Great game...Rough start...Things I wish I knew when I started.

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Professor Tinkerbit, Jan 28, 2018.

  1. Professor Tinkerbit

    Professor Tinkerbit Ensign

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Hey guys,

    You have quite the gem coming together, yep, I’m hooked. As with many, the growing pains were worth it in the end. I think hands down, this was the hardest game to get my mind around because the mechanics seem so complicated and under the surface.

    This isn’t a rant, I wanted you to see my thought process as I struggled to understand

    I tried the tutoral six times, painful, each time I became stuck in various places whether I followed the script to the letter or not.. I almost gave up, thinking if the tutoral was a hint at what gameplay is like, maybe I should wait until you did a bit more ironing for wrinkles. I still don’t know if there is something at the end of the tutoral that is important to know.

    So stuck there, I tried to wing it. ummmm it was like trying to play the card game bridge withiut anyone there to teach you. Yeah, you have a general idea but lack the logic. I became frustrated, how can everyone like this game so much when all the concepts are hidden under the surface.

    So then I tried to google my questions, that back fired. All the posts were old and solutions on problems that were patches and patches ago. You know how agravating it was to read all the advice on the growing plots on the food processor and find out later it had been moved to the constructor all along and not missing.

    I lucked out though, someone mentioned in a post there were instructional videos on youtube, bingo, I had my instructor on how to play bridge. Step by step I got to watch, with some humor to keep me interested.

    Basicly, I needed to watch someone do it the right way so I can copy them. This is one of those times when “watch how I do it” trumps “doing it yourself.”

    That said, these are the things I wish I knew before I plummeted to the planet. So any other newbs, this I what I learned the hard. way.

    1. you don’t need a game style tutoral, you need a person to explain it to you in digestable video chunks. a.ka. Youtube, great job by the way. Saves loads of time and enjoyable.

    2. Your pod goes away and it rolls

    3.your bike likes to swim, when you get off it, it makes a run for the water like a six year old with a ducky float

    4. Your first constructor will be with you for an hour before you replace it, like a bad blind date after your done it hangs around the place in storage making you think “What was I thinking? ‘ Ebay has to be full of those things.

    5. Don’t dig straight down mining or risks the haunting sound of your wife chuckling behind you as you jump up only to plummet back down into your self made abyss.

    6. Plants bite, snd make creepy sounds. So if you hear them and don’t see them run away

    7. A pistol is a poor weapon to kill a dinasour and they must have the natives on payroll because they will stomp your butt after the dinasour is finished with you.

    8. Falling hurts, falling on a bike at high speeds hurts more.

    9 I rediscovered my fear of creepy spiders and tall grass. The first time it jumped out at me I aged a year and dropped the mouse.

    Finally 10, pay attention to time and when it gets dark especially if you leave your flashlight in the storage locker at the old base. Did I mention spiders...yeah..

    I poke fun :) It is a fun game, looking forward to enjoying it as you perfect it. I love how you get involved in your fan base.

    Great job,
    TK85, Captain Jack II and elmo like this.
  2. DC_Sparx

    DC_Sparx Lieutenant

    Feb 1, 2017
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    Dude, I am crying at number 9... LMAO... but yeah, couple of extra pointers... If you press F5, you have drone with you at all times, doesn't need fuel... Use it to mine, and you won't get stuck in a hole. Press "L" at night, and you have shoulder light, from the start it works. It helps with those creepy spiders. The natives will stomp you, and some dino's are social, so you can get the whole pack if you shoot one. Good luck to you my friend, this is an amazing game.
    TK85 likes this.
  3. DC_Sparx

    DC_Sparx Lieutenant

    Feb 1, 2017
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    Oh, and wait til it's one in the morning, you are the only one awake in a dark room, and you try to take a drone base, or something else, by yourself and some alien pregnant lady with teeth in her stomach comes screeching at you like it's your fault.... Yeah... I WAS 35.....
  4. Spirit_OK

    Spirit_OK Captain

    Jan 10, 2018
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    Chainsaw is the ultimate early answer to 6,7 and 9, later it is shotgun. Also, every creature has a specific grunt or chirp, one that it emits passively and one that is meant for charging. Learn these and be alert, that would make the dangers of nature more like walking dinner plates :) Would help in enemy installations too.

    4. The survival constructor is portable and don't need energy to operate, that makes it a great addition to small HVs. Put it in the trunk and take out for a barbeque or to make that spare core/thruster/cockpit after the vehicular manslaughter went south. Beats walking back to base anytime.

    3. Motorcycle doesn't stop immediately when you jump off without breaking first, it continues forward for some time. Isn't it like this in real life also? :)
  5. flannan

    flannan Lieutenant

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Most of the time, your jetpack (switched on and off with 'j" key) can get you out of your personal abyss. When it can't, and you don't feel like cheating, your drill will save you. Just point it at about 30 degrees upwards and mine. Sooner or later you'll reach the surface. This also works with pretty much any other mining game, like Starbound.

    My personal misadventures with mining (except those times I had to mine myself out of my mine, and mine myself and my friend out of a moat around an alien base) mostly revolved around trying to use forward-mining drill on a hovercraft. My advice: just don't. Even though it's actually possible to make a mining hovercraft that doesn't need to be disassembled somewhere underground and carried out as spare parts, by the time you'll make one (and get a hang of using it), you could have got the materials for a drill turret, which is a lot easier to use.
    iliapugach likes this.
  6. zaphodikus

    zaphodikus Captain

    Oct 1, 2016
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    LOLz - tell me which other game has this kind of sense of humor?

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