Capital Vessel

Discussion in 'Questions, Discussions & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Aug 23, 2015.

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  1. Mysh

    Mysh Captain

    Nov 30, 2015
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    Last edited: Mar 31, 2018
    Neal, AlbaN, Siege Inc. and 1 other person like this.
  2. Ravis

    Ravis Captain

    May 17, 2017
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    Decided to make a ship big enough and (an attempt) to be semi self sufficient. I designed it to be an Explore ship, something that (when ever it gets added lol) would be able to cross star systems. The outside ended up more of a military perspective, while the inside seem to strike me as more of a cruse liner :p. Over all for a ship destined to explore its actually a good match i think.

    The hull is made out of just steal to make it possible to actually spawn in a non creative game. Though the crop plots req will probably terrify most people away. :D The main dock was designed to carry the Zara which is also on the workshop(SV). ( Make a big ship then
    make a bigger ship hold that big ship :confused: )

    vail0.jpg vail1.jpg vail2.jpg vail3.jpg
    Neal, Rah, Siege Inc. and 1 other person like this.
  3. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Last edited: Mar 31, 2018
  4. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    IRON HAWK - Fast-Response-Assault-Dropship


    Complete in Combat Steel with additional AoE-Shielding, very high Performance Stats, this is by far my best Midgame ship for anything PVE related, and with some more customization even for PVP.
    • Top Offense? Check. Besides Artillery turrets there is ANYTHING included. There is NO PVE threat that can't be beaten by it! I've tested it against any existing Space POI and even multiple modified Space Carriers; heck, even against 7(!) NPC-Variants of itself simultan with anything changed Weaponry and added Drone-Support!
      (This is the Ship I'm using in my Combat-Test Scenario and that's seen in the Vid's I linked!)

    • Top Defenses? Check. Combat Steel, AoE-Shielding of Fuel tanks et al., additional secured backup-Bridges/Pilot seats, multiple Forcefield protections especially for the Growing Plot Area!
      Yes, the main Bridge can get beaten up in prolonged fire fights, but in these additional backup-seats you will be safe for way more than the NPCs can throw at you!

    • Top Performance? Check. 39m/s² lateral, 98m/s² main and 44m/s² upwards Thrust, 5.5deg/s² Pitch and 3.9deg/s² Yaw. This is very agile!

    • Very good Capacity? Check. For a non-faction/multiplayer carrier, it has a lot of room: Multiple Hover (tanks) and (Combat) fighters can be loaded in two Hangars, one even fly/drive-through!

    • Enough Mobile-Base-Equipment? Check. 18 Growing plots with Food processor and enough Fridges, 2 Constructors with many Cargo-Boxes, Complete Medical Bay with all Applications, Additional Crew Restroom with 8 beds, 2 Engineering Rooms for Warp Core and Generators, Repair stations, bay and Armor lockers... and anything can be accessed directly without going into the ControlPanel!
      It is even a very good Asteroid Miner with his Drill Turret underneath the Front/Bridge!

    • Switch and Sensor-Logic used? Yes, any major Device has it's own Activation-Switch (like Repair stations, Repair bay, each Constructor and Food Processor), still any of that can be overriden with Control Panel custom Signals/Switches;
      Furthermore you will find additional Thrust-Configurations, Drill-Turret Activation and some more useful switches in the Control Panel!

    • And still in a compact Frame? Absolutely! Class 3.7, 62x82x28m WxDxH at 16.3kt very compact but highly functional and in Style!

    Have Fun with this fine Ship!
    You won't be disappointed!

    Other Variants:
    Early Access :
    No Z&E Early Access Version, with three LCDs describing the upgrade to the Full version!
    Type S :
    Special Low-Cost and Low-Energy Variant taking part in Robot Shark's Single-T1-Gen-Challenge.


















    Please don't forget to upvote if you like this Ship!
    Thank you!
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2018
  5. Damion Rayne

    Damion Rayne Lieutenant

    Apr 18, 2016
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    If anyone is interested...I have a little project I've been working on. I was inspired by Pyston, and well, with him gone now, I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I took it upon myself to update and rebirth the Lonestar. I'm not sure what to call it yet, and I've a lot of work left to rebuild it from the ground up, but, here's a first look at the Lonestar Rebirth project.

    This will be the first time I've ever really posted on the forums about working on a ship, and it is someone elses design, but my hope here is that my working on it's update, and rebuild, makes it something that we can all share together again. ^.^

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    Siege Inc. and Myrmidon like this.
  6. Nephanor

    Nephanor Ensign

    Mar 14, 2018
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    Interesting start. I never actually got to save the original Lone Star or the cargo pods (which I am really curious about) so if anyone has those, I would appreciate taking a peek at them so I can see how it all went together, I do like the concept.
  7. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Welcome to the club. I think you did a good choice on starting your creations by modifying complete vessels and bases. You can learn many things on how other people design and build them and why not, one day you will create your own. This is how I did start too. I wish you the best and do not hesitate to express yourself and if you have any questions, ask and you will find answers for sure. Good luck and I hope you will enjoy the progress. A small advice from me, do not take bad criticism seriously. Seek for productive criticism instead.

    And have fun :)
  8. Damion Rayne

    Damion Rayne Lieutenant

    Apr 18, 2016
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    Thank you Myrmidon and Nephanor for the kind words of encouragement. I was truly inspired by Pyston, and I truly hope he wouldn't be angered by my trying to resurrect the Lonestar for Alpha 8.0. So, here's some updates...

    1. The following screenshot is a sidelong cutaway to showcase some of Pyston's Deck Design ideology, in particular the deck layout for the LoneStar itself.


    I decided I wanted to cut the ship in half so I could get a little bit of a sidelong "MSD" or Master Systems Display cross section, ala star trek. What I found was something I intend to utilize in my personal designs in the future. We can see two main "Turbo Shafts" connecting the the main decks.

    The aft end of the ship is comprised of three main deck areas, seen here,

    • Top Deck - Air Locks and Entry Corridor
    • Mid Deck - Main Engineering
    • Lower Deck - SV/HV Internal Hangar
    What's not shown here, is that the Mid Deck, has two "walk down" sections that lead to open generator rooms. These rooms are, of course, radiation and heat hot spots and should be closed off to future proof the ship in this upcoming iteration. Also, the main engineering deck doesn't have a warp core on it, so I'm going to need to toss that there, but that's not an issue.

    Now, we move on to the Midships Section, which is comprised of two main decks, connected by the aft turboshaft.

    What we see here, is that Pyston liked making his ships believable, and so do I. The midships section has a top "crew deck" which had 6 crew rooms, three on each side. It also houses the mid deck for the cargo pods that he made to dock with the lonestar (which I intend to make my own versions of in the future.)

    Lastly, I took a look at the fore end of the ship,

    Ok, so, what do we have here?
    1. Bridge Deck
    The Bridge deck houses the bridge, the entry's to the two shuttle bays port and starboard, and finally some additional smaller turbo-shafts that lead to the offline protection and gravity generator modules.
    2. Mid Deck
    The Mid deck here houses hydroponics, as well as some other areas like a med bay, etc.
    3. Lounge Deck
    I'm not quitesure why, but there's a lounge deck and airlock entry here on this bottom most deck. I kinda like to think of it as a "10 forward" analog. It makes the ship a little more lived in and believable.

    Now, moving on to the version currently in progress...


    I've gone over the exterior with a fine tooth comb, looking for any issues, hidden thrusters, texture and symbol problems, etc. I've decided to just blank the ship outright and start over with some texture updates. You might see that the starboard nacelle is gutted in this image, and that's because Pyston had his love affair with hidden and internalized thrusters, which, as you know we can't do in the current version of the game. However, it's one of the things I disliked about his work. So, I've had to gut large sections of the ship, remove hidden or burried thrusters, and go over all of it to find hot spots for radiation, O2 Leakage, etc. I've also made some changes to the ships exterior by the bridge and port and starboard by the shuttle bays.

    Thank you all for the support. I'm not doing this to spite Pyston as a note, I'm doing this because he inspired me and I actually consider him somewhat of a friend. :) We actually spoke quite a bit on steam and he taught me a lot. Now, take of that what you will, but I figured I should be transparent here. Anywho, back to work!
    Siege Inc. and JDaremo Fireheart like this.
  9. JDaremo Fireheart

    JDaremo Fireheart Captain

    Oct 10, 2016
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    I think he'd like it. I think I remember asking him about rebuilding it and he said he wasn't sure how he would be able to and not have any hidden thrusters anymore because of a possible future update for thruster damage to covering blocks.
  10. Damion Rayne

    Damion Rayne Lieutenant

    Apr 18, 2016
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    Alrighty, time for another update! Also, most likely, the LAST update. I /think/ she's finished...So, I present to you,

    The Lonestar-Class "MSC Farstrider."

    This is the first version of the upload, and the first time I've ever uploaded or published anything to the workshop, so any feedback will go a long way to helping me make this better for all of us.


    If you would like to see all the updates to the ship, please let me know!
  11. NOLOS

    NOLOS Lieutenant

    Feb 8, 2017
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    Вероника 1 11.jpg Empyrion 2018-04-20 13-59-12-863.jpg СЛЕДУЮЩЕЕ ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ

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    Sephrajin and JDaremo Fireheart like this.
  12. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    Please do! It's a beautiful design.
  13. Damion Rayne

    Damion Rayne Lieutenant

    Apr 18, 2016
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    There's a vid, it's /slightly/ out of date with some texturing.

    Neal and JDaremo Fireheart like this.
  14. BigSnoopy

    BigSnoopy Commander

    Nov 29, 2016
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    we talked about steamboats yesterday or so. and i've got an idea.
    Just have a look at my next pve-funbuild - like my Nautilus - the Steamboat Wahni
    Perfect for Racingcar-Transport or the SV-prefab6 on the back :)
    In a few days in the workshop, need to sleep and sort the pics
    Steamboat Wahni.png
    Screenshot (552).png
  15. BigSnoopy

    BigSnoopy Commander

    Nov 29, 2016
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    pug and beagle.jpg Looking for a Starter and didn't found one. My first and still used starter has some hotspots I have to manage. So I tried something new.
    Here you have the Pug and the Beagle
    The Pug is the Beagle without hangar.
    They are a bit more expensive than a pure starting-warp-block-without-anything, they are no beauties.
    But they are functional.
    As JDaremo told me, there are hidden thrusters, must have a look in the evening, but I think he was talking about the optical open sidethrusters, which blow against a thin block. But they are removable - the blocks - without optical problems

    Just have a look, maybe you like them and give me a thumb up.

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    Na_Palm, Sephrajin, Kieve and 2 others like this.
  16. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Should I proceed?

    A8 Exp 5 Creative_2018-05-18_22-57-05.png

    She is going to look like the baby of SCV-Harvey-31 and Hakon-Z.
    Neal, Na_Palm and Sephrajin like this.
  17. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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  18. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    whats the rules on this, can i still upload if its from a franchise, or inspired by a sci fi ship or will thos just be like, "no cant do that"?
    Neal and NOLOS like this.
  19. SoCalExile

    SoCalExile Captain

    Aug 27, 2016
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  20. Adonnay

    Adonnay Lieutenant

    Apr 25, 2018
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    Early WIP of my new CV the Sound Of Silence. Yes, I'm a huge fan of the (original) song.


    Progress Update:

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    • WIP1.jpg
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      479.6 KB
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2018
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