What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. hound

    hound Captain

    Sep 15, 2016
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    Because the one person In particular that I am speaking of has my ex wife's name and no matter even if I find out that she is a 80 year old grandma with a hunchback a club foot and a wart on her nose ......Nefer still means beautiful in egyptian.......lol
    Tyrax Lightning, malrose1 and Kieve like this.
  2. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    You live in my Neighborhood?
  3. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    Birds, man. Can't trust 'em.
  4. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    I Been Saying that For Years! *Looks left and right and says conspiratorially* You can't trust them Ducks. Down With Anatidae!
  5. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    Witches burn.
    Wood burns. Wood also floats.
    Ducks float.
    Ducks = Witches.
    Burn the ducks!!!
  6. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    Now, you are speaking my language... Also. Go to bed :p
  7. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    Can't, I'm at work. Two hours to go, then the drive home and maybe sleep. More likely, will try some building first - I really want to take a stab at some of these ideas fluttering around inside my skull.
  8. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    @Razorwire has your early game CV covered: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1256006206
  9. Theurgist

    Theurgist Captain

    Oct 11, 2017
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    Steam rating should be done the same way as the forums. Like button only. If you like it, you click, if you don't you move on. Simple.

    Still abusable to upvote their own stuff, but they can no longer spread their bile around to others.

    If something is so bad that it Needs downvoting there's a good chance that it won't see any time on the front pages anyway, and if it's worse than that there is always the report button.

    On a side-note, is it possible to vote on a steam workshop that you don't own the game for? ie: Do the people that make accounts to downvote have to purchase another EGS copy? If so, I say let them. I will suck up all the downvotes if it gives the developers more support.
    If not then we need to poke Steam staff and get them to rectify that issue. People should be accountable for their online actions.

    I pray for the day when they invent a monitor you can punch someone through the internet with. Overnight the occurances of trolling would drop significantly. ^^
  10. Razorwire

    Razorwire Captain

    Jul 6, 2017
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  11. Trig

    Trig Captain

    May 26, 2017
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    Out of curiosity I just tried to upvote a workshop thing on a game (some football game from 2016) I don't have, box popped up with this message:

    "Your account does not have sufficient privileges to perform this action. Please make sure that you own this game and that your account is in good standing."

    So, atleast it's not super easy for people to create dummy accounts to abuse the rating system. (would have to buy Empyrion again, which wouldn't surprise me if some people are that dedicated)

    I guess I've been somewhat lucky in that my stuff doesn't attract too many downvoters, although if something I make reaches the featured slideshow it usually gets some.

    Annd unreleated, but does anyone know how the game decides what fixed weapon goes in what hotbar slot on a HV? I've been having a really hard time with getting T2 drills to go in hotbar slot #1 on an HV I'm working on and just can't figure it out. The gatling guns always get pushed to hotbar slot one, which prevents ore-scanner from working. It's defiantly not tied to which one was added to vessel last, as far as I can determine.

    I wish they would just add an ore scanner device for HV's, but that might make too much sense.
  12. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    I think that is smaller and cheaper than my cheapest CV. Not sure you would call mine a single level though, I do use some stairs and an elevator. Stairs is to step up one level of blocks for the cockpit though everything is kind of open so I see it more like stepping up onto a raised deck. As for the elevator, that is roof access for docking SVs etc on the roof pad. Granted, I rarely use my cheapest. What was it someone said here? Live in your BP for a week. The one I do the most "living" in has been shared on the workshop and it has the least subscribers. I suppose if it had a farm I might get more "likes" but for someone who likes building farms, strangely I find myself just filling the fridge on the CV and just living off that while travelling around the worlds in the game. And, yes, the one I "live" in is a two level build, mostly just functional bits and sparing on the deco. And it is no mistake that it has areas without O2. So far in PVE, I have never had to crawl through those access tunnels to service the vessel so the lack of O2 in the service areas has never bothered me. My only O2 problem during use was the cockpit and I finally figured out what I did wrong and fixed that, so I have O2 everywhere I need on the CV. I am working on bigger CV for two reasons. 1. The voices in my head tell me so. 2. Because my favorite CV just doesn't have enough storage space later in the game.

    [edit] Mostly the voices. I have no need for a CV too big, or fake weapons that don't work. But the voices tell me so.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2018
    monktk, Tyrax Lightning and Kieve like this.
  13. SirKnumskull

    SirKnumskull Captain

    Aug 25, 2017
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    I looked through your workshop and I am not surprised you get little feedback. What is there to say about raw imports?

    And the few other builds you have are not really outstanding, alot of blank textures, that is not really enticing to anybody. You will not get instantly better nor are you just not born with talent for it, you just lack practice. I recently stumbled upon some older steam screenshots I made of my early creations.

    Viewer discretion is advised, this could be disturbing imagery for kids:


    You can see my first blueprinted base, my first two CVs midway through their development, my first SV (I used modified prefabs up to that point) and a range of my hover drills. At this point I had made about 15 hover drills already.

    Isn't she a beauty?


    And that is already the revised version, here is some earlier texture, ahem, artistry:


    But eventually it got better, this is another step in development, already with the black/white/grey color scheme I still use alot. You can also see a CV from the workshop in the background. I looked at work others had done and slowly improved my own builds:


    There is no magic that happened between a build like the Equestris and the hideous blobs pictured here, that is practice.

    But even if you manage to get some attention for your builds upvotes and comments are the last thing you get. I have stood right next to people on game servers using my stuff and they don't even react if you directly ask them how they like it. Do not expect direct feedback all the time. And people do not just hand you affection for the time you put in. The better you get the less time you'll need for the same result but people do not give a flying fuck about your time. People care about what they get - be that a cool build that they'll actually use or just some inspiration.

    Just look at my submissions for example, I got quite lucky with getting about half of them to the front page but many still have no comments and very few ratings on them despite being viewed hundreds of times and having close to 100 subscribers. And every single submission I have made recently has proper screenshots, a proper thumbnail, and a full description. Some don't get everyone's panties wet and that is ok, different people, different tastes.

    If likes and comments are important for you that is alright, I'm not going to judge what motivates you to do something. But if that is what you build for then think of your target audience and actually target them. Make them click that thumbnail with a nice screenshot. Give them more pictures to look at. Make up a background story about the ship/base and give them some info about that in the description. If people stick around on your page they are much more likely to click one of the buttons on the page. If all they see is a crappy screenshot with the undead ghost of the factory window overlay most people will leave the page just as fast as they came.

    tl;dr: Practice makes perfect and a book is judged by its cover, so make the cover pretty.
  14. Theurgist

    Theurgist Captain

    Oct 11, 2017
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    Quoted for truth.

    Also a salute for @Trig for verifying that you need the game & an account in good standing to vote on Workshop
  15. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    I took a look, and I'm guessing it's the "Courage"?
    Seems like a nice, compact craft, and better-armed than most of my CVs. Shame she hasn't gotten more love, but I read there were some hiccups trying to update a previous version? Either way, nicely compact - a little chunky for my taste, but probably sturdier for it.
    (Gave a thumbs-up anyway, there's been enough negativity going around lately).

    Although I heartily endorse the suggestion of @Razorwire 's CV, I'd be curious to get your thoughts on this one as well:
    KCV Soleil G7.jpg
    The Soleil "G7" is an updated prototype I never got around to posting, basically a clone of the LXS model with some internals shuffled about (taking advantage of the smaller warp drive) to make room for a handful of growing plots, and to move the grav-gen so people weren't cooking on their way to the shower & food processor in the rear. The walkable area is basically a small hangar with some balcony room around the borders.

    Might suit your needs, might not, but I'd welcome some constructive thoughts either way.

    Attached Files:

  16. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    Good advice. You have roughly five seconds to catch someone's interest before they move on.
  17. SirKnumskull

    SirKnumskull Captain

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Small CVs, that reminds that I still have one to upload. I love these small builds, they are just so perfect for PVE.
    monktk, dpburke2 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  18. Friendly Timo

    Friendly Timo Captain

    Aug 8, 2017
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    Just remember the immortal words of Ilya Bryzgalov :D

    Getting downvotes is one of those mind over matter -things. You know, if you don't mind it doesn't matter. Or on a more serious note, I'd urge people to guard against attaching their identity to their creative works be what ever they may.

    Because as humans we are cursed with our social condition and we seek acceptance and valitation from our peers, if you find your sense of selfworth through your works you are going to end up in trouble sooner or later psychologically.

    I have been around people who work in creative fields long enough to see the damage it does to persons psyche and their ability to develop as an artist / designer, when they forget that THEY define their works and not the other way around. Just stick to your guns and have fun. I'd argue that a popularity of a design actually tells more about the audience than the designer.

    Hope this makes any sense :p
    monktk, dpburke2, Starwing6 and 6 others like this.
  19. vicomt

    vicomt Captain

    Jul 16, 2016
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    which is exactly why you should always build what YOU want, not what you think the workshop wants. stick it up, if even ONE person likes it, it's worth it.

    on the "grow your style as you build" front, it'll come, once you decide to define your own style. ;)
    monktk, Myrmidon, dpburke2 and 2 others like this.
  20. hound

    hound Captain

    Sep 15, 2016
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    Ugh Ok guys you got me...I just spent hours in creative building another small CV.
    Cottonmouth great little Cv that I will never use because of stairs...I have gotten totally hosed by internal stairs and I try to avoid them like the plague. I love the design and the way it looks and hope to one day get my little boxes to look that cool. Also I think this was a challenge design and we all know we want a little more room.
    Soleil...love it except stairs and when I spawn it and sit in the pilots seat in third person it is about 100 meters away from me.....lol EDIT Does not happen on the LSV just the SE
    And guys do not take anything I say as criticism of your design or skills. I am saying it doesn't work FOR me. I am accident prone to the frikken max and am totally ashamed of the times when I end up trying to get INTO a ship that is upside down or sideways and trying to move around the inside when I am on a slope or upside down. I need to baby proof my ships and stairs and are big nono for my stupid self.
    How many of you know you cant go thru a door sideways...I do. I also know that a door at the top of stairs is gonna get you killed if you are trying to get to the cockpit and you are on a slope. Yep it happened.
    My last small CV design was an absolute marvel on the drawing board with forcefields under it so I could mine....I parked close to a meteor on Altis and got out of the pilots seat and was catapulted outside of the ship that was trying to turn on its side. No Bueno. The local wildlife thought that was very funny. They clapped and laughed and spit pink poison at me.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2018
    monktk, Kieve, dpburke2 and 6 others like this.

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