[ZeroG] Challenge Build 02! (HV) Tank ~Completed~

Discussion in 'Questions, Discussions & Feedback' started by Jenniphurr, Feb 26, 2018.

  1. T431

    T431 Captain

    Oct 25, 2017
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    Now if you built a trebuchet instead of a catapult you might have a chance.

    Or missiles up the gazoo, it's what I personally like to do. (that rhymes)
  2. Bigfeet

    Bigfeet Captain

    Apr 24, 2016
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    I'm sitting with the same option, bin fuddling all evening trying to get all components in. And i'm not sure if i will use it either. It sure would save me alot of time. Them fuel tanks are being a headscratcher (so is that last fridge & armor locker). 18 hours is like 1080 minutes wich comes around 10 tanks or so. I might end up starting a new build alltogether cuz it's getting pretty tight in there.

    I don't know how u guys dish these tanks out so quickly, great job tho. Especially @hound , with his da vinci artwork he's going midevil on our asses. Super !haaahah
  3. Ivo Shandor

    Ivo Shandor Commander

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Well darn 3/10 might be hard to make with me working 2 jobs now... I will do my best!
  4. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    I wish I ever had any RL time available to build low utility & usefulness "Vanilla Incompatible" Builds... i've been tempted to make Creations with obscene numbers of Homer Launchers... a "Homer Tank of Doom" would be especially epic tempting... :D
    monktk, Jenniphurr and dpburke2 like this.
  5. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Just to make sure - thrusters.... covered? Uncovered? I am going with uncovered by default.
  6. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    Whatever you prefer for this Challenge. Later ones I'll specify covered or uncovered.

    Ya, I have settled with moving forward on my Gorman-X. I'll be lucky to meet the deadline tho but ima try! Oh here is some screens!
    (From left to right: Frost-X - Gorman-X - Gorman-2
    Kaeser, Robot Shark, monktk and 5 others like this.
  7. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Hmm... dammit... where in the Interface do I have to look, & under what condition, to see if i've met the Quota of minimum 18 Hours of Fuel Standby Time...? :/
    Jenniphurr and dpburke2 like this.
  8. hound

    hound Captain

    Sep 15, 2016
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    sit in the pilot seat.....lower right hand side..power left....need min 1080 mins..while sitting still and powered up I presume.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2018
  9. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Sooooooo.... started the build session without any ideas and proceeded to plod my way forward...


    Still not quite getting anywhere, I kept building and then deleting... but then I had a "huh" moment:


    So I kept fiddling, and then a second "Huh" moment...


    Then after some additions I realized I was essentially building the damn thing backwards... so then I flipped it around and stitched on a frontal bit;


    It was meant to be a larger, but curved and modestly sloped war tank(but sexy!) Instead, somehow I ended up with a Maw Chariot? The hell?


    I suppose some people think "tank" and go for turrets and such, apparently my brain says "Maw chariot." Eh *shrugs shoulders* Tomato, maw chariot. That will not be the creations final name - just something I was using as short hand.

    I guess it is kind of cuddly:

    20180227195028_1.jpg 20180227194840_1.jpg 20180227200147_1.jpg

    It does not really have any detailing yet, frankly I am still switching out some blocks on the exterior, AND I am not sure this is what I want to use as my submission... hard to tell. I wanted to use as much of the volume as I could, and that turned out to be tug my creation in interesting directions. Perhaps i should return to the drawing board and build a larger sleek and svelte attack HV.
  10. Bigfeet

    Bigfeet Captain

    Apr 24, 2016
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    I really need to learn how cut&paste in this game, looks like a time saver.
  11. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    I would have considered a modified Warmonger to be an unfair advantage. There are many great designers here, just coming in last would still be an honor to at least say "I competed against the Warmonger" and just leave off the last part where we lost miserably. Still, I would also love to see something new from your corner.

    @Jenniphurr that looks great as is. Makes one wonder what you will do to make it even better for this challenge.

    I think I finally settled down on the shape of my tank. Each time I went back and fixed it some more, the artillery turret kept moving forward. So now for the really hard, and time consuming part. Texture and paint. Here's hoping I manage to finish this in time. Oh wait... there is one more test I must do. I had personal objective for this tank on top of the challenge requirements.

    I have been afraid all too many builds to embrace the curves, but as I watching my tonnage go up, I started looking for ways to use the hardened steel for about half the weight.


    As I said, the turret crept forward, and the central body got a little wider.


    There is no "O2" between the doors, but that space is sort of narrow. Other than the gap between the double doors, the compartment is good in this regard. The forward and main cabins have their own ventilator.


    Over 160 tons. I know I destroyed many trees taking this out for a drive.


    And the test I almost forgot.


    It fits with room to spare. I might fix a few things about the Haemolymph prototype with that spare space, but one of the first things will be a bar or some other parking assist so I can tell if the Thunder Naiad is parked correctly instead of running into the back of the cockpit. Since HV-SV docking isn't a thing yet, another night I will add 167+ tons of artificial weight blocks to the Haemolymph to confirm it can carry the weight. But that is a test for another day. For now, I have the form of the Thunder Naiad, confirmed it fits on the pad and can drive up under the drive unit of the prototype SV.

    [edit] Okay, driving through the forest, it felt like I hit every tree I could find. I wasn't really trying to. So the drive through the forest made me feel like I was driving some big beast. But when I see the Thunder Naiad hovering there inside the carry space of the Haemolymph, that SV makes it look small.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2018
    Kaeser, Spirit_OK, Jenniphurr and 3 others like this.
  12. SilvRav

    SilvRav Moderator

    • Moderator
    Jan 13, 2017
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    need to check size but think she might be to big...This is my modular HV that fits into my CV


    Kaeser, Jenniphurr, Bigfeet and 7 others like this.
  13. Pyston

    Pyston Captain

    Dec 20, 2016
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    Its HUGE. The cut and paste and paint updates are the best thing that ever happened to the building tools.

    Its not hard and pretty quick once you get used to it, basically when motor memory kicks in.
  14. Razorwire

    Razorwire Captain

    Jul 6, 2017
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    Dammit. Now I have to squeeze an extra set of kit in there for the pilot.
    At least it's only 4 or 5 blocks.

    I asked Jenniphur early in the thread if I could submit a tank with no interior so long as no-one was exposed in flight, and it got OK'd.

    As it happens, my design is mutating, and may include a cabin anyway. I'm torn between making a medium-heavy tank, and going for the minimum that the challenge spec requires, a kind of lightweight scout tank.
  15. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    this is what drives me off of Empyrion atm.
    a challenge is like a problem that needs to be solved. this is how I play Empyrion (or any other game). I stumble upon a problem, I need to solve, so I get what needs to be done, either by taking existing things/bps or creating new ones, whatever fitts.
    what do you think how many will make the same, take design ideas copys from their other work or make changes only to existing bps of their own? clearly even on the already shown pics.
    but thats tedious to talk on.

    have a fun challenge.

    and no, @Jenniphurr was not the reason I revoked my submission, only to make that clear.
  16. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    I will, but I think it would be more fun if you participated. In my prior post, I don't think I used quite the right words. Do I think using the Warmonger would be an "unfair advantage"? Yes. But did I want to see the Warmonger in the challenge? Actually, yes. Would I rather see something new from you? Definitely, like a little kid looking for candy. Now I understand that there may be some reasons in life why you don't want to actually make a new tank blueprint. Life doesn't always work the way we think it should, in our own life or the lives of those we respect. And I understand that there may be those who would be intimidated by running against a well polished blueprint like the Warmonger. As for myself, I was actually sad to see you pull the Warmonger from this challenge. If you had put some note saying you were pulling it to make something new, I would leap for joy. But to have your entry just pulled and no sign of anything else, well, it was sad. I didn't believe I had a chance against the Warmonger, but I was working on my entry anyways.

    As for what I learned from your little Warmonger for this challenge? RCS and to expect the tonnage. My weapon load for this blueprint was decided long before even the first of these Zero G challenges, long before I placed the first block. I had sketched out a lot of my tank a while ago. Still, there were balance issues, so the artillery turret went forward, shifting weight inside and out. First for balance then a block more for looks. Still, all that work but when I took my test drives something wasn't right in the handling. I didn't mind that it turned like a brick, but something wasn't right. So I looked at the Warmonger S and realized you had a ton of RCS, well actually tons because they weigh a modest bit. Now my Thunder Naiad turns smoother, but that wasn't what I was looking for, but that missing bit of movement I thought was missing got fixed too along the way.

    So yes, the Warmonger would have been unfair advantage, but I was actually looking forward to losing against it in a competition. That said, I would have been even happier to lose against something new from your corner. I am well aware that others are revising older or existing blueprints. I look forward to my largest tank yet standing there in a lineup that includes @Jenniphurr and other designers that I respect, whether they refit existing blueprints or create all new. As I said, I for one was sad to see you pull the Warmonger S. Was it an unfair advantage? Yes. Did I want to compete against it? Yes.
  17. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
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    I thought I'd give this "hover tank" thing a go last night. Pretty sure I could use some of the passenger cabins of the tanks already posted here as hangars for my tanks. Apparently size matters. :oops:

    So it's bad form to modify an existing build?

    I was in an earth tank once, and there wasn't room to spit, let alone walk around and equip suits of armor. So far, what I'm seeing are fortified bases that hover.
    Screenshot - 2_28_2018 , 8_49_15 AM.jpg I suppose in the future, anything is possible.

    also, my turrets seem to not care, about anything. Occasionally they decimate a wall for no apparent reason, but most of the time they just ignore everything else shooting at me... is this normal?
  18. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    I highly encourage you to use what you feel comfortable with. If you have a build that fits the criteria then by all means use it. If you decide to refit one go for it, that is exactly what i am going to be doing.

    Gorman-X is a go! Also will be the 3 iteration of the Gorman line. I am looking forward to finally completing it.
    dpburke2, monktk, Pyston and 4 others like this.
  19. Theurgist

    Theurgist Captain

    Oct 11, 2017
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    Progress Report:
    So far I feel this is my best looking vessel yet. I continued building from yesterday, and decided to add rear engine 'nacelles' so I could free up a bunch of internal component space. This went fairly well, I could then add in enough fuel to meet challenge & RCS to make it not turn like a crippled brick. I then completed most of the bottom now all the gaps were filled, and added on thruster shutters. Had to adjust the thruster pods to accomodate this, but still it looked alright.

    Then, finally I moved back to take it in properly.


    Omg it's actually smexy! I then moved to the rear angle and was again highly pleased. There's not a lot of angles I could move to that didn't present an appealing view. Even the rear entrance looks decent. I still have the bottom rear section & interior to complete initial shaping for.


    Kaeser, dpburke2, Na_Palm and 9 others like this.
  20. Razorwire

    Razorwire Captain

    Jul 6, 2017
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    I reckon I could take a good go at parking my current build *in* that cabin... :D

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