Aug 25, 2017
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    It's not the pilot chair, it is the window above the vent. There are no partially airtight blocks, it is bolean (either it is or it isn't). The airtight blocks around a compartment get oxygenated, too, that is why windows and slopes get oxygen (and how the roof of my ship is technically inside the ship).
  18. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    I thought about that except the ventilator was working when I had it placed in front of the pilot's chair until I'd add a door behind the pilot's chair and then the oxygen would go away from behind the pilot's chair. I moved the door back and even turned it to face the other direction. Didn't matter. Soon as a door went in the o2 went away from that spot whether or not there was anything to block it. It was only when I put the ventilator beneath the pilot's chair that it stopped doing that.
  19. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I am genuinely shocked at the size you managed to achieve, that thing makes my dome look small in comparison.
    It comes in right at 999 tonnes, just below the limit. I cannot get the generators above 84% in atmospheric flight.
    The use of deco blocks, both inside and outside the ship, add to it's visual appeal. I also noticed your use of half blocks and half-width cargo containers in the hangar to make it bigger. I look forward to seeing what you do when you texture it.
    It is the most heavily armed ship that has been submitted.
    For role-playing, the walkway above the gardens is a nice touch, you do not have to tromp through the dirt to get to the front of the ship.

    While you can walk up to the warp tank and grow a third eye, it's in a separate room that is nowhere near the living quarters.
    But, when you stand on the glass just above the warp tank, the players temperature will shoot up to 113 degrees fahrenheit and the radiation goes up to 4. If you want to keep the walkway safe, the warp tank will need to be on the left side of the room. Maybe swap places with the gravity generator? The gravity generator causes the temp to go to 95 and you get 2 radiation, but thats below the default suit tolerances. Or you would need to move both the gravity generator and the warp tank to the left side of the room.

    Not part of the challenge... While it has a clone chamber, medic chambers also serve the same purpose, are below the LVL requirement, and do not require rare ores. The same holds true for the two T1 ammo boxes Vs a single T2 ammo box.
  20. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Just an updated screenshot showing off all the submissions so far.

    Last edited: Dec 9, 2017

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