
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Astra

    Astra Commander

    Jun 27, 2015
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    i had no idea if i built a space station in space that i had to be careful of how close i put it to a planet...
    i went to the kitchen to get something to drink, (not the first time i have left my little avatar in the space station that i was working on......) and when i came back, to my dismay, i see i apparently crashed into the lava planet and was killed. :(
    when i went back into the game,..... no more space station in space, and no trace of it on the lava planet... :s
    oh woe is me
  2. blooddragon606

    blooddragon606 Captain

    Aug 16, 2015
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    Here's what I did (SV)
    Core, oxygen and fuel tanks are internal. Oxygen station is on the outside but I tucked it as best I could.
  3. CapitanSurrender

    CapitanSurrender Ensign

    Aug 16, 2015
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    I think there's a major issue with my currently selected block blocking off my vision.
    After placing a block, I can't see what I'm doing or where I'm going because the new one blocks my line of sight.

    How to fix this? Replace the current "full block" preview system with a grid shaped like the selected block.
    Just like Minecraft.
  4. CapitanSurrender

    CapitanSurrender Ensign

    Aug 16, 2015
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    Also, make it possible to press crouch (default C) and walk to the edge of a block without falling.
    Just like Minecraft
    Eviscerator and Anatoly like this.
  5. CapitanSurrender

    CapitanSurrender Ensign

    Aug 16, 2015
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    Also, make it possible to cancel a block placing made by accident.
    Like... I press clic and drag to place a whole row of blocks but suddenly realise that's the wrong block.

    I tried to press escape but Boom Shaka La! The row is placed without my consent.
    Bonzia19 and Rannoc McMaulin like this.
  6. CapitanSurrender

    CapitanSurrender Ensign

    Aug 16, 2015
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    When using the repair / remove tool to break a block also damages the block immediately behind it. That's infuriating.

    Make it possible to move ship parts or put them in the inventory with the repair/remove tool rather than deconstructing it.

    It makes the building process sickly long and tedious to have to craft EVERYTHING again just because I accidentally placed a thruster or anything upside down.

    Let's make this a huge game, guys.
    Bonzia19 likes this.
  7. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    This has been suggested several time and in my opinion the artificial distinction between constructs just seems wrong, the only distinction should be between large and small frames, and the limitations should be set solely by the game physics engine.

    What I mean is, in current day technology building an oil tanker sized vessel and hope to get it to space seems unrealistic but from the moment you can build a gravity generator that issue becomes irrelevant right? If I want to slap some thrusters into a base and take it to space the only limitation should be thrusters and generators power output and of course structural integrity, I reckon is not an easy feat to code that in but at least scrap the distinctions off, along with the speed limits… :p
    blooddragon606 likes this.
  8. blooddragon606

    blooddragon606 Captain

    Aug 16, 2015
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    Moments of inertia and cargo weight should be factored in to the flyability of any craft. A player shouldn't be able to export 100 metric tons of ore in an 8-ton ship with a maximum thrust of 200kN. Also, no matter how light, one ventral thruster is probably a bad idea even if it satisfies the thrust>mass*g, although that equation does hold up (or hold you down) in Empyrion physics, and for that, I thank you, even though items in the cargo bays and contructors have no weight when calculating acceleration and liftoff.

    Quick story: I built a ship on Ningues (g=5.3 m/s^2). It weighed 8.5 metric tons and had, among its whole complement, two 40kN ventral thrusters. I flew it to Omicron (g=9.8m/s^2) and landed. I spent ten minutes thinking something was broken when I could not lift off until I bothered to take 80000/8500 and got 9.4--light on the skids but glued to the ground. I added a ventral thruster and up I went.
  9. Ragner

    Ragner Lieutenant

    Aug 9, 2015
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    There are colored dots above each item that help tell you what the component will work with.
    blooddragon606 likes this.
  10. SimonSyz

    SimonSyz Ensign

    Aug 27, 2015
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    dear Santa... ahm Eleon Game Studios :)

    1. please give us halv blocks for base and capital vessel building. When trying to build interior walls it's a real pain to do it with this really big big blocks we have today.

    2. give lights an extra option to switch them between manual and automatic mode. While manuel means they work right they do in game now and automatic mode turns them ot daytime and on only at night.

    3. Instead of giving us many different interior blocks, reduce it to only one and use wallpaper/floor/ceiling patterns to decorate the interior of our base.

    4. Allow all parts to be painted e.g. cockpits, thrusters, light blocks
    blooddragon606, Argon and HeadHunter like this.
  11. blooddragon606

    blooddragon606 Captain

    Aug 16, 2015
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    thank you, SimonSyz, on all points.

    Subject change: landing a craft: I want to ask the community here: what should be the maximum speed a ship can land (or collide) with the ground or another object before doing damage? Nevermind skidding-I'm thinking vertical speed. Smacking the ground at 40 m/s ought to mostly destroy a craft and break the pilot's neck (killing him). A modern aircraft will not sustain damage descending at 2m/s (300fpm), but that's about where you can expect a head bob and a bounce. 5m/s tends to bend landing gear and bounce the aircraft. 8 or 10 m/s stuffs the nose and breaks the prop. BUT...such precise Vy is impractical in Empyrion, so I am asking for thoughts.

    Source: I have 200 hours in a Cessna. I have never nipped a prop--only seen it once (knock on wood).
  12. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    This is the building suggestion thread, would be nice to have the speed limit lifted in creative mode so you can get around faster, would be nice to be able to use symmetry on all 3 plains rather than the one it is now.
    More blocks for interiors would be nice.
    You can paint all the steel blocks now.
    I don't need to be able to paint interior blocks, I would just rather a lot more of them.
    Trees in the creative menu would be nice, trees in the game would be nice.
    Apple orange lime pear mandarine lemon etc.
    Some rails for level and for stairs would be nice.
    Some blocks that are 1m for CV and bases would be sweet, some blocks that are .5m for them also would be awesome. micro blocks basically.
    Holographic dome projector would be wikid, especially if it had a slider to adjust its size on 3 plains, projecting the blue forcefield you see on the developers titan CV , in a dome shape where ever you place it.
  13. Phaser

    Phaser Ensign

    Aug 25, 2015
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    I would like to see more polished paint jobs, as opposed to the wear and tear look new paint currently has. Wear and tear is something that should happen over time maybe, but when I paint my ship, Id like it look polished. Also, If you use more than two colors, your ship tends to end up looking slightly cartoon-ish. Maybe this is subjective but Id maybe like to see a slightly better paint system eventually. I can wait though!
  14. Ragner

    Ragner Lieutenant

    Aug 9, 2015
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    I have found with the new patch in the constructor window the descriptions are half behind the icon windows. All I have found so far...But, amazing all that has been done. Absolutley Great
  15. Sarythian

    Sarythian Ensign

    Aug 16, 2015
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    I really like the way the new digging tools work. Finally you can really do some serious earth works :)
    Here is a screen of my 250m escape tunnel from the basement of my home base on omicron

    Monteknight likes this.
  16. Anatoly

    Anatoly Ensign

    Sep 10, 2015
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    Armor plate blocks. Any .ucking space-drone with one burst make my vessel like colander.
  17. Monteknight

    Monteknight Ensign

    Sep 11, 2015
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    it wokrs great, maybe hold down a key to make cubes/squares? :)
  18. Flip

    Flip Captain

    Jun 30, 2015
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    Love everything about the 3.3.0 update except the windows. I like the new look on the reflective side, but the side with the slats has made it very difficult to see whats on the other side. I would really love to see a new window block with no slats at all that we can use especially for interiors. The armored slat windows are more than acceptable to use for the outside of the ship especially if they can open and close like blinds. Not sure if its possible to make a block do that, but I would crap my pants if they were made to have that function. :eek:
  19. Shaila

    Shaila Ensign

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Same, the new windows with the slots even the old ones, are very hard to see out of now, i think they just need to remove the slots in it, or something
  20. Arturius1967

    Arturius1967 Captain

    Aug 9, 2015
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    I dont know what problems do you have guys, I can perfectly see through. You just have to set them right ;)


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