Capital Vessel

Discussion in 'Questions, Discussions & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Aug 23, 2015.

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  1. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Ever heard the saying: Flying like a duck?
    Fear not, the SEA Duckverine isnt that bad xD

    The dark green makes you belive she was smaller, but she is a stunning 166 x 164 x 50 meters in size!


    But lets start with the arrival at the public hub:

    Lets warm up from space within the nice warm bar and lounge right after the public hangar with the public 02&med station.

    Arriving at the recpetion (on the left), you can choose at which hotel room you'd like to stay... Darn it.. only room #4 is vacant..[​IMG]

    Of course, a little visit of the hotel-owned garden can be nice too...

    But lets head down to the wings, passing the hanging gardens, which are for crew use only:[​IMG]

    Lets head down, ignoring the crew quarts that still and again needs additional love...
    And head straight for the recreation area!

    Now, lets head back up to the hotel lobby and take the elevator to the production area...
    But lets check on these 2 engine rooms first.. just to be sure... ;)

    While following the hall, we're passing the officers quarters and will be entering the waiting hall with access to the bridge.

    We could take the elevator, btu we're taking the stairs from the waiting hall downstairs to the baggage/luggage arrival...[​IMG]

    View from the hangar door to the waiting hall with the luggage below, upper windows on the side are to the production.
    You see the Dhalion Class Cruise and the nose of the .... Aethena? That Prefab_Tier4 ship!
    Aside of those 2, one could still place an Aquilla in there and still have room for some other small vessels... some more fighter like...
    Oh, and the roof and the roof and the roof, there's a bat called "SEA Warp Explorer MK2".
    Another ship that looked great on the ceiling was the KSV Seraphin

    Below is the extra hangar for hovers and with the med bay (no current image available), 2 floors for best space usage!
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    (Yes, thats a Diablo Gato mk2 in the background, yes it does have (hardly) room on the upper hover deck.. even while these 3 remain up here... though parking would not win a contest then... :D)

    Thats all for today, because there must be still some things be left for you to explore ;)

    The SEA Duckverine is the final ship of its row

    Here's your chance to give it a try:
    Workshop link
    The 3 of them are in the same collection...
  2. TritonMax

    TritonMax Ensign

    Jan 25, 2018
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    Hello everybody. i search for an upgrade from the standart CV Polaris.... i love this design. has somebody any upgrade ? Please send me the blueprint. best regards
  3. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    On steam workshop it was updated on 7 Jan @ 11:36pm.
  4. Runeshadow

    Runeshadow Captain

    Dec 25, 2015
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  5. SoCalExile

    SoCalExile Captain

    Aug 27, 2016
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  6. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Now that is one cool idea. Actually it reminds me of the escape pod the player is in when the game starts. Only your version is bigger and has hangars etc.
    SoCalExile likes this.
  7. ViktoriaShepard

    ViktoriaShepard Lieutenant

    Aug 7, 2017
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    *Update 02.02.2018*
    We had to republication this yacht instead of updating the old drawing due to problems in exchanging files between local files and Steam's workshop.

    List of changes:
    - Added new textures (it turned out more stylish due to the neon strip);
    - A small change in the hull - the keel was added;
    - The configuration of the fuel-oxygen system of the system has been slightly changed, making it slightly more protected;
    - Due to the reduced size of the new warp engine, it was better to protect it with an additional layer of armor;
    - The ladder is increased up to 1х4х2;
    - Removed the repair station to get rid of the drawing from the eremstrum and zaskoziya and replaced with a large container.

    We want to remind you that a small campaign presenting here Aperture is trying to make its ships as good as possible for you. We ask you not to forget to put Laika if you like the ship, as well as leave comments and suggestions in the comments section.

    We need your support!


    The ship ASP Northstar is a simple relatively cheap civil interplanetary yacht for private individuals. Simple design, compact equipment and a comfortable rooms - everything of you need for a comfortable walking space. In a relatively small cargo hold has a capacity large enough fuel tanks, oxygen tanks and full a minimal survival kit (everything except the artificial farm). The game is suitable as a compact and low-cost capital for quick travel between planets, like its predecessor AdAstra. North star is a purely civil the ship on which the guns are only for self-defense.
    On the yacht you can install the drill turret that will make it more useful.

    Despite the simplicity of the design, the ship gained popularity and came to the liking of many pilots of the galaxy. Try it and you are a simple and beautiful ship.

    Tecnical characteristic of Northstar:
    - Level: 10
    - Size: 22x64x14 m
    - Size class: 1
    - Mass: 1.22 kt
    - RCS: 3 standard
    - Power: 1 large generator T1 (50 MW)
    - Volume of fuel tanks: 8100
    - Volume of oxygen tanks: 3000

    - 1 30-mm cannon

    - 4 containers
    - 1 small ammo container
    - 1 refrigerator T2
    - 1 armor locker

    - Medical stations: 1
    - Oxygen stations: 1
    - Repair stations: 0

    The resource consumption for the Northstar:
    - Iron ingots: 1186
    - Neodymium ingots: 845
    - Satium ingots: 503
    - Cobalt ingots: 437
    - Silicon ingots: 408
    - Copper ingots: 208
    - Wood planks: 10
    - Plastic raw: 13
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  8. Kahrek

    Kahrek Captain

    Mar 7, 2017
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    Nice design. Looks like an interplanetary sports car. Probably going to be cut off by these all the time. Young people driving like maniacs!
    General Admission likes this.
  9. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Planning ahead, with regards to version 8 and the big planets feature, I spend some hours to expand my CV.Truth to be told, I recently found my self struggling to park my HVs/SVs inside my old Trident CV, but hesitate due to the awkward utilization of builder tools and my lack of patience by me. Nevertheless The last two days, I mustered my skills and patience to use the builder tools, not being able to wait anymore for what new goodies are scheduled for the next update.

    Behold the Anax. Flagship carrier of my personal fleet. It is almost finished expanded by 30% in size but not much in weight. Had to view some videos about how to use copy/cut and paste, because Empyrion's builder tools are not that obvious on how they work. I managed to keep her versatile in strafing and turning.

    Trident Mk 3_2018-02-03_14-37-30.png Trident Mk 3_2018-02-03_14-37-43.png Trident Mk 3_2018-02-03_14-37-46.png Trident Mk 3_2018-02-03_14-37-52.png Trident Mk 3_2018-02-03_14-38-00.png Trident Mk 3_2018-02-03_14-38-35.png Trident Mk 3_2018-02-03_14-38-41.png Trident Mk 3_2018-02-03_14-38-53.png Trident Mk 3_2018-02-03_14-39-06.png Trident Mk 3_2018-02-03_14-39-16.png
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2018
  10. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    ...more photos...

    Trident Mk 3_2018-02-03_14-39-32.png Trident Mk 3_2018-02-03_14-39-51.png Trident Mk 3_2018-02-03_15-23-51.png
  11. Kahrek

    Kahrek Captain

    Mar 7, 2017
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    This is my take on the micro CV genre. I created the smallest ship I could while keeping everything i deemed essential on board. My goal was to make a ship that looked like one without spending more than the bare essentials on cosmetics. The result is my Kiren scout vessel. Level 10 and made to be as cheap as possible while still functional. Contrary to my usual design philosophy the generator and warp core are not accessible. I could not help myself from putting an external fuel and O2 access on the outside of the ship (fueling points if you will).

    As always I am open to suggestions and commentary, good or bad.


    Kahrek Laume

    Perspective.jpg Side 1.jpg Top.jpg Back.jpg Front.jpg Interior 1.jpg Interior 2.jpg Cockpit.jpg Stats.jpg

    Workshop Link

    Attached Files:

  12. Watcher330

    Watcher330 Commander

    Feb 2, 2017
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    Hi !

    FE Industry is pleased to present the "FE-403-Icarus" (Alpha 7)
    _-= This CV is designed for PvP Faction CV =-_

    - Stargate class inspired CV
    - Pathways through the ship clear of temp and rad
    - This CV is Capable of landing on planet (Max 2G capable)
    - [PVP] Heavy armored CV.
    - [PVP] Heavy leyaring of all the vessel.

    > Very Huge hangar for all Faction SV/HV
    > Lot of constructor / Cargo box
    > 2 Multi turret in hangar for SV/HV disassembly

    Link :
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2018
  13. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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  14. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    >> Steam Workshop

    Raido Corporation Cutlass is a rather dated design which got popular after it was already forgotten by it's manufacturer. It got its second life in the hands of space pirates, mercenaries and other questionable sort of people. Cutlass's success has been mostly contributed to the sizeable hangar, good armour & firepower for it's size. It packs a punch of a bigger class ship. Originally it was criticized in it's rather cramped crew and living quarters - but that hasn't stopped the ship becoming a favourite amongst the sell swords. Most famous of the Cutlass-class frigates is the lead ship itself - Cutlass. Ship got really bad press as the first ship of it's line was stolen before it was even been delivered to the customer. It has been in the hands of Captain Harrigan of the White Skull Mercs ever since.

    20180305115124_1.jpg 20180305115709_1.jpg 20180305115735_1.jpg

  15. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Last edited: Mar 15, 2018
    Kassonnade and JDaremo Fireheart like this.
  16. Ikaruss

    Ikaruss Ensign

    Mar 18, 2018
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    Myrmidon and JDaremo Fireheart like this.
  17. Dead8Eye

    Dead8Eye Captain

    Aug 15, 2015
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    hi, actually under construction -> a scrennshot of the "Vangard" - Destroyer and the Spawn(Space)Station for it.

    20180323154056_1.jpg 20180325002115_1.jpg
    NOLOS, rainyday, Kaeser and 4 others like this.
  18. Pyston

    Pyston Captain

    Dec 20, 2016
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  19. Pyston

    Pyston Captain

    Dec 20, 2016
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  20. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    She is a carrier. Carriers are not supposed to fight alone. Neither in game nor real life. She is perfectly shielded with combat steel blocks and armored windows and holds the line pretty well by herself on SP games.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2018
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