What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. MidasGunhazard

    MidasGunhazard Captain

    Jul 3, 2017
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    Got it working, thanks.
  2. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    Today I subjugated Aestus Utterly ... and then the heat death of the universe came far earlier than expected. (my computer froze and corrupted the save file) I'll re-substantiate in a fractile-thread when I feel up to it. Going to go finish wings of liberty for now.
    Tyrax Lightning and dpburke2 like this.
  3. MidasGunhazard

    MidasGunhazard Captain

    Jul 3, 2017
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    Basic shape blocked in, but now I don't know what to do with the interior. The huge hanger will be fine mostly empty, but there's almost that much space again divided into 2 sections above the front of the hanger below the gun-deck, and another section about half that size for the bridge and something else.
  4. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Wow... hope Aestus isn't being so hot it's reaching through your Circuits & roasting your CPU... :(

    You're right... Hangar is kinda barren... ahh, I know the perfect thing to fill it with... docked SVs & HVs! :p

    For the Topic: I dare to hope that I have finished my Painting & Texturing... including last minute work that had to be done on some Blocks & a couple Ventilators that had to be shuffled around after I finally realized that the Ventilators I had in the Hangar where they were before was getting its O2 Pathing choked & causing my Hangar to not Oxygenate correctly... I had to sacrifice a bit of Aesthetic to rectify the problem cause no matter how much it'll suck how much O2 it takes to fill the Hangar with breathability just for breathability mostly being needed on the Floor of the Hangar, I just couldn't see how Breathability could be made done without in the Hangar... there may be times when I & Guests alike may have reason to hang out in the Hangar & being able to do so needs to be an option.

    Now hoping I have just the Groupings & the Motion Sensor Programming left... then my beautiful-to-me Size 30 monster can leave Creative Mode Spacedock... & get dwarfed & out-looks'd by bout everything the Space Moles make. :p
    oojimaflip, dpburke2 and vicomt like this.
  5. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    @Tyrax Lightning Thanks! Yeah, was really an accident, since no such block to cover such corner (Ramp Corner). Give the vessel a more ripping look though.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  6. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    i havent seen this thread up in a few days so, besides my real life all hectic and im in need of a new community to join, me and my good pale Sarge are going to be teaming up to build more franchise canon builds, as our opener Sarge has 100% redone my old battlestar galatica Basestar and made it to pair with the 2004 TV version on the inside and outside
    if you wish to check it out heres the workshop link http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1300901350

    we have a list of projects im hoping we can get too as well in the near future if my real life dosent interfere

    1. cylon raider
    2. battlestar pegusas
    3. lightstar Valkyrie class
    4. heavy cylon raider
    5. USS Discovery
    6. first order dreadnought
    and hopefully more

    stay tuned :)
  7. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    I hear ya on that one. I've found myself doing similar at times, trying to compensate for missing Shapes.

    Did the WASD Server fail to work out...? :(

    For the Topic: Got a bit more work done on Jenn's Challenge SV. Unsure if THIS attempt will work out, but it's made it farther then past tries, so here's to hopin...
    Jenniphurr and monktk like this.
  8. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    no ill be back on it, but my real life is messed up atm i dont have time to get into gsmes more then 1 even a week if im lucky like today so
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  9. lochigg

    lochigg Commander

    Nov 15, 2017
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    Siege Inc., rainyday, monktk and 10 others like this.
  10. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Ahh... I know how that feels SO well... :(

    For the Topic: I think I have a working Jenn's Challenge SV Body working now... but outta time & gotta get to stuff to do. Still need to Paint, Texture, & Groupings, & actually test drive the SV to see if it actually works.
    dpburke2 and Jᴧgᴧ like this.
  11. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    I thank you. I have been looking in the wrong places to try and find large builds to learn from. So thank you for tossing out the name with which I can find some good samples to start with. Unfortunately, now you have me thinking up another large vessel. I am supposed to be finishing my current projects, not throwing another on the docket. I was looking for examples so I could use the education to learn how to finish the ones I already had in mind. Now I find myself with another concept in mind.... May you be cursed to make some more large builds (and share them) as it will probably take me forever to get around to finishing mine.
    Theurgist and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  12. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    When I modified CV Prefab Tier 2 with additional lateral thrusters, one thruster replaced a hull block on each side of my greenhouse. initially, everything was fine, Then, one day, I entered the greenhouse to find two dead plants, I replaced the plants and they died again. That was when radiation was added. I spent quite a while looking for the source. I finally realized it was the thrusters. I sacrificed 2 plant boxes for hull blocks. Everything is just peachy now.
  13. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    I had intended to show a 'before & after' gallery of the CV-Prefab-Tier 2 and my CV-301 Aeolus. But as I looked around at the Prefab's interior, I realized it was not exactly the same ship I modified over a year ago. I remember reading that the 'Tier 2' had been updated, but I thought that was the 'Tier 2 A'. I thought, "Well that okay, I have one at my creative 'R&D Center' on Akua. So I took a look an "SHAZA-A-AM!!!" It was gone! My CV-Prefab Tier 1 and 2 of my own BP bases were gone. Did I mention that parts of the planet had been eaten away, leaving ditches and strangely rectangular (polygonal, if you prefer) caverns all over the place. I still plan the gallery, but the differences will be a lttle less dramatic.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  14. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    very epic dude, cant wait to see the finish product, now looking back at mine it does seem "fat" LOL but sadly i got in over my head making to many ship that need a revisit, so "in time" ill be going back over all my ships
    Tyrax Lightning and dpburke2 like this.
  15. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Startet with my Seraphim Carrier:

    Raw outline:

    Bit later

    Front upclose

    Front indoor

    'Preview' next step:
  16. Macbrea

    Macbrea Commander

    Jan 8, 2018
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  17. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    The coolness of the Space Mole Fleet will be excellent for Inspiration... though your failure to control the Inspiration & get it to power what ya wanted it to is on you. :p

    Also, believe me, i'm sure i'll be Mad Empyrion Scienceing up more storm after the CV is done... :D

    For the Topic: Got my Jenn's Challenge SV done, & figured I can also lazy Copypasta it to here too!

    Front View:
    This is Camo's Debut on a Tyrax Creation. What do ya'all think... is it totally sexy, or is it totally sexy? ^_^

    Right View:
    Yes, I still can't resist doodling my name on my Creations like a little kid. :p

    Rear View:
    Holy... freaking... Arceus... I actually somehow found a way to Enclose the 3x13x3 Jet Thrusters into those 2 holes on either side in a way that I somehow was able to make it feel not unacceptably Auto-Magic Cheaty... somehow... :eek: (Jet Thrusters not visible in Pic... they're in those Bright Blue Holes...)

    Left View:
    I can only hope all those rows of 1x3x1 Thrusters got Mounted in a way that can hopefully feel not-cheaty... I wish the Jet Thruster Model & the Blocks cooperated better at connecting to each other.

    Top View:
    I strongly suspect the possibility that this dude will NOT be regarded as a Ship Supermodel... I can live with that.

    Bottom View:
    If only those Landing Gear were Hydraulic... then it'd be the way of this SV to carefully land on the Landing Gear then the Gear would hydraulically lower till the SV rested partially on the Landing Gear & partially if need be on the lower parts of the sides. Maybe someday...

    Stats Screen:
    I sure cut it close on the Dimensions... :p

    Factory Spawn Resource Cost:
    Might look like a spendy bugger, but ya oughta see how much past Creations of mine have cost before... :D
  18. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Nah, that doesnt look expensive...
    Expensive starts at 100-200k of a mat :p
  19. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    It isn't that bad. The concept isn't really new. I had scrapped an idea because I couldn't make it work even on a spreadsheet. Didn't feel right. After looking at the Space Moles workshop (not even spawning one), suddenly a light bulb lit up and ended up tossing together a new, revised, and bigger concept for it and I think I might be able to make that work. Will be a lot more work though and that might be a bit of a problem.

    As for what I did in Empyrion, well not much yesterday. Mostly spawning in and oogling a couple of those Space Moles monsters, especially the big ones. When I saw my PC successfully spawn in couple of those, and it took a couple seconds, my hopes went up. And when I saw their current size class, boy there was a leap of joy. Suddenly my own behemoth seemed plausible to complete... someday. I have still got a feeling that it will take a lot of time and work. But at least there is hope my PC can handle it.
  20. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    Siege Inc., vicomt, dpburke2 and 8 others like this.

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