Have you ever played the original Battlefront 2 and enjoyed it? well there is a game thats on par with it and even excels in its diverse gameplay take a look here this game is a star citizens, battlefront and planetside 2s wet dream, it puts all the aspects of thos 3 games into a battlefield style gameplay and you can have up to 32v32 players or even bots that rival F.E.A.R. ! the game is good, tho lacking in graphics like empyrion, but i dont think you care to much if your playing empyrion like myself if you wish to try out this game or add it for a fututre sale time here is the store page http://store.steampowered.com/app/367270/Angels_Fall_First/ if you need a server to play on, go on the main menu and join the 24 hour Heresy Gaming server or the offical servers that are all ready up p.s. not trying to bash or say to stop empyrion, this is just my second favorite game that not to many know about and highly recommend it
Bought it yesterday, good fun ! Though still got alot to figure out. Flying is different somewhat, but i'm enjoying the on foot gunplay.
So what else does FPS stand for other than Frames Per Second? FreePlay StandAlone? I've never played Battlefront so I don't know if it is an MMO, an SP, a Co-op or all three. With up to 32v32 players, it doesn't look like an SP game. Not to me anyway. I'm a player, not a gamer so yeah, you need to spell it out for me.
If it doesn't have Closed Captioning that actually works properly, videos are rather useless for me as I have high frequency hearing loss and tinnitus. I did watch the video before I asked my question. Looks like an MMO to me. Like I said, I am a player, not a gamer. I don't keep up with all the latest acronyms, nor do I have any need to do so. The only stupid questions are the ones that are not asked. ETA: If you don't want to answer my question, that is fine. I'd much rather you say you don't want to answer than attempt to ridicule me.