Ok guys, this is my Draco Frigate, is a deep space exploration vessel but extremely fast and agile with a deadly bite for better survivability, comes with everything needed for long stays, large constructors, food processors, farm plots, medic stations and a paint job to go along....
Star Wars hoverbike Well… as closest I could get anyways, still… a hell of a ride guys, just give it a try, you´re sure to have a blast!…. Comes in two versions HV and SV, see which one you like best.... @Diszzle We need to find a race track now....
@Lealu Thanks mate, it's the one from the CV's, and I'm sure we´ll have some like that eventually, the pilot seat if I had to guess...
will the owner of this antorak marauder please post the BP in a thread so i may give all my upvotes? steam name is Kylanacus, i hope he/ she becomes active on this board.
A freighter! Decided to have a play around with some of the new SV blocks. I figured this might be useful for hauling stuff from the planet surface. Requires a docking platform to be able to land and dock in a CV.
I must be a noob or something, I've built around 5 SV's now, and the max speed I get out of them is up to 11m/s. What am I doing wrong?
Could be several things, number of generators for power needs, number of thrusters and or type, total mass. Post the BP for one with the problem and someone will likely have a look at it.
I put 2 rcs, 2 generators about 8 thrustser and 2 fuel tanks on my last build. I've been experimenting several builds and that one was my last one. It was by far the fastest I've made but it capped at 11mps
My latest build with 6-8 thrusters had 4 normal thrusters 2 slanted ones and 2 armored ones. I thought I wasn't generating enough power so I compensated by adding another generator and another rcs unit...
I have no idea what the problem is then, a SV should max at around 40. Heck I just tested a HV and was doing 20 sideways. Only thing I can think of is posting a BP of the ship so someone else can have a look. One possibility I did think of, there was a change and a related bug not long ago that allowed the cockpit to be oriented in the wrong direction. If you have a regular thruster on the front how fast can you go backwards or maybe even sideways?