Multiplayer Ideas

Discussion in 'Planets & Playfields' started by NaN, Jan 5, 2018.

  1. NaN

    NaN Lieutenant

    Oct 17, 2017
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    I am designing a multplayer game with empyrion for a 4-5 player group. The idea i am working on, is to first estabilish a inital settlement in Omicron, and assure the survival factor (Some inital trips to the moon and galaxy will be necesary to get certain ores). Then start to work as a contrastist for the needings of the inhabitants of this planet. Inhabitats could contract our services. Some of the jobs/missions i am thinking, that inhabitants can ask for are next:

    1. Unbury and return every piece of the Crashed MS Titan. (we will have to travel to akua, estabilish a settlement and start to unbury and dissasemble every piece. Put it on cargos, and return to Omicron Inhabitant)

    2. Build a base inside a meteorite in a determinated location.

    3. Build spacial station like for example U.E.F.S Contact (iyos).

    4. Build a capital vessel like for example Phoenix-036 (Phoenix). The idea in this case is to be a secret proyect, so we will have to build firstly underground shipyard big enough, and then start to build the Phoenix-036.

    5. Attack some challenging objetives in planets and in galaxy. I don't what and where could be challenging, i have to investagate this.

    Also every player will have a main role. There will be a Chief Builder, whos main task is to build bases, there will be a chemist whose main task is to assure elements survival, creating oxygen, farming (we will be vegetarian), creating every kind of fuels, gas, Medicine, pressurization. There will be a miner, whos main task will be obviosuly extact the ore (build HVs and SVs). And there will be a milician, whos main task will be asure the security of the operations, and drive the militar missions, create attack/defense SVs, create the weapons and ammo...

    This roles are not extrict, so if the builder need help with a task, he could talk with another member of the group and give him some minor task of his base building job.

    So, introduced the idea, I now ask for your help. I need:

    1. More ideas of missions,
    2. Some spacial locations for the meteor base and the spacial station (i think it must be made in a zone rounded of several ore meteor and near some risks).
    3. Also i need to know wich objectives could be challeging for the attacking missions.

    I am relatively new to the game, so I only know Akua planet and his moon.
    zaphodikus likes this.
  2. NaN

    NaN Lieutenant

    Oct 17, 2017
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    May i ask you kindly for some suggestions? Every idea will be appreciated.
  3. NaN

    NaN Lieutenant

    Oct 17, 2017
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    Just starting to develop my group Roles...

  4. NaN

    NaN Lieutenant

    Oct 17, 2017
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    Let's continue...

  5. NaN

    NaN Lieutenant

    Oct 17, 2017
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    Another One....


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