well my f****** faction sqrued me over after a month of grinding, and building new ships for pvp they started to steal from me little at a time think i wouldn't notice, then to add injury to insult, i confronted them, told them to stop stealing, the members got extremely butt hurt and kicked me out, this all my monthly long equipment and ships and supplies where no longer mine i was forced to leave the SBS server, very mean people, the server it self is fine but the players there are very mean! but i found a better server, tho since i dont have any friends really that play this gmae or that would join me, im alone....
hit me up on steam....if the server ping isnt to bad from my side i can join you from time to time.. AND always have your own ship as PVT...I never set my ship to faction. for PVP battles i have another faction ship that i use.
I wasn't kidding... I didn't sleep and built a ship and then went to work and now I'm back again a richer man (if only)...but it was worth it. From conception to birth all in 8 hours, I give you the S-35 "Nebula". She is a research & science driven ship with small accommodations for exploration. Spoiler: Some Interior Pics Speaking of beds, I think the one behind me whispered my name.
I died horribly in my casual (I'm a week behind), unofficial playalong with this Ironman season Shotgun Zirax are no joke. Going to continue to play along and do the other missions anyway, am having a lot of fun with it.
I can't help feeling today was an instance of "two steps back." I resumed work on the NXT, struggling to find a way to integrate a proper hangar & bay door, and tore up a good chunk of the center-rear in the process. Still trying to figure out if it's worth keeping, or if I should scrub the changes and go back to the first iteration (using the smaller space for the CV's gravity generator). Likewise, reconsidering the location of growing plots resulted in tearing out substantial sections of the right wing, and I have yet to decide on a new configuration. So, frustrations and indecision have literally torn big holes in my ship. ...On the bright side, found some new music to build to!
I did do something like your pods...but with an HV... and I didn't publish it so when my 500gig drive blew up with the mobo I lost it... I'm ok with this because now I can not be embarrassed with comparison because yours are way kooler.
When RL ever lets me & it happens to be up, I play on the WASD Games Server, run by the epic Boss Funinator. Agreed. I always need to have some personal stuff to myself at all times cause I prefer my own stuff to using 'general use stuff'... but then again hard to help preferring this when I tend to be incompatible with Neurotypical Strategies & Neurotypicals don't tend to prefer my way of building stuff anyway... which goes to show that being not normal can have its Perks at times... i'll take all instances of that I can get. I do my best for the Faction i'm in, but by default i've tended to find it best Strategy to get stuff for myself when needed & when getting stuff for the Faction, don't stick anything into the Faction Resource Pool i'd ever miss... especially when I combo this with making & using my own private stuff. Just cause there's no "I" in "Team" doesn't mean ya can't ever do anything for your own needs period... plus there IS an "I" in "Survival". If a Older Build defeated a Newer Build, then no shame in losing to yourself... if a Newer Build defeated a Older Build, you're simply Outdoing Yourself! It woulda just eventually gone obsolete & time for the next Mad Empyrion Science Experiment anyway. Those look good at lookin like portable transport, doin a lot with a little, look like good Starter SVs, & look so much like Helicopters that they just need Copter Blades to go on them so they look like lil' Helis as big bad Warrior SVs lol blow them outta the Sky & tell the 21st Century, "24th Century says hi!". Still, they look like spiffy little dudes.
Indeed, I like the design. I'm a little iffy on the textures/paints. If you're trying for a camo look, there is a texture on the second metal page that when combined with the green or brown spots, it does well
The 'SEA Duckverine' is done! I wanted to make a foto tour, but as i cant use my regular internet connection, i'll have to limit myself to this short message (bandwith-contingent for uploading the pics to workshop etc ). Spoiler One could park the Diablo Gato MK2 on the upper HV deck For everybody to try in the workshop. EDIT: Actually filled (some of) the pics I wanted to.