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Discussion in 'Official Eleon Server' started by RexXxuS, Feb 22, 2017.

  1. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the report guys.
    You are not alone - hundreds of players experience this and devs are working on a fix.
    Please stay tuned.

  2. Gwyll

    Gwyll Ensign

    Aug 27, 2017
    Likes Received:
    If you check your logs, probably have something similar than in the ones quoted at the bottom of the previous page. Devs are working on resolving it, but can't do much now and wait.
  3. paxxo1985

    paxxo1985 Commander

    Nov 10, 2017
    Likes Received:
    On official Eu seems that oxygen drops too fast after the last update.
  4. Slipstream

    Slipstream Captain

    Sep 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
    * say what server
    * what problem exactly - describe as good as possible
    * what time
    * provide screenshots / videos
    * by problems such as "ship lost" you ALWAYS have to provide the ID / Name of the structure

    Server: US
    Problems: PV vessel shot down, and fell through the planet.
    Time: Around 11:45AM US Eastern Daylight Time
    No screen/video, happened too fast.

    When I took out the final thruster on the PV on Mato, it gracefully plummeted through the surface, down to an inglorious and inaccessible end.

    Also, PoIs do not seem to be respawning.
  5. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Thank you very much for your report!
    Exactly that was tested today again and we (@Pantera ) can agree on that. PV are not working and the Dev is working on a fix.
  6. Slipstream

    Slipstream Captain

    Sep 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Any way I can get the resources from the PV we dropped? :D "No, sorry." is a perfectly acceptable answer.
  7. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
    Likes Received:
    No, sorry. ;)

    They are bugged / never worked 100%. And if we start doing that now we are doomed :D

    Just hope & pray for a fix :rolleyes:
  8. Slipstream

    Slipstream Captain

    Sep 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
    A-ok. :)
  9. Slipstream

    Slipstream Captain

    Sep 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
    I think I may have an insight into the server's PoI not respawning issue.

    I also noticed that food isn't perishing, anymore. Or, so it seems.

    Check out the 'time' on the planetary map:


    I'm no Temporal Physicist, but I'm fairly sure there's not 10,234 hours in a day. Or minutes, for that matter...

  10. Slipstream

    Slipstream Captain

    Sep 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
    The starter mission II is bugged. You do not start with steel growth plots on some planets.

    Additionally, even if you make some, the "harvest" portion of Escape Pod II doesn't work. You can harvest the pumpkin and durian, but it fails to complete the mission:

  11. ExoSpeed

    ExoSpeed Ensign

    Jan 10, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Help! i was on the alien planet in my SV and was mining. my ship fell over ( tall skinny ship) and then poof gone and i just noticed a bunch of drones headed my way.. can it be fixed ... i really love my SV
  12. Slipstream

    Slipstream Captain

    Sep 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
    I just got in about 30 minutes ago, FYI.
  13. Shortstop

    Shortstop Ensign

    Jan 16, 2018
    Likes Received:

    I've been trying to play on the US server for about a week now and haven't been able to login at all. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling but no go. I can login and lay on creative and have been able to login to another server and start playing but still haven't been able to get into the US server. I've moved the game to my external hard drive and wasn't able to login at all so moved it back to main hard drive and still having the same problem. The last time I tried to login was around 5pm this evening. When trying to login I've gotten 2 different messages. One says that I can't be connected to the server at this time and the other says I need to have the EAC turned on and restart the game. It's been turned on amd still no luck. Sorry I don't have screenshots/video at this time. Today while trying to login I didn't get any messages it just kept showing it as loading and was on the loading screen since 7ish this morning until about 4ish this evening.
  14. Narpason

    Narpason Lieutenant

    Apr 26, 2017
    Likes Received:
    had a similar issue, tried connecting via VPN and it worked, so I contacted my ISP to change my dynamic IP and no issues since. Might be worth a try
  15. Mediicus

    Mediicus Ensign

    Jan 21, 2018
    Likes Received:
    I am currently playing on the Official US Server, and I keep (intermittently) getting kicked by EAC. Can't figure out anything that is prompting it. I haven't said anything in chat recently, no specific actions make it happen.

    If I just try to log back in, I often can't even get in (and am prompted to be sure that I am running the game with EAC enabled, which I am). Sometimes, if I exit and restart my game, I can log in, sometimes I can't. Sometimes it's just on for 30-60 seconds, sometimes it actually lets me play.

    I have verified my install through Steam. I have tried rebooting my computer.

    Sometimes I can play for hours without an issue, other times I can't play for 5 min without being kicked.
  16. Mediicus

    Mediicus Ensign

    Jan 21, 2018
    Likes Received:
    23-02:51:50.095 20_51 -LOG- Local player ****
    23-02:52:02.232 20_52 -LOG- Connecting to server Eleon Studios - Official US Server...
    23-02:52:02.650 20_52 -LOG- Steam: GetAuthSessionTicket for player ****
    23-02:52:02.882 20_52 -LOG- Connected to server [EAC.ConnReset]
    23-02:52:02.913 20_52 -LOG- Window 'WaitingMessage' is already open
    23-02:52:02.913 20_52 -LOG- Starting Client game. Local player ****
    23-02:52:02.924 20_52 -LOG- EAC: Pushing 24 bytes from dedi to EAC
    23-02:52:02.938 20_52 -LOG- EAC: Popped 24 bytes for dedi (seq 0)
    23-02:52:03.186 20_52 -LOG- EAC: Pushing 24 bytes from dedi to EAC
    23-02:52:03.202 20_52 -LOG- EAC: Popped 24 bytes for dedi (seq 1)
    23-02:52:03.434 20_52 -LOG- EAC: Pushing 64 bytes from dedi to EAC
    23-02:52:03.451 20_52 -LOG- EAC: Popped 252 bytes for dedi (seq 3)
    23-02:52:03.451 20_52 -LOG- EAC: Popped 24 bytes for dedi (seq 4)
    23-02:52:03.451 20_52 -LOG- EAC: Popped 3 messsages in a row
    23-02:52:04.693 20_52 -LOG- Save game version Alpha 7.5.0, Build 1416
    23-02:52:05.961 20_52 -LOG- EAC: Popped 252 bytes for dedi (seq 5)
    23-02:52:05.961 20_52 -LOG- EAC: Popped 2 messsages in a row
    23-02:52:06.230 20_52 -LOG- EAC: Pushing 24 bytes from dedi to EAC
    23-02:52:06.230 20_52 -LOG- EAC: Pushing 24 bytes from dedi to EAC
    23-02:52:06.230 20_52 -LOG- EAC: Pushing 256 bytes from dedi to EAC
    23-02:52:06.230 20_52 -LOG- EAC: Pushing 252 bytes from dedi to EAC
    23-02:52:06.242 20_52 -LOG- EAC: Popped 24 bytes for dedi (seq 7)
    23-02:52:06.242 20_52 -LOG- EAC: Popped 24 bytes for dedi (seq 8)
    23-02:52:06.242 20_52 -LOG- EAC: Popped 204 bytes for dedi (seq 10)
    23-02:52:06.242 20_52 -LOG- EAC: Popped 4 messsages in a row
    23-02:52:06.474 20_52 -LOG- LogFlags = 0
    23-02:52:06.474 20_52 -LOG- Connected to server. Game name: 'Eleon US 7.5'. Loading playfield Valea...
    23-02:52:06.536 20_52 -LOG- Loading playfield 'Valea'
    23-02:52:06.964 20_52 -LOG- Playfield 'Valea' with seed 75170 loaded.
    WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/Dof/DX11Dof' - Pass '' has no vertex shader
    WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/Dof/DX11Dof' - Setting to default shader.
    Platform assembly: D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Empyrion_Data\Managed\Boo.Lang.dll (this message is harmless)
    23-02:52:08.386 20_52 -LOG- Window 'FullTexture' is already open
    23-02:52:29.987 20_52 -LOG- Weather: Clear
    23-02:53:35.072 20_53 -LOG- Window 'OverlayHelmet' is already open
    23-02:53:35.570 20_53 -LOG- Window 'OverlayHelmet' is already open
    23-02:53:51.309 20_53 -LOG- Window 'OverlayHelmet' is already open
    23-02:55:15.056 20_55 -LOG- Got disconnected from server: Disconnected
    23-02:55:15.056 20_55 -LOG- Steam: CancelAuthTicket 22, disconnect reason: Disconnected
    23-02:55:15.058 20_55 -LOG- Disconnected from server [ConnRes]
    23-02:55:15.062 20_55 -LOG- Playfield saving and cleaning up
    23-02:55:15.075 20_55 -LOG- Window 'OverlayHelmet' is already open
    23-02:55:15.129 20_55 -LOG- Window 'OverlayHelmet' is already open
    23-02:55:15.324 20_55 -LOG- Unloading playfield 'Valea'
    23-02:55:15.943 20_55 -LOG- [NET] Kicked from server: Kicked by EAC. Please check if you started the game with AntiCheat protection software enabled
    Unloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 2)
  17. Mediicus

    Mediicus Ensign

    Jan 21, 2018
    Likes Received:
    And, kicked again after quitting and restarting the game, played for 5-10 min and got kicked.

    23-03:00:31.874 21_00 -LOG- Local player ***
    23-03:01:00.222 21_01 -LOG- Connecting to server Eleon Studios - Official US Server...
    23-03:01:00.721 21_01 -LOG- Steam: GetAuthSessionTicket for player ****
    23-03:01:01.003 21_01 -LOG- Connected to server [EAC.ConnReset]
    23-03:01:01.034 21_01 -LOG- Window 'WaitingMessage' is already open
    23-03:01:01.034 21_01 -LOG- Starting Client game. Local player ****
    23-03:01:01.045 21_01 -LOG- EAC: Pushing 24 bytes from dedi to EAC
    23-03:01:01.061 21_01 -LOG- EAC: Popped 24 bytes for dedi (seq 0)
    23-03:01:01.308 21_01 -LOG- EAC: Pushing 24 bytes from dedi to EAC
    23-03:01:01.324 21_01 -LOG- EAC: Popped 24 bytes for dedi (seq 1)
    23-03:01:01.606 21_01 -LOG- EAC: Pushing 64 bytes from dedi to EAC
    23-03:01:01.623 21_01 -LOG- EAC: Popped 252 bytes for dedi (seq 3)
    23-03:01:01.623 21_01 -LOG- EAC: Popped 24 bytes for dedi (seq 4)
    23-03:01:01.623 21_01 -LOG- EAC: Popped 3 messsages in a row
    23-03:01:02.863 21_01 -LOG- Save game version Alpha 7.5.0, Build 1416
    23-03:01:04.176 21_01 -LOG- EAC: Pushing 24 bytes from dedi to EAC
    23-03:01:04.176 21_01 -LOG- EAC: Pushing 24 bytes from dedi to EAC
    23-03:01:04.176 21_01 -LOG- EAC: Pushing 256 bytes from dedi to EAC
    23-03:01:04.176 21_01 -LOG- EAC: Pushing 252 bytes from dedi to EAC
    23-03:01:04.188 21_01 -LOG- EAC: Popped 24 bytes for dedi (seq 5)
    23-03:01:04.188 21_01 -LOG- EAC: Popped 24 bytes for dedi (seq 6)
    23-03:01:04.188 21_01 -LOG- EAC: Popped 204 bytes for dedi (seq 8)
    23-03:01:04.188 21_01 -LOG- EAC: Popped 4 messsages in a row
    23-03:01:04.453 21_01 -LOG- LogFlags = 0
    23-03:01:04.453 21_01 -LOG- Connected to server. Game name: 'Eleon US 7.5'. Loading playfield Valea...
    23-03:01:04.513 21_01 -LOG- Loading playfield 'Valea'
    23-03:01:04.974 21_01 -LOG- Playfield 'Valea' with seed 75170 loaded.
    WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/Dof/DX11Dof' - Pass '' has no vertex shader
    WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/Dof/DX11Dof' - Setting to default shader.
    Platform assembly: D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Empyrion_Data\Managed\Boo.Lang.dll (this message is harmless)
    23-03:01:06.611 21_01 -LOG- Window 'FullTexture' is already open
    23-03:01:32.647 21_01 -LOG- Weather: Clear
    23-03:01:32.658 21_01 -LOG- Window 'OverlayHelmet' is already open
    23-03:01:51.474 21_01 -LOG- Window 'OverlayHelmet' is already open
    23-03:02:42.788 21_02 -LOG- Window 'OverlayHelmet' is already open
    23-03:04:11.369 21_04 -LOG- Got disconnected from server: Disconnected
    23-03:04:11.369 21_04 -LOG- Steam: CancelAuthTicket 25, disconnect reason: Disconnected
    23-03:04:11.371 21_04 -LOG- Disconnected from server [ConnRes]
    23-03:04:11.374 21_04 -LOG- Playfield saving and cleaning up
    23-03:04:11.580 21_04 -LOG- Unloading playfield 'Valea'
    23-03:04:12.096 21_04 -LOG- [NET] Kicked from server: Kicked by EAC. Please check if you started the game with AntiCheat protection software enabledUnloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 2)

    I won't post more unless you need them for some reason.

    Any more info you need?
  18. [TRID] Critor

    [TRID] Critor Ensign

    Jan 24, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Does anyone know that Offical EU server is currently DOWN.
  19. Sliverpix

    Sliverpix Ensign

    Mar 4, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Not sure im posting this in the proper thread. If im not, i apologize now.

    While playing on the Offcial Eleon Server [US] i stopped a settlement and as I landed I realised the settlement was partially buried in the land scape... but i wasnt fast enough to stop from jumping out of the SV "Snarky"and it fell through the ground about 5 meters from me. I could see the name of the SV, but i could not target it and thus could not retrieve it. I tried the registry but only the control panel was accessable and i couldnt seem to affect the SV's movement nor access any devices on board through the CP.

    Ive included a screen shot with coords and hope that somehow the SV can be retrieved with all its contents.

    This happened early sunday morning somewhere around 5AM EST Ive logged out for now, and am near the coords in high

    snarky fell through.jpg snarky fell through.jpg
  20. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    We need a planet name :) then i can go take a look for u

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