The Lost City Of Sol-Exploration Scenario - Over 200 playfields.

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by piddlefoot, Jun 5, 2017.

  1. shinooni

    shinooni Ensign

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Hi Everyone,
    I have been experiencing some strange issues that seem to only effect 1 out 10 users. When using a sector files larger than 16KB a specific subset of users seem to experience an infinite connection issue always connecting to the server just never progressing further. As soon as I pull the size to 16KB or under - they can connect fine. I am also confident that it isn't linked to a planet causing havok as for a test I left all the information in the file but commented everything out bar 8 planets. Just to make REALLY sure of my theory was correct and this failed. Yet when I deleted all the commented entries it worked. The connection could be established by these outlier clients. Next test I conducted was using your sector file and commenting out chunks here and there trying to run then removing those commented chunks but leaving some commented chunks in the file just in case the commenting was causing issues. Sure enough, remove enough data to go under 16KB the clients come good and commenting was causing no issues.
    Am I imagining things because this is only affecting a subset of my userbase and has required me finding a client that was local to access and debug this with? I would really love to get everyone up and able to play this scenario because it really is an awesome scenario. However I am unable to nail down why it effects specifically these clients. As other clients have no trouble what so ever connecting.
  2. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Well that is very interesting, and I might ask a few server operators if they can also test it for us and see if it is an issue with the sector file.

    I would ask though, the server you run is it truly dedicated or is it in a data centre , data centres tend to share recourses of servers with other customers, we have found many limiting factors on data centre servers.
    Ephoie likes this.
  3. Gnatsum39

    Gnatsum39 Lieutenant

    Sep 9, 2017
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    I am running your mod on a dedicated server at home and love it. Quick question, since the last patch on steam for Empyrion, we have experienced some issues. I followed your guide you posted a couple days ago and did the micro update. Do I need to re-download the files from Steam workshop for that as well? The reason I ask that is, the mod on the workshop says it has not been updated since November of last year and I only downloaded a month ago or so, so if I am to believe steam workshop I would have the most current files (with the addition of your micro update posted in this thread.)

    Thanks for the amazing scenario, it has brought so much new life to this game for me and my friends!!!
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2018
  4. shinooni

    shinooni Ensign

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Nope not hosted at a data centre. Dedicated gigabit line connected to hardware I built - (7820X - 8C 16T 4.7GHZ 32GB ram) so hardware on my end is pretty solid and temporarily I have placed the server on the DMZ and currently have turned off firewall completely but to make sure I have port forwarded all the possible required ports for steam and empyrion and opened them as rules on the firewall for when I do turn it back on. Also just want to clarify you use the workshop item hosted by Amy and transfer the files to the server and place it as a new scenario - run the scenario with the dedicated yaml modified to have origin set as Human. Have I missed anything ?
  5. Takikardia_wow

    Takikardia_wow Ensign

    Oct 13, 2017
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    Last edited: Feb 3, 2018
  6. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Yes I had to use my daughters account because mine has some bug that wont allow me to upload, but I instal a new HD soon so its a full windws wipe and fresh start on this rig and that should correct it, bring it back to my main account.

    Yes I was running tests on Pluto at the time with water colour so what you can do to fix that is very easy, open the pluto yamls and right up top where it says water colour, just set it to blue or green or red or brown.

    I was testing if game would recognise any other colours, other than RED that's not listed.

    When ever its a colour that game doesn't recognise this is what it does basically.

    This is the only update Ive done for now as Im working on a full rehash of all the POIs in the game, making loot less easy to get.

    The next update Im hoping to include the new planet format, where we can have planets up to 64 times larger than now.
    So need to get POIs sorted before that because that's going to suck up some serious time getting in order.

    Latest update is on drop box.

    Dropbox link.....just unzip, only a small download. update fix.7z?dl=0

    Unzip files.
    Put all new playfields into your games save / Templates folder.

    So Empyrion Galactic Survival / saves / games / NAME OF YOUR SAVE / Templates

    Then open the sector folder

    Empyrion Galactic Survival / saves / games / NAME OF YOUR SAVE / Sector

    Delete your current sector file.

    Copy and paste the new sector file you downloaded in micro update into this folder.

    Last but not least, delete your prefab folder and paste the new one from micro update in its place, this goes in a different spot so.....

    Empyrion Galactic Survival / content / scenarios / Lost City of Sol / Prefabs

    Replace the sector file here also, this is in case you start a new game so it all works in the future. Take sector file from micro update and paste into this folder.

    Empyrion Galactic Survival / content / scenarios / Lost City of Sol / Sectors

    Now the playfields,

    Empyrion Galactic Survival / content / scenarios / Lost City of Sol / Playfields

    All new planets/playfields go in that folder so when you next start a new game it should all work.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2018
    Ephoie likes this.
  7. Gnatsum39

    Gnatsum39 Lieutenant

    Sep 9, 2017
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    I am a little confused about the above instructions. It says to copy the Playfields over in two spots. When I open the micro update I downloaded I do not see any planet names with playfield files. Just Ore deposit names with Playfields and InstanceRaid1 through 6.. Are those the folders I need to be copying into the Playfields folder?

  8. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Ok sorry just made same mistake on steam forum, brains numb today lol, its should be the Templates folder inside the save folder I have edited the post above to reflect that.

    Also in the Save folder for any planet the doesn't update you will need to delete that planet out of the save folder so it can generate a new one with the new settings, this is bad if you have bases on the planet you don't want to loose but its the best practice if you want to re-new a planet bug free.

    The folder to delete planets so they regenerate is

    Empyrion Galactic Survival / saves / games / NAME OF YOUR SAVE / Playfields.

    That's was the confusion sorry.
  9. Kyoojin

    Kyoojin Ensign

    Apr 6, 2017
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    Hello, first off I wanted to say thank you for creating this mod. With this some friends and I decided to start up a dedicated server. We started on Amara, which was a blast trying to escape the arena. We discovered when mining there is no crushed stone in the places we have mined. Was that by design or is there something we are missing. We applied the fix above if that was a question. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

    Edit: After a lot of mining we found we were getting crushed stone though not much and not often.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2018
    piddlefoot likes this.
  10. shinooni

    shinooni Ensign

    Sep 13, 2016
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    something I'm Curious about - is amara trade station suppose to have teleporters? because there are the light pads and the switching "quest" line to break into the control room and activate them but when you activate the panels above change to saying "active" but where the teleporters? When I check on the end points it seems they do not exist anymore. What is going on? Are they meant to to be there? or was it an intentional design?
  11. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    They were removed , all TS, in fact , every single POI in that scenario is customised to suit the scenario, the teleporters at the starter planet trade stations all lead to a hub, so if your Explorer faction your Hub is Venus, from there you can go to any starter planet except Akua and Omicron, and back to Venus again, it gives you access to all the starters, and if you explore them all you will find all the Ores you need for everything, the scenario tries to encorage exploration, in every area, even if you dig down on some of these starter planets you will find ore in the lower levels of the map, I wont say what types as it varies from planet to planet and not all planets have it, there are Multigates for missions, where you teleport to an instance and play out the mission then when you return it will reset for the next player.
  12. ASTIC

    ASTIC Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2016
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    First of all thanks for the extensive scenario.
    I once made the POIs because I wanted to experience something unknown. Unfortunately, most of the multiplayer POIs were too simple. Some have even become simpler, e.g. the XenuFortressP1 clones.
    I adjusted and strengthened other POIs (from the workshop) for our server and wanted to ask if I could do that with the POIs from your scenario and if you are interested in the result?
  13. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Yep, go for it, everything in the scenario can be used, POIs, maps whatever you like.
  14. Tigreen

    Tigreen Lieutenant

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Are there plans to update for v8?
  15. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Yes but 8.0 is so complex vs this old version it wont be ready when 8.0 comes out, in fact the scenario is so big with so much custom stuff in it, that it could take a couple of months to complete, it comes down to how good the scenario conversion is from current to 8.0, the devs are working on all of that still, what Im trying to do is convert without changing anything on the terrain, same shape and textures, everything else I can add in manually at the simple cost of time, so yes there are plans to update it but I have no clue on the time line sorry.
    Effreem likes this.
  16. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    OK I have some rather sad news regarding this scenario, 8.0 doesnt like MASSIVE amounts of planets because the way the game loads the game at the start has changed.

    The game now, after its de-serialised as normal, when you start a game, generates every single planet and moon and space playfield there and then, where as it used to only load that file and build that planet on the fly when you first visited it.

    So the effect of generating 127 planets, 138 moons and 20 odd Instanced planets on the map at the start of the game results in a 9 minute wait while every single planet is literally created and saved.

    The big advantage of the new system is, in game, when you arrive at a new planet, load time is 1/10th what it was because it doesnt have to generate the planet, it just loads the one already made at the start of the game.
    So it is a better load sequence, and we will see that advantage alot more when the Galaxy generator comes and the game gets optimised for both as one system.

    So the limit now is around 20, and 20 odd planets takes around 1.5 to 2 minutes to generate, which is about as long as Im willing to wait for a game to load.

    So the Lost City of Sol is effectively dead until the Galaxy Generator is sorted out and working.

    A little good news.

    Im creating a new scenario using all of the POIs from the SOL scenario and roughly 70 new ones, but it will be SINGLE PLAYER only version at first and depending on how many ask will depend if I do a MP version.
    Its 20 odd planets, all custom planets of coarse bar a couple of moons.
    The new scenario has a totally different story, where you start on the outer rim of our solar system and have to flush out the Zirax invaders from Earth, which has been invaded and over-run. The Zirax posses technology capable of terraforming planets not in the goldy locks zone and have terraformed several local rouge planets and dragged them into Earths solar system.

    Stay tuned , a new thread will be started for the new scenario.
  17. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    That loading time is either only the very first time you connect to a server or start a new game, or after a game update though, right?

    My brother and I played around on a custom scenario with about 300 playfields and after the initial load, it seemed to run just fine. I think a 10 minute one-time load (unless the game updates) is well worth having hundreds of planets but I'm also a patient person. :D

    I could see other people would be impatient, especially if they're trying to connect to a server and it sits there loading forever. At least they added the loading progress to your load screen so it no longer looks like your game has crashed.

    Anyway it's sad news to hear. :(
    spacefarmer likes this.
  18. ArcticPrism

    ArcticPrism Commander

    Nov 4, 2016
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    Personally I think that less is more. Fewer planets means you can spend more time crafting unique, interesting worlds rather than trying making a mass amount of planets to fill space. This is especially true when it comes to POIs. There's no way you can build POIs for 200 playfields, especially if you want them to be unique while not being limited to little towers or something. More playfields also equals more recycled content. As far as MP is concerned, you're not going to have player interaction with that many playfields either.

    I am in favor of an MP version though so I can play with my friends. The default universe is meh. I liked the progression I could make on my server with your scenario because you went to different "zones" in the universe and each zone could be made to be more difficult than the last. If you could make the playfields ones you progress through again that would be great.
  19. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    I totally disagree. You seem to just lack the need to explore. You want to turn the exploration aspect of the game into repeatable boring dullness. In the end, you will be utterly bored to leave the game forever.
  20. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    We have pretty powerful ways to create unique, interesting, and quality playfields. The only real limit is the time required to create and balance them.

    Also don't forget, just because playfields share a common pool of POIs, doesn't mean you can't have unique combinations of those POIs. Sure, most planets have your basic crashed CVs and ruins, but my dead worlds in my scenario have several large groupings of them (+ others scattered around) with a beacon players can find that give them a unique code to unlock one side of a mysterious shrine on another planet.

    So yeah, while my dead planets only have 1 custom "poi" (a signal beacon), they also feel incredibly unique and creepy. I'd imagine that someone who is better versed in creating planets and takes the time to do it well could create very unique and interesting playfields without needing every POI to be unique to that playfield.

    One of Empyrion's strengths is the ability to mix, match, and group POIs to your liking on a per-playfield basis, allowing you to create playfields that feel unique even if they re-use many of the same POIs.

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