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  1. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    Thermica Station

    I played through Thermica Station last night and noticed that it (1) had outdated Food Processors and (2) gave up a lot of Neodymium as salvage ... enough that you could build a small CV without ever leaving the Akua system.

    Short Change Summary...

    TLDR: Added solar panels to bring the base up to Alpha 7.5. Trimmed way back on the Neodymium salvage making it harder to build a CV without leaving the Akua system.

    Long Change Summary...

    1. Replaced three old Food Processors with a current one and changed the color to match the room.

    2. Planted crops in the growing plots. (Else, why have them?) Just Akua berries and Space kavae, which folks should already have from the planet's surface.

    3. Replaced six T2 Fridges with six T1 Fridges to reduce the amount of Neodymium salvage.

    4. Replaced all of the T1 Large Generators with four Small Generators, preserved the appearance in the machine room, and removed a bunch of Neodymium salvage. This brought the power capacity down from 400x times the Bases's demand to 15x the Base's demand, which is still overkill ... I think they'll still be able to recharge passing freighters, have lots of Christmas lights, or something.

    5. Added 20 solar panels and a solar capacitor. These offset around 80% of the base's routine power demand.

    6. Replaced two Advanced Constructors with one Large Constructor, removing a bunch of Neodymium salvage. Added decoration to fill out the same space with Constructor-like appearance.

    7. Fixed the coloring on landing pad "4" so that it was readable.


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    ldog, Siege Inc. and Dinkelsen like this.
  2. ZheBerg

    ZheBerg Ensign

    Jan 1, 2018
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    My first creation. I wanted some action on my maps. Decided to create an heavy outpost. Not super fancy but really effective! BA_ZB_OutpostSmall_A.jpg

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  3. Needleship

    Needleship Master of Custom Terrain

    Apr 13, 2017
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    (Since the 'civilian buildings'-Topic is locked, I post it here...)

    A sunny day in hell - - Try at a dedicated Aestus Trading Station

    During the festive days, I played another 'get back to space' run: Aestus, orbital suit drop, all weapons and equipment, but no resources or transport. Then, It happened again:

    The problem:
    Lush, serene Aestus Trading station, spawned in midst of a lava field. - Again.
    Cargo boxes resting on the fire. Heat stroke in heavy armour (3x insulation, 1x speed) after four seconds while trying to get inside. NO HANGAR on a freakin' lava planet. When I left the entrance door open, some guests leisurely strolled through the inferno... Probably this nice place is suited much better to planets like Oscutune.

    Possible solution:

    AESTUS 01 TasCo Mining Colony (Now Aestus Free Trading Station)
    Strongly inspired by in-game assets / @jmcburn's reactor base, @rucky's ship railings, begone workplaces, an oil refinery close to my home town, drilling rigs, Aliens, Outland, and your favourite MegaMall. ;)
    - Focus on immersion and exploration.

    … Since I don't have any experience with building, this turned out to be some kind of behemoth.

    Dimensions: Base is 40x40 blocks, inflated intentionally to 46x44 with two extra blocks
    (So that has to spawn on Aestus' flat, boiling lava)
    Size class 6 ( Well... it's 6.08...)
    Blocks 7048
    Devices: 332
    Lights: 27*
    Triangles: 50207

    * All those lights are controlled by motion sensors, ideally out of screeching sensor sound range. (You know, you can't sell anything in the dark...)

    And now: Picture spam! :D
    (Why are you in this thread anyway?)

    01 Overview combo.jpg
    It's a factory, a bunker...

    02 A bunker on stilts - Combo.jpg
    ... on stilts, which have to be cooled.

    03 Hangar.jpg
    Main hangar. Most prefab SV fit in here. Sadly not the luxury cruisers.

    04 In transition.jpg
    Entrance hall: A place in transition-

    05 Discovery Mall Combo.jpg
    -or maybe just another kind of hell.

    06 IntoTheOld.jpg
    Into the old part of the station.

    07 Cantina & Club.jpg

    08 LetsDoThis.jpg

    Not depicted due to posting limit and bad conscience for spamming: Posh clinic treatment room, EXO hangar, old hydroponics / construction area, improved crew quarters & dirty crew bathrooms, flight tower, Administration office, heart of the station.


    Counts as a CV, so that you have at least at your first visit a boiling 'smelter' in your window.
    (I miss the chimney thrusters. But it looks too depressing if they are always off after a reload, and the cockpit didn't work anyway. - 'Press C to increase factory production... ')

    8 Traders, some at more unusual places.
    It has a 'deco' cannon turret (No ammo box in the station). It just looks menacingly at your HV and checks for wildlife. - Part of the 'story' of this place.
    Teleporter is a problem. Needed a second, 'mutiny' one, but can't get TSO Aestus to target only the 'arrival' pad, without messing with it. 50:50-chance, that you'll end up in the dark right before a teleporter that is even turned off. - Running out of time now.

    Exploration / Mystery: What happened to the station? What is it's actual status? Find all the hints.
    Exploration: Locate the core
    Mini-Puzzles: Get into the flight tower; is the stranger in the crew quarters trapped?
    Exploration / flight challenge: Hit & kill the annoying scorpion in the ducts

    - Mood range from funny to serious. Just another day in workspace hell.

    (Slight chance that you want a bigger SV, or that this will make you want to hunt scorpions. Preferably with a plasma cannon. - Bastards.)

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  4. Skyknight Beoulve

    Skyknight Beoulve Lieutenant

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Hi, since I don't have enough privileges to post in general thread, I'll post it here.

    I'm building a big base in space, not suitable for a planet I think, but wanted to test the block limits. First I'm building it following a reference:


    Made by Sparth for Halo 4.

    Since there is no global illumination in Empyrion yet, achieving a quality or details closely to the original is really difficult so my build is still WIP.
    I'm making it for my scenario "Prison System". I still need to work on the lower levels, adding furniture, and a park behind the immigration office.

    Also take note, it's a big building so dressing, texturing and lighting takes a lot of time but I'll post it Steam Workshop as soon as I finish the outer structure.

    Creative_2018-01-28_07-37-47.png Creative_2018-01-28_07-38-06.png Creative_2018-01-28_07-38-22.png Creative_2018-01-28_07-38-37.png Creative_2018-01-28_07-38-56.png Creative_2018-01-28_07-39-12.png Creative_2018-01-28_07-39-41.png Creative_2018-01-28_07-39-53.png Creative_2018-01-28_07-40-01.png Creative_2018-01-28_07-40-09.png
    Kaeser, Sephrajin and rainyday like this.
  5. Skyknight Beoulve

    Skyknight Beoulve Lieutenant

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Creative_2018-01-28_07-40-21.png Creative_2018-01-28_07-40-35.png Creative_2018-01-28_07-40-51.png Creative_2018-01-28_07-40-58.png Creative_2018-01-28_07-41-17.png Creative_2018-01-28_07-41-30.png Creative_2018-01-28_07-42-23.png
    To upload the rest of the screenshots, I had to divide the post in two.
    monktk likes this.
  6. monktk

    monktk Captain

    May 20, 2017
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    I meant to quit out of Empyrion for a bit after posting in the What Did You Do Today thread, but I didn't. Heck I got so into this I almost forgot some food in the microwave, oops. But I did finish the base I was working on.

    The "Iconic" Base - Level 5 PvE, Alpha 7.5:


    Two important notes about this base!

    1. You must lower it a few times with page-down before finalizing placement! The two turret towers have an extra block length to accommodate slight differences in terrain, but this base does want fairly flat ground. Floor level is marked by bricks on the base itself, and blue bricks on the turret towers. Ideally the marked layer should be nearly buried, but there is a small amount of leeway for the turrets.

    2. There's a motion sensor on the hangar at the back to make sure the damn door actually closes behind you/opens for vessels reliably in SP. This is VERY much a PvE base, but if you happen to be in PvE Multiplayer and do NOT want your friends getting into your base, either remove or modify the sensor.

    Here's a link to E.M.B's short, sweet tutorial on modifying the sensor to be more useful for MP:

    All other info and extra pics are at the Workshop page, but this stuff seemed important enough to reiterate :)
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2018
    Groza, Talohan, Kaeser and 9 others like this.
  7. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    @Hummel-o-War why isn't this in the game already? :eek:
  8. Needleship

    Needleship Master of Custom Terrain

    Apr 13, 2017
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    (Aside from possible design preferences, and the restriction to one planet and building type- my guess is, it's too big, and some sections aren't that vibrant. Painted myself really into a corner with that size class.
    - Maybe I can cut this even smaller, if I remove the more 'empty' places and make the hangar less spacious...)

    BTW, your mining hub is absolutely beautiful. - Have to learn still a lot. Eagerly awaiting your next work to explore. :)
    monktk likes this.
  9. Kahrek

    Kahrek Captain

    Mar 7, 2017
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    Finally got around to actually finishing this little project. My orbital home (deluxe) is now available. An upgraded version of my original entry level orbital base. The solar panels provide enough power to run the basic base functions properly indefinitely (Solar array is at the back of the base. To place spawn, look directly at the sun and place the base. Simple as that).

    Front.jpg Solar Pannels.jpg Bottom.jpg Top.jpg Bottom.jpg External Constructor.jpg Docking Bay.jpg Garden.jpg Medical.jpg Stats 2.jpg

    As always thoughts, comments critique and compliments are all welcomed.


    Kahrek Laume.

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    Spirit_OK, monktk, rainyday and 3 others like this.
  10. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Might make a nice starter space base!

    Someone doing this was overdue! :D
    monktk likes this.
  11. Max Archer

    Max Archer Commander

    Sep 27, 2017
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    I hadn't done a base in a while, so I just built this thing. It's a relatively compact thing, not really a starter or an endgame main base, more of just a "cool pad" to plop down somewhere and use as a house or secondary outpost.


    It has most of the usual stuff you'd want, but I avoided anything that used Zascosium or Erestrum. It's got a hangar with SV and HV doors and the big landing pad you see in the picture above. It's also got a 36 plot farm, med bay with all the scanners, two Advanced Constructors with lots of storage boxes, and 6 turrets.


    The really cool part, though, is the useless stuff. It's got spacious living quarters, and most importantly has a glass-bottomed observation lounge that looks down into the hangar, up at the towers on top, and out over the landing pad.


    Anyway, give it a shot if it looks cool to you too. It's on the Steam Workshop here:
    NOLOS, Talohan, Kaeser and 6 others like this.
  12. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    With the upcoming version 8 and the big planets should be useful to have more than one base per planet I think. In the big ones of course. I have one question though. How does your "coolpad" base goes with the SI? Should I place it with SI off just to be sure? Also, if I need to add things on in do I have to worry about SI?
    monktk likes this.
  13. Max Archer

    Max Archer Commander

    Sep 27, 2017
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    SI should be fine, but I'd recommend trying any changes in creative first. It might be a good idea to add some extra supports to the end of the landing pad if you want to make modifications in that area, it's the only real week spot of the design.

    For anybody who tries this base, by the way, I'd suggest trying it in creative first, just so you can see how it needs to be placed for the HV ramp to line up with the ground properly.

    Edit - I took some screenshots showing the SI. The first one shows the current SI, the red areas visible are the only ones on the entire structure. The second shows how it would be with extra supports on the "runway."

    20180201113330_1.jpg 20180201113447_1.jpg
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2018
    monktk likes this.
  14. Max Archer

    Max Archer Commander

    Sep 27, 2017
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  15. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    For some reason this base (Sentinel Station) visually matches perfectly with my Anax CV. I might extend the pad a little bit though. I think we are going to see more big BAs for the upcoming big planets.

    Alpha 7 Creative_2018-02-15_19-34-10.png Alpha 7 Creative_2018-02-15_19-33-56.png Alpha 7 Creative_2018-02-15_19-33-48.png
    NOLOS, Talohan, Spirit_OK and 2 others like this.
  16. TiwBras

    TiwBras Commander

    Aug 28, 2016
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  17. Kahrek

    Kahrek Captain

    Mar 7, 2017
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  18. Browar

    Browar Commander

    Oct 28, 2016
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  19. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    CSGO :(

    Good work though....How big is it? Could be used for a Battle Royal scenario, maybe?
    Browar likes this.
  20. Browar

    Browar Commander

    Oct 28, 2016
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    74x76x19. But fight area is smaller. External walls are 5 blocks thick. And not CS GO but CS 1.6 :)
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