What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Tina Pedersen

    Tina Pedersen Captain

    Oct 6, 2015
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    Due to the newest version, i deleted all savegames, and started anew :)

    This, is wut i accompplished, on Survival, on version 3.4.1:

    Main entry, 2,5M above sealevel. (HV´s having massive issues getting over the ramp edge...)
    Depth: 28 blocks, from 32 blocks, from tip to back. (Back, being the furthest behind block.)
    Around 20 blocks, are inside a mountain.
    Total witdth, with walls: 9 blocks (18 meters) - service width: 7 blocks (14 meters)

    The main power and research room, 4 blocks under the floor of the main entry.
    Sported 16 large tanks, and, at the stafe, held nufff for 12 hours servicetime when fully fueled.

    The crafting room. Running 2 advanced, and 2 regular large constructors, along with several containers, all imbedded into the walls.
    Testing special-effects on the lighting... Looked STUNNING at night, and, is something i´ll keep doing :)

    Never got around to take pictures of the first floor..... but, let´s be honest.... The amount of diggin on this build, is mind-buggeling... I´m not sad i abandonned it... WAY too much work, and, would really only just benefit myself... to an extend, where i had no use of that amount of detail and space :S

    Kitchen, contained 14 fridges.... which, could be heard, allover the place LOL.... Sadness :-/

    Now, im doing some tests, and possibly, making a brand new, large scale build, in creative mode...
    Survial game... well... i have a brick, with 2 turrets on it for now LOL
    Slam Jones likes this.
  2. Yolofessional

    Yolofessional Captain

    Aug 13, 2015
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    @Tina Pedersen nice looking base; very pink. it seems you prefer to use hvs, which i admire, as many dismiss them as useless. if you experience trouble with hv ride quality (like the ramp) look in the blueprint thread. there are 2 different, very effective solutions (both on page 2.)
    Tina Pedersen likes this.
  3. Tina Pedersen

    Tina Pedersen Captain

    Oct 6, 2015
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    I did see the forward hoverengine, that is elevated compared to the button engine :) .... making a nice looking result though... ugh LOL :)
    The HV IS!! an awesome machine, compared to the SV ..... in terms of mining and extraction of resources ....
    At a mining site, it defends you... at a raid (POI) site, it defends you, and itself .... as good as it can :p ...
    An SV, doesent get that option.....
    Doing a mining operation, in an SV, requires a fully equipped base, OR a turned on HV nearby ....
    I´m NOT a fan of "fake" turrets that some people make.... Yeah, it works, but, it´s an unintended workaround to an issue.... Though, i do understand, why peeps do it... i try, and cope, and get along, without though :p ... which, works just fine :)

    I am a massive fan of pink.... and... really... honest ? ... those dull grey blocks, plus pink lighting ... omfg o.o <3<3<3
  4. Vrmithrax

    Vrmithrax Lieutenant

    Aug 11, 2015
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    I began at the top of the highest peak I could find in Akua, and started drilling straight down. Been working for hours now (mining my finger off), and I'm fleshing out a massive underground base, complete with a mountainside landing pad and a huge ground level garage with easy access out to a nearby lake. Once I get that all situated (did I mention there's lots of mining involved?), I'll be building a nice mountaintop living quarters, farm & observation deck. Oh, and I'm hearing that mining sound in my sleep now...
  5. Rafe Andedare

    Rafe Andedare Lieutenant

    Sep 15, 2015
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    I have been playing hard core survival so if my trooper dies I must restart. The majority of my losses can be attributed to overconfidence when attacking alien fortifications. The combination of sentry guns, drones, natural predators and my own hubris have led to a sudden end numerous times yet I remain undeterred in my resolve to put safety first and civilize the entire planet in preparation for the waves of colonists that will need these institutions in place before they arrive.
    This is my own little role playing approach to the current form of the pre-alpha game we have here right now. I am not sure whether the development plan actually encourages trying to permanently settle down and add to your little empire by exploring and bringing things back to enhance and improve your industry etc. or if it is intended that we focus on mobility and exploration.
    I personally really like the idea of being able to put some planetary infrastructure in place and live there. I have been playing Eve online for a few years now and have always desired more of a tie in to living and building on the surface of planets to complement the excellent spaceship combat of Eve.
    Empyrium is a game that approaches the planetary home base building aspect of play I have been looking for and is closely in line with what I enjoy most about games; which is the ability to create and also to have other people interact with what I create. The base construction styles I use tend to reflect this way of thinking and are therefore spread out along sidewalks that form streets and avenues. connected in places by +15 skywalks and pedestrian bridges at major intersections where I want the power grid extended. I incorporate alien structures into the roadplans as well and my current attempt at survival has resulted in a cluster of buildings arranged along a street beside a large lake. I prefer to divide the necessary operational areas of my bases into separate buildings to help with my understanding of how a community might be organized in a co-op multiplayer setting. With this in mind I have separate facilities for the manufacture of food, medicine, and manufacturing as well as habitation, resource collection and security. I am interested in how the division of labor might be applied to a survival scenario that involves multiple players. A small town or city environment provides a great deal of opportunity for creativity and co-operation between players. I must confess that much of my interest in wheeled vehicles is that I really want the ability to efficiently make roads. Although I can effectively bounce around anywhere in the HV and I do not actually need roads. I still want roads. My experience after spending 50 hours at different times trying to lay roads is that it is not possible to make roads that anyone would drive on for very far. The game will be what the designers choose to make it so I will just have to wait and see if they prefer people not to develop infrastructure or if they will help to enable it. either way I will enjoy playing.
  6. mike me

    mike me Commander

    Aug 21, 2015
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    So with all your building. What do you do when a update comes out. Do you go without the updates or do you restart?
  7. Vrmithrax

    Vrmithrax Lieutenant

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Personally, I build just to build and try new things. See what works, see what doesn't. But, it's not all done in vain - we're essentially all alpha testers, so why the hell would we NOT build the crap out of things, and see if we can break the game? And the more we play and build and do new things, the more we'll find of what works, what needs help, what we're missing, etc. That's the whole point, right? To help this game develop so we can get to beta, and then release...
  8. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Gathering, manufacturing, and stockpiling stuff for my survival CV. Not sure I've got enough yet... any opinions? (All hand-gathered, I should add)


    Full list in spoiler
    CV Base,
    614 Hull Blocks,
    Various other hull block shapes (each between 40 - 80 blocks each),
    160 Vertical Windows, with 80 sloped & 80 inverted-sloped,
    10 ramps,
    20 growing plots (for 4x each of: Akua Plant, Tomato, Durian, Pumpkin, Wheat),
    4 automatic doors,
    6 Plant Growing Lights,
    20 Wall-mounted inter lights
    8 elevator blocks
    1 console
    4 Large Fuel Tanks
    4 Cargo Boxes
    1 Large Generator
    1 Medic Station
    1 Oxygen Station (plus 4x Oxygen Tanks)
    1 Gravity Generator
    1 Advanced Constructor
    1 Food Processor
    6 Fridges
    1 Large Thruster
    5 Directional Thrusters
    2 RCS
  9. mike me

    mike me Commander

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Thanks for the reply. But it didn't really answer the question. Do you restart when a new update comes out?
  10. Baneus

    Baneus Commander

    Sep 26, 2015
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    I do if it breaks saves. Both of the last minor version changes have done that ( 3.4 and 3.5), so I've just Blueprinted my bases and ships and then deleted all my non-creative saves and started again. Every Survival restart teaches you something new about efficient design or defence and (more importantly) what you shouldn't do.
  11. Vrmithrax

    Vrmithrax Lieutenant

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Sometimes you just have to restart, for sure. Like the update to 3.3.x, where the POIs and procedural spawns all changed and old games became ghost towns lol.

    There are ways to not have to start from scratch, often (like the "copy your ship into a game" tricks). Plus I'm interested in seeing how well the blueprints will traverse between versions - could be an interesting way to bring your old builds into newly spawned games. Figuring out how to do that with a monster base built into a mountain could be tricky, though. Yikes!
  12. Baneus

    Baneus Commander

    Sep 26, 2015
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    You're possibly going to want some more blocks. it depends on how big your SVs are and whether or not you want to dock them in or on your CV (the landing gear on a SV will lock to the surface of a CV).
  13. Baneus

    Baneus Commander

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Indeed. At this stage, an underground base will import into the game, but you have to mine out all the earth again to make it usable.
  14. Vrmithrax

    Vrmithrax Lieutenant

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Yep... My index finger and mouse button both already hate me for the sheer quantity of time I'm spending with them mashed down for mining this base the first time. I think they'd both mutiny if I made them do it again!
  15. Baneus

    Baneus Commander

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Now that we can stop drone attacks, I'm only building basic survival shelters underground. If it takes longer than half an hour to dig out, it's not worth the effort until the game goes gold.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2015
  16. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Well, took your advice and made another 600 hull blocks, plus other assorted stuffs. Finally stuck it all together in space (sans 300 or so leftover blocks), and, while it's not pretty yet, it's functional!

    Sevilavechious and Baneus like this.
  17. Ex3mpt

    Ex3mpt Lieutenant

    Oct 12, 2015
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    Last night in Empryion, I re-built my SV. This time with heavy armor casing around the vital components. I re-stocked on drill charges, fuel & remove charges and begun mining. After gathering decent quantities of iron, copper & promethium I returned to Epison Defense II where my previous SV met it's demise and stripped the remaining alien resources. I then journeyed over to the MS Titan front & mid section, unearthing some unseen cargo boxes and dismantling further parts of the ship. On my journey back I spotted the Epsilon Factory in the distance and thought I'd take a look. Big mistake, 4 drones and maybe 4 rocket turrets started taking pot shots at me! Not fancying the fight with such valuable cargo I flew back to my base, unloading and repairing my SV and replacing the random crops I had originally planted with lots of wheat to pump out bread.

    Is there a way to protect my cockpit from face on fire? I fear leaving the atmosphere without a more hardy SV. Also at the moment I use only directional thrusters, do I need normal thrusters at all?
  18. Baneus

    Baneus Commander

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Nice. looks about the same size as my survival CV :)


    Unfortunately, your only defence is having a nimble SV. Double up on RCS units and Generators and use regular thrusters in place of directional ones and you should be golden.

    What did I do tonight? Started fleshing out my big creative CV
  19. mike me

    mike me Commander

    Aug 21, 2015
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    OK because every time we get on a building roll we end up having to delete it all and restart. I love building but do like the new updates. I tried to keep going without restarting but the alien bases were without drones and they were the old black towers. Had a super nice CV but had to delete it and move on with a restart.
  20. mike me

    mike me Commander

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Never had this happen before. I was mining away and I could hear a rock guy walking around. I went to check but he was a ways away. So back to mining. I hear him again and turn around in the mine pit and he's down in the pit coming at me. OMG I change over to my pulse rifle and it's not loaded. Gggg running around the pit trying to stay away from this guy I got it loaded and finished him off. I had always worried about such attack. Great fun lol

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