Can we please cut out the personal attacks and get back to discussions about the latest & greatest of Capital Vessels?
You can reject or learn. I certainly wouldn't stack Fuel tanks like that in any carrier I make. If it's a huge carrier you have space to stack and block them out properly to avoid the chain reaction and subsequent short life of the ship.
Yup, check out 'small vessels' topic to see some numbers Nice font, very SF - it would be great if they also added some of of the 'buzz' type...
Challenge accepted. After all I do like to mod ships, why not modify my own creations too? Following the recommendations, I redesigned and re-arranged the fuel and O2 tanks, slightly improving the capacity of both. Some decorative touches here and there, also took place. The workshop link of Anax remains the same, in case you are interested to check it out.
Thanx. To tell you the truth I was thinking to do modifications on this CV anyway, particularly on the section with the many fuel tanks. I wanted to remove the windows. I wanted to make it look more tidy.I know about the chain explosions on both tank types. I did not care much about the possibility to be hit because this CV never had hard time even with the hardest PVs. I just put them under, by flying above them and finish them easily. Same for POIs. Finally I managed to find a little more than an hour after midnight to start and complete the modification. You might think I am crazy, but I do mods after midnight from time to time. Again thank you all for nagging me do it.
It's funny as you build more and more, you find the errors in your earlier work and go and fix them and it becomes a never ending cycle. I just updated a bunch of my ships for some more PvP style protection (works against POI's too) and they are far more functional as a result. Especially my heavy POI fighter. Haven't published it to the workshop yet as I need to contact the original author first
are we back? ... the Lunar Corporation was one of my first factions in empyrion. 3 years later, new LC ships were seen, who are crossing the Ningues System. Will we recive a comeback?
How do i get to use other Fonts? This one looks like the extended version of the Eurotsyle font. I need to Know!!! :-D
Is there a useful answer to the question on when are we going to get those fonts? Then again, is the image photoshopped maybe?
nice for reading that! .. if you have some feedback - please let me know! actually i try to update the most of vessels in my workshop and build newer ones.
Good evening, the first version of my Daedalus is ready.
I have been enjoying looking over this thread, as I am terrible at building the hulls of ships. I have a feeling I would be decent at putting together an interior, so if anyone wants to work with me to work on the inside of a decent size CV, would love the chance!