My builds would be viable in 7.x as well. I'm just using some new block shapes, and finally getting off my arse to update the designs. I'm also a lot less "restricted", as I primarily build the "container", knowing the physics are completely up in the air. I'm more interested at the moment in making things pretty. For example, there's a lot of space unused inside the various sections of the Eagle. The thing's pretty much a hollow shell of thin wall sections. . You could easily shove about double the amount of components in there that is has now, and that's on top of 4 generators, 8 fuel tanks, 8 RCS and 11 o2 tanks. --Brian
ok thank you oh, ok im atm to busy with real life and helping making the SBS server for 8.0 to get in creative, but still plan to build a few things and continue my helicarrier when i get time
Python-X is ready to strike! Thanks to all that gave me some wonderful insight and inspiring words on the Discord! You might not think so, but it was a huge help building this. So thank you!
I believe I need bigger parkingfields… ITS NOT LARGE, IT IS CLASS 1 !!! (the SV and CV that look alike) You know, I have drawed like 8 SV parkingslots, and those 2 bays… The 'hughe' field was supposed for 2 small CVs... I wish… EDIT: Oh yes, in the Pictures.. the blueprint to share the form... It has 0.5°yaw - so, a terrible handling... otherwise good thrust…
Finally got my last racing HV on the workshop. Spoiler: Pics and link This was the first of my racing HV concepts. It was the core for most of my testing. While it always had a lot of RCS, the very first was lighter by having pitiful stopping and side acceleration. Then I learned from @rucky a bit about HV racing, and so I adjusted. Trying more side thrust, more forward thrust. When I created the additional concepts for a racing HV, I would end up deciding to let several of them have their own unique strengths and weaknesses. This one still has a lot of RCS for the yaw. While the forward thrust is still stronger than the original draft, I left that weak, focusing on side acceleration and great yaw for handling the turns. I wanted this to stand out from the colors of my other racers, and also feel like it has a connection to the Inspiration Traders' logo. So, purple it is. Not sure if I added a thruster or not from initial draft to final, though the arrangement has varied just a little. Whatever the arrangement, it was always a lot of thrusters back there.
Hehe, looks nice My Racer is 'generaly disqualified to participate' in counted races… Spoiler Guess I know the Feeling
I greet all your friends, even those who do not know me. for a long time I did not give up the work. I see a lot of nice and lots of new friends from you. The pride of my fleet is still the Space Capital vessel X-1400 The reasons are: I like you It's spacious enough It contains all the elements available to Vessels Hangars also give me enough space for the Air Force and land combat craft ... The battle for the X-1400 overall for SP was just enough and provided home Composting it through BP takes time Maybe I was the only one who used this vessel And maybe not I want to say to you: I can see that the Alpha 8 will bring news to the game I look forward to it As the new X-1500 comes with the news ... Generation of the X vessels it creates continues And it will be a little longer Your friend... A true fan of the game
Someone is getting...bigger. I have use her extensively, and have done various minor internal modifications. One part I think it could be improved is her size, especially the hangar bay. I was struggling often to arrange two vessels I use mostly, one HV for mining, and now for scouting with the new radar module and one SV for hunting.
LOL no offense meant... but 'dangerous powerful fighter' & 'only two Gatlings' is a Oxymoron in my book.
While waiting for the Server owner to apply the recent experimental branch, I played a bit on the regular server, flyring around with my Orvette. Along the planets figured, it has an awesome handling on Vertigo Prime, but draining way too much power on regular planets. So i've tweaked the Control Panel a bit, so it now has a a ThrustHalf -> for space on most 'regular' planets (eg: 1.17g should be possible with the 14m2/s) and the additional ThrustFull to handle high gravity systems, such as the Vertigo Cluster. Oh, fixed some 'enforced' window orientation, encapsuled the Gravity Generator and added a carped to the passenger section. With the added fuel tanks it can now last around 1.5 to 3 hours hovering/flying on Akua. (previously 30mins)
Since everone was making a beginner base i made a lvl 10 base for 8.0 AEGIS Station 01 is a lvl 10 starter base able to do a little bit of everything and up to 4 player use. Should be out today stay tuned.
After finaly adding a door to the toilet… *cough, it stinks, cough*…. I thought that i'd need to do some 'detail' texturing, figures, I'm not good at it... Original (aka Clean): Spoiler And the aftermath (aka Living Chaos): Spoiler While I find it 'alive' it almost seems too chaotic. What do you think?