
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    The coding is what it is. It's truth until the build changes. You can try and call it an opinion all you want, but until they remove or alter the code it is how the game will work. A CV too far inside a gravity well will explode and be deleted. That's the reason all the crashed CVs are BAs.

    I don't know if it's a language barrier impeding communication, or if you're just naturally a jerk. As of your latest post, it is my informed and educated opinion that you are a jerk.
    HeadHunter likes this.
  2. Anatoly

    Anatoly Ensign

    Sep 10, 2015
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    Call it professional deformation, dear jerk. :)
    Now I'll try to get around the language barrier.

    0 game still under development and changes
    1 We know how it works now
    2 We know the arguments cons CV on planets - gravity and atmosphere.
    3 This has already been discussed, so there are different opinions.
    4 wiki offer to discuss on the forum.
    5 We at a forum and it feedback section. There is a possibility that the developers we read. It is likely that they will listen.
    6 Discussed planet has no atmosphere. One argument is not working.
    7 This is a small planet. The argument about the great gravity - in doubt
    8 If this arguments is not convincing - there is no reason not to discuss another solution again.
    9 Even if there is an atmosphere and gravity, why not allow player to die by choosen way while trying to takeoff (or die old age, while he will build all the engines for takeoff as needed)?
    0 game still under development and changes and there is no good reason to label CV as a BA. If it will not just my opinion - the code may vary.

    Answer now. Why stupid piece of iron with jerk inside must explode in gravity? It is not uranium, increasing the size does not make a critical mass. Additionally now Hyperion putted in ground without any critical speed.
    My answer - it's a plug until the code for combustion in atmosphere and fall crash is not written right way.
    Marking CV as BA - it's a plug and a crutch, because the game engine is not work right here.

    And, if we will be think "it truth, we can't change anything" - hardly anyone ever will write the correct piece of code . Players silent - no need to change.
  3. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Stop goalpost shifting. You wanted to know why the CV was labeled as a BA. You were told why. You want to change the argument into whether or not CVs should land or not, go to the appropriate thread instead of shitposting like this is 4chan /b/.
    HeadHunter likes this.
  4. Kaloriaa

    Kaloriaa Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    Cause wrecks are supposed to be dead ships. Get caught in gravity well your prized Capital ship is going to be ether a) Be ripped apart by gravity. B) Hit the ground so hard it breaks up. C) Burns up in the atmosphere cause of improper transition as in being engulfed in flames and the hull begins to melt from intense heat from the air friction when entering the atmosphere.

    Sure you could repair but it would take a lot of resources and effort plus time to resurrect a dead ship to be space worthy again.
    Eviscerator likes this.
  5. Monteknight

    Monteknight Ensign

    Sep 11, 2015
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    The Night is extremely dark and the flashlights are extremely narrow and dim and only reach a few feet in front of you, maybe add some light reflecting off objects (not as complicated as it sounds its a radius thing ;) ) and some extra length to the flashlight. Also GREAT game keep it up you guys are all awesome! :D
  6. Monteknight

    Monteknight Ensign

    Sep 11, 2015
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    So you guys are doing amazing, and I know it is pre alpha, but can you guys possibly increase the frames per second (FPS) in the alpha or beta? thanks :D keep it up, you guys have a very bright future!
  7. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Barring any game-breaking drops in FPS, I wouldn't pressure the devs for performance until the game is closer to feature complete, or in Beta entirely.
    Monteknight likes this.
  8. Monteknight

    Monteknight Ensign

    Sep 11, 2015
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    :) good point however, theyd be able to patch the frames with ease throughout rather than tackle it as an entire project ;)
  9. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    With a game, it's better to tackle things as an entire project, as fixing things piecemeal runs into the issues of there being more parts interacting and bugs being generated during development.
  10. Requiemfang

    Requiemfang Commander

    May 13, 2015
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    About the FPS, compared to another game like Empryion, Empyrion is more FPS and performance friendly. (Other game being SE)
  11. Ronin

    Ronin Ensign

    Sep 14, 2015
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    I'm impressedby the game... it feels feature complete and i have had more bugs in complete Full prize supposedly AAA titles than in this.

    Nice one Eleon, have waited for such a game for a long time.

    Thanks :~)
    Monteknight likes this.
  12. profall

    profall Ensign

    Sep 29, 2015
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    Really looking forward to some actual server software. Otherwise, game is good.
  13. pooch

    pooch Ensign

    Oct 2, 2015
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    1.5 hours of game time here. I will not play a game that is so dark i cannot see anything. I could not even see the orientation of the work light and it shone in the wrong direction for all of my attempts. Good news is i purchased on steam and will now seek a refund. Many senior citizens do not see well at night and this type of game becomes infuriating.
  14. HeadHunter

    HeadHunter Commander

    Aug 13, 2015
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    Many senior citizens apparently also don't know how to adjust the gamma setting of their video card or the brightness of their display. :rolleyes:
  15. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Well, to be fair, they may not know it's possible. Or even what 'gamma' is.

    Though I would agree it's not too hard to adjust the brightness of your monitor, but it can be a pain having to switch back and forth and fiddle with it each time the sun rises and sets.
  16. pooch

    pooch Ensign

    Oct 2, 2015
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    Changing video card settings in the vast majority of games i have played has no effect: 290x with catalyst control center and turn up setting all the way washes out display and when logging into games has no effect. Why ? Because most games have those values clamped. However, I did see a recent lp with the use of the new work lights that give 360 degree aoe light. This could prove to be the best solution. I will try these and keep a dozen in my back pocket if they work as well as i have seen.

    Yes, there many people my age that are not tech savvy. What did you say your name was again sonny?
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2015
  17. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    John Cena.
  18. pooch

    pooch Ensign

    Oct 2, 2015
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    WOW! So you took a leave of absence from WWE cuz you are hooked on Empyrion?
  19. Baba

    Baba Ensign

    Sep 19, 2015
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    Hallo Spieler Gemeinde.
    Eigentlich schreibe ich nie eine Beurteilung oder mein e persönliche Meinung über ein spiel.
    Zu mir ! Ich spiele schon immer ausschließlich nur sehr wenige spiele darum habe ich auch bei 7DTD schon 2500 Stunden aber nun kaufte ich mir aus Frust Langeweile etc empirion.
    Und siehe da es ist sehr fesselt !!

    Es gibt viele herrausforderungen in dem spiel und man findet sich relativ schnell zurecht
    aber es ist für mich ein Buch der tausend siegel und 100 böhmische dörfer wenn ich alienteile milch plasma etc sammeln kann und nicht weis für was es ist!
    es kann natürlich sein das ich die richtige internetseite noch nicht gefunden habe aber ich empfinde es wäre von grossen vorteil wenn man ein art buch im inventar hat
    Buch ... öffnen ... alles auffindbare in alphabetischer reihenfolge.
    Eisenbarren - Metallstücke
    - Metallkomponenten
    - etc......

    Es wäre auch sehr schoen wenn man den Bodengleiter bearbeitet da man ständig irgend wo hängen bleibt obwohn ich in der höhe von 2 Meter bin.

    Da ich aus Deutschland komme und der englischen sprache nicht mächtig bin werde ich den Taxt per übersetzer bearbeiten. Vorab sorry wenn im englischen Satzbaufehler sind.

    Gruss Baba

    Hello Community.
    Actually, I never write an opinion or my e personal opinion about a game.
    To me ! I play always only very few games that's why I also at 7DTD already 2500 hours but now I bought out of frustration boredom etc Empirion.
    And lo and behold, it is very captivating !!
    TOP Keep it up

    There are many herrausforderungen in the game and you find your way relatively quickly
    but for me it is a book of a thousand seals and 100 Bohemian villages if I can collect alien parts of lactic plasma etc and not looking for what it is!
    it may of course be that I have the right website not found but I feel it would be of great advantage if you have a kind of book has in inventory
    Book ... open ... all searchable in alphabetical order.
    Iron Bars - metal pieces
    - Metal components
    - Etc ......

    It would also be very nice if you edit the bottom studs because you are constantly stuck somewhere I obwohn at a height of 2 meters am.

    Since I come from Germany and the English language'm not powerful, I'll edit the Taxt per translator. Preliminary are sorry if the English sentence structure errors.

    Greeting Baba
  20. Trovar

    Trovar Ensign

    Oct 9, 2015
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    Turrets need some form of control on them for automated attacks at the moment they just seam to attack the plant monsters but wont shoot the drones even when the drone is attacking the Hover craft

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