What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    Ugh, I totally forgot the best part.
    My endless thanks to @Friendly Timo for having hot beverages and food ready for me, my first journey out. Took the Elancia halfway around the world trying to find promethium and/or some good POIs (and found several POIs and resources, but as I mentioned, no promethium)... I forget whether I was summoned back to base or decided to return on my own, but in my infinite wisdom, I thought "Well, I'll just take a shortcut across the south pole."

    In my space-jammies.
    In an open-cockpit HV.
    Across a barren arctic expanse.

    I was barely across the pole boundary before I ran out of hot coffee, and went from "too cold" to "freezing" in a hurry... only to find a long range of high-altitude, icy-cold mountains between me and home. And it was night. And the Elancia doesn't have a spotlight (an oversight I have since corrected - driving through forests in the dark kinda sucked).
    Stumbled out of that stupid HV half-dead, frozen stiff, and starving, to find Timo waiting for me with sustenance. You're a lifesaver, comrade.
  2. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Three leading causes of War: "Miscommunication", "Religion", "Resources". ;)
    Jenniphurr likes this.
  3. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    Maybe they don't pay the miners.
    Jenniphurr, Kieve and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  4. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    update on my helicarrier
  5. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    I hope I'm not making a mistake in saying this, so for the record: the intent is helpful critique, not insult or offense.
    I'm confused, Tac. I thought "first thing" you were going to do was clean up and smooth out the model, but it still appears to be blocky & jagged. Yet you're already painting, adding turrets, windows, devices... please tell me that after all the advice and guidance everyone's offered you for the last couple months, you're not going right back to doing the same thing you started with in the first place?
  6. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    im getting to feel where i want to put everything smoothing it out going to take a very long time, so wanted to make few thing so i have ideas where things go, dont worry
  7. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    Cylon Basestar update: Barring any sudden bursts of inspiration I think I'm done with the exterior. When I copy/pasted the final version I followed the same pattern I used to copy/paste things last time and it fixed the orientation so that's out of the way too.

    Area 7.6_2018-05-07_18-47-10.png Area 7.6_2018-05-07_18-49-44.png

    The interior has been giving me fits though. The problem is that chokepoint in the middle where the two saucers meet. That's where the hangar deck is, it's where the lateral thrusters are located, and it's the narrowest part of the hull. I was going to run these big columns from top to bottom connecting the vertical thrusters as a kind of powerplant looking thing. Turns out that's also the best spot to place the elevators. Anyplace else is either in the way of the hangar or you get cooked going by the thruster housing.

    On the right is what I was originally going to do. On the left is what I'm currently experimenting with. Those cylinder blocks on the left are covering the thrusters. I don't really like how it looks with the elevator running through but I don't have many options. I'll figure out a way to make it work though. Prolly have to tear the whole thing out and start over on that section.
    Area 7.6_2018-05-07_19-10-30.png

    I decided on a look for the corridors(this section is from an earlier experiment). I'm still planning on keeping things somewhat open concept. The hangar deck will be able to look below to see glimpses of the engineering sections. The upper decks will feature some catwalks with openings in the walls so you can look down at the hangar etc. Right in the middle of those catwalks will be the room for the Imperious Leader(ie cockpit). I just need that command chair from the 8.0 update.
    Area 7.6_2018-05-07_19-11-23.png
    Area 7.6_2018-05-07_19-37-43.png

    Edit: Found a spot to put the gravity generator and I worked out the hangar deck. I still get my columns but they're elevator columns instead of power plant columns. I've been laying out the corridors on the lower deck and working on integrating that into the hangar deck.

    Area 7.6_2018-05-08_11-35-19.png

    Standing on the hangar deck looking past the elevator and down toward the lower deck.
    Area 7.6_2018-05-08_12-25-47.png

    Lower deck looking back up at the hangar deck. Still need to find a spot for the warp drive.
    Area 7.6_2018-05-08_12-26-08.png
    Last edited: May 8, 2018
  8. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    It's all very cool and convincing. Sometimes a detail will grab my attention. This time it's your corridor treatment. The look and the lighting is spot on and the shape adds a lot of depth. Neat. If I ever build anything I'll steal that corridor.
    Jenniphurr and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  9. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    I stole it from somewhere else. It's a perfect fit for this. ;)
    Jenniphurr and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  10. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    Duuuude... Ver Boss.

    @Kieve Love the minimalist HV... damn sexy and the SV is nice too *Begins beating tiger with fish... is unsure when cessation will occur*

    That is shaping up nicely... now all you need is 300 cannon on the bottom ;)
  11. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    I made a neat thing:


    I did not realize those lights would have that effect, but dayum. Very cool stuff - and the glowy on the ceiling! It is very important to me to give credit where credit is due so thank you @Dead8Eye for the idea; I was just refurbishing some of his POI's for ya'll to shoot at come soon in a few days, and he used them in one.

    Oh god! Its spreading to our garden area!




    And if othe... crap, hold on, that font is waaay to big..... there we go! Anywho, as I was saying, if others have noticed this effect; nicely done! Way to explore awesome lighting effects. I am going to continue to play around with this. I wonder what else you can do...?
  12. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    And another neat thing!

    Cool floaty lights for our patio


    @Starwing6 we keep getting drone attacks. They come from all around. Must be a bug...


    They're coming for a cool patio techno party!!!!!

    *unce* *unce* *unce*
    Last edited: May 8, 2018
  13. WolfEyes

    WolfEyes Captain

    Mar 20, 2018
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    Dude. If you're not gonna put a spoiler on it at least put a dang roll bar on it. :p
  14. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    Wheelie bars! "Sunday at Akua Drag Raceway, nitro burning wheelstanding HVs and SVs battle it out for time of the day!"
  15. Friendly Timo

    Friendly Timo Captain

    Aug 8, 2017
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    Very very nice work and ideas yet again @Fractalite :)
  16. Starwing6

    Starwing6 Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    Well... I was working on an Empyrion story where the crashing of ships in the region of this star system is caused by some uncontrolled quantum fluctuations. Spawners that the Zirax empire uses to send troops to their installations (on owned worlds they haven't populated yet) function via manipulations of subspace. Anyhow, they are not the original designers of the tech and something went wrong. The Nightmares have their home worlds where they are the natural inhabitants. Zirax found them to be efficient fighters, and included a teleporting device in natural Nightmare environments.

    When the accident happened, it wiped out the controlled teleportation device, leaving hundreds or even thousands of tiny wormholes all over the planet, where Nightmares just wander through and show up in the locations that were destinations for the teleportation device that was destroyed. Therefore, it is an uncontrolled infestation of the installation, and destroying the wormholes is not something little Zirax brains know how to do.

    Quantum fluctuations also cause some teleporting issues for players and their vessels during warp jumps, and can do a few other weird things.

    ^ This is all just my fictional take on the subject because I needed a way to explain certain events in the story. I have to start a new one, but that's the plot device I use.
    Last edited: May 9, 2018
  17. Starwing6

    Starwing6 Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    I think that playing MP is best because of experiences like that (and many others). I play PVE MP almost exclusively because playing with friends just adds another profound level of fun to the experience. I am personally not interested in PVP gameplay (but like the the risk of friendly fire and damaging your vessels if you park wrong, etc.)

    I know a lot of people feel that way, but I highly recommend that people try MP with a group of friends in a co-operative way, if they are also not interested in competitive PVP gameplay. It's really an amazing experience.

    Hahaha! I bet that's it :D Anyone wondering, the Drone Base didn't spawn on our world. :eek:o_O Unfortunately I think that means no Troop Transports? But the base attack drones come like they are programmed to, so where are they being deployed from? Heehee, maybe this nasty Drone Outpost or something like that up on the Moon.

    Absolutely awesome new lighting, @Fractalite :cool:

    Wow, that looks neat! Thank you for fixing the walls! The area was needed and @Friendly Timo was waiting for me, so experimentation got interrupted by a fun mission to the moon :D, but the walls were left hideous. I'm so grateful that I don't have to see the mess I made ever again. When we needed to stop playing and get some sleep, I insisted on leaving a note so it could be fixed or at least no one thinks it was intended to stay that way! ;) That would be embarrassing.

    Building in survival means I sometimes build a really bad room that needs work, just like that area!! :oops:

    I was going to do a short corridor that had a bathroom adjoining a fancy Medbay and Laboratory, but the Oxygen station was needed urgently for topping up my suit before we left, and the medical chamber was just sitting in the corridor. So I thought we are having a restart soon, I bet, so that fancy medical and science section should be put on hold until we'll be able to play a longer adventure in the public branch.

    But if we don't have a restart later this week, let's work on making it. :) I have nothing too specific in mind other than a lot of glass walls, metallic textures for the sterile environment, and a lot of white. Then some little research rooms with their own lab table and some equipment for their experiments. I usually like to make one of the rooms decorated in dark colour and lit with a dim violet light above the lab table. It's the darkened lab where experiments can be done on light-sensitive things.
  18. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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  19. Starwing6

    Starwing6 Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    If it is at all possible, for players who are trying it for the first time and maybe are shy, a private server for a few friends is really amazing fun! I certainly am pretty shy myself, so that's how I've been playing. :) It first started as just myself and @Friendly Timo It was so fun I invited some other "friends," but one was a bully at me outside the game. I think that's the biggest fear a lot of players have: that they'll play with the "wrong people." (The one who bullied me isn't on the forums and didn't keep playing the game for long.)

    So I do recommend starting small if you're at all shy or worried about any interpersonal drama making a negative experience. There is a co-op mode in the game also, but I have never tried it. I bet that is a good first step too, if becoming a server admin is intimidating. But setting up a Dedicated Server is the route we took before the co-op mode was available, and I really like that the server is always running, so players can jump online and work on their projects, hunt, raid etc when everyone else is unavailable, for example.
  20. Friendly Timo

    Friendly Timo Captain

    Aug 8, 2017
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    Everyone will have an opinion on this but I would simplify the answer to go somewhat like this: MP server is as awesome or horrible as the people in it.

    You play with nice and fair people who know their stuff and know how to play as a team, supporting each other, and you'll have wonderful and fun time.

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