What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    For those of us who racing is a new thing here, thank you very much. Very educational.

    And you may have proved my point that I am a terrible driver. My test rig had more than double the yaw of the default config of the racer I subscribed to. My test rig was that way even even before I got a good look at your racer. The original draft (image in a prior post) had over 20 deg/s^2, but I have been tampering with its weight so much that I would have to rebuild it from scratch to get it back to what it was. I was doing better laps around the track with my small bikes--I think their yaw is just under 10 deg/s^2 but they are either narrower or the same width as your racer--granted I wasn't powering through the turns like you were but I neither was I hitting the walls as much with either of my bike concepts. My original prototype racer's shell was designed around covering all the RCS. I was losing yaw adding the tonnage for more side and reverse thrust, never dropped an RCS though--just uglifying it more.... it is just a test rig after all. I was not tampering with width and depth as I am well aware that also impacts yaw. I have been slamming into the walls something awful from the beginning, until I messed with mouse sensitivity. So, it seems that my first point that I am terrible driver may be quite true.
  2. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    Now, your Bike had way less weight, that means the thrusters/RCS/... need to battle way less to stop your drifting when you make turns.
    The more weight the more drifting, that needs more thrusters to anto-drift, which means more mass/weight again, yes, it's not easy to have it balanced.
    So if you can make an SMALLER hover racer with the necessary devices (2x Gen, 2x Fuel) it will be much more stable in turns with even less thrust stats then the bigger/more heavy ones.
    I should add, in most turns I also had accelerated towards the inner direction, that means a right turn and I was on the forward AND right movement keys to counter the drifts (decreasing them, therefore good lateral accel!), but that's way easier (if needed at all) on smaller and lighter vessels.
  3. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    when corn is finally patched
  4. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Awesome, many thanks for this info! I need to remember this! :D

    It's been my experience that trying to land Turns in Racing is a lot like trying to shoot stuff that's moving... ya gotta "Lead the Turn" to hit it right instead of missing it. Ya can't wait till ya are at the turn THEN start turning into it or you'll skid right past it... ya gotta try to calculate how much ya'll skid the turn then turn early to try to aim the skid into the Turn to shoot into it instead of past it.

    Or put more simply... Try to skid into where the turn will be at the end of the skid, don't aim where the turn is at. Just like how ya try to shoot where ya figure the foe will be when the shot actually gets there, don't simply shoot where the target is at right then. ;)
    Kassonnade, dpburke2 and Jenniphurr like this.
  5. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    There went that idea....

    Today I learned that you cannot put an O2 ventilator on a switch.

    I was going to make a ship with a forcefield enclosed docking area, but I wanted to be able to turn off the ventilator when I turned off the forcefields. Sadly, the game does not support this. The only way I was able to turn the one ventilator off was by making custom switch in the control panel.

    The forcefield cage:

    What I wanted to do:

    What I ended up having to do:
  6. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    *Cough.* I thought if the area lost Seal, ork ork, that the vent Shut off all that has to happen then is to turn it back on when needed.
    Tyrax Lightning and dpburke2 like this.
  7. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    That would change things, but I'm betting that the O2 in the area would be lost when it depressurizes.
    I was trying to avoid that.
    Tyrax Lightning, dpburke2 and Hicks42 like this.
  8. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    I've been working on thruster placement for the Corellian freighter. It's coming along but I need an absolute ton of RCS modules which pushes the weight up so I have to add the more thrusters which pushes the weight up more, etc. I'm trying to avoid having the ship look like it's covered in thrusters but it's kind of hopeless without T2 RCS for small vessels. I'd like some more powerful thrusters too that aren't those round ones that don't fit anywhere.
  9. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    I will try to have the Nurture CV uploaded to the workshop tomorrow or Saturday. Kinda late fast approaching on the April 1st deadline for the CV challenge... the deadline was April 1? So I do have these last couple days to get it in? Actually, I think I finished it up tonight. Snapped a bunch of pictures and all, but I am heading to bed instead of crunching out a description and all that. And with company visiting, well, I will try and have it up before April 1st.

    The bridge. It is near the bridge where the outside colors cross into the interior.


    A dining area.


    The doors and ramps can be set to automatic.


    I like the exterior, breaks up the shape a bit.


    No shortage of farming plots for a CV of its class.

  10. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I decided to show off the overhaul on the starboard docking bays.
    The Janus Light Carrier looks significantly different than it did when I first released it.

    Forward view showing the new hangar door.

    Top view, the docking pad has O2 when the forcefields are on.

    The stats, for those who are curious.
  11. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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  12. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    Post-Easter birthday, eh? Sounds like fun. Candy and cake!

    So, with the Jag more or less complete, started in on the showroom for it. Hard to break away from Argentspire's style (I just love angles too much, I guess), but trying some new things with ramps & texture work at least. Also lighting! Lighting is everything.
    As a bonus, a little joke from the ZG discord.
  13. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    With the -=Sephrajin Carrier=- as my mobile home base, with which i have (beeing nice here) to avoid populated areas such as Akua or Oscutune, I needed something to do my farming....

    I wanted something that is.... slightly more 'figtherish'.... than my previous ones.. yet the focus was and is on the job: farming.
    By which i mean ores.

    However, i'm a realist, so I know POIs have lots of resources to farm as well!
    I mean... we all need steel and hardend steel plates en masse, dont we? ;)

    So it has been tested in Rucky's Combat Scenario... as an ore farming CV, it cleared all on the Medium Stage, but got wasted on the last hull layer of the omaron before it could reach its core ;)
    Again, for a PvE CV, i think this is more than enough :D

    May I introduce, the Trigon!
  14. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    For those who are befriended with me, i'd like to ask you to try my POI testing scenario and give me 'some' feedback.
    I'd just like to know wether the POIs are:
    * too easy
    * just right
    * too hard

    And how you think about the loot provided with each POI.
    Should take about 30minutes for the 2 POIs.
    I just did the larger (i define that as 'medium') one within 15 minutes.

    FYI: You will not see anything on that link if we are not friends.

    Thank you in advance

    The result of this 'test' will have influence of upcoming POIs i'll be doing.
  15. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Work on Achilles goes slowly as I am easily distracted. (between this and the next sentence, I was distracted for over an hour including a 20 minute nap) One distraction was my decision to add my Fire Pump to the build. As I should have known, when I spawned it in the ship's hangar, it fell right through. So, i turned the pump into a proper(?) SV, adding thrusters, RCS and cockpit, to fly into the hangar. Docked near the hull, I created 2 large cylinder tanks mounted on the wall. For fun, I added small truss framework as an extension of the fire pump SV to give the appearance of support.
    I also revised the front control cabinet from a large half block to a group of small blocks making it part of the SV as well.
    2018-03-29 (1).png 2018-03-29 (2).png 2018-03-29 (3).png

    But then, I decided I wanted to make a complete unit I could BP, tanks and all.
    2018-03-29 (5).png 2018-03-29 (6).png 2018-03-29 (7).png 2018-03-29 (8).png 2018-03-29 (10).png 2018-03-30.png

    As I look at these pics, I already see changes to be made, enhancements to be added.
    And for anyone planning to tell me that Halon was banned in the US and Australia back in the 1990's for contributing to ozone depletion, I know. I designed fire suppression systems (oops, i misspelled suppression on the sign & BP:oops:) for 30 years and was feeling nostalgic.
    dpburke2, ion_storm, lochigg and 5 others like this.
  16. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Ey, this is the 24th Century now... maybe a safe alternative to Halon is on duty in those Tanks. :D ;)
    dpburke2 likes this.
  17. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    That is a LOT of PINK! :D
    Have a nice Easter!
  18. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Besides, their is no Ozone in space and precious little on most of these planets. :p
    dpburke2 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  19. T431

    T431 Captain

    Oct 25, 2017
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    Over the past week I was thinking, what if you took a twin-boom aircraft, like the Fokker G1, and rotate it 90 degrees sideways, to make a vertical SV?
    Today I finally had some time to actually try it, and the first attempts are looking pretty damn good, here are some pics:
    20180330232426_1.jpg 20180330232601_1.jpg 20180330232649_1.jpg
    Just like the T4 Nymph this ship can dock to CV's vertically and lands horizontally.
    For a first "sketch" at the idea this certainly turned out well, for my next step I'll take the cockpit and try to shrink down the rest of it, to lower the cost and size of the vessel.
  20. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    That is the unfortunate fate of the SV... Can't even replace blocks with shutter windows in this class since the windows weight more than blocks. The stats vary so quickly with minimal device or block additions or size increase that it greatly limits design and "fun" in designing SVs. There is way more flexibility for CVs but then they "restricted" some weapons on planets... I even found out recently that non-explosive projectiles also have "splash damage" : when destroying a steel block with railguns, the residual hitpoints that "overkilled" the block are "passed" to the block behind... I also saw that some devices get hit through other devices for unknown reasons, without proper "splash damage" effect as a cause. And these nice "wing blocks" that only add mass and stretch dimensions to render RCS even less effective, with absolutely no positive effect.

    I wish SVs could get more love... At least for weaponry, we could have something a bit more "sci-fi" than the feeble gatling gun we have in the game, which is not even on par with early versions of warplanes weaponry. Actual Vulcan guns mounted on warplanes are much more impressive and effective:

    And that's only the non-explosive, non-incendiary version of the "bullets". So instead of proper "nimble fighters with deadly weapons and paper thin armor" we have bricks that shoot pellets or propeller-driven missiles...

    That's the color for all vessels my girl can use. The ones in green are mine exclusively, because I don't like taking to the sky and discovering I am missing a few pieces because the ship wasn't repaired after last use... ;)


    Last Coop session was not very fun. Entering the atmosphere of a planet, just as the playfield loaded the screen froze on the server (mine) side. Had to restart computer and reload the game, and then my partner spawned outside of the vessel, and another identical vessel was sitting there in mid-air with no way to get inside it.

    Next while battling against a POI on Oscutune another screen freeze, and upon login back ships and players had changed places. So we stopped playing for the night until I make some more tests to try to avoid this. All other Coop games we play go perfectly well, just Empyrion that's too heavy on the network. And players want to "walk on moving ships"... lol
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2018
    dpburke2, rucky and Tyrax Lightning like this.

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