A little tour of my small vessels for Dragonfly Industries. Since future revisions of the blueprints will probably overwrite the existing, I guess this might be a recording as reference as to where they are now. Edit: Added another YouTube video where in the process I also reveal another remodel in progress as well as the current status of another WIP.
And finally this tiny thing for looting the whole place in one go... If You can force Yourself to ignore containers untill You clear the place ofcourse... Spoiler: Pics
Some inspiration from the SC Constellation? Absolutely loving this idea, wish like hell I'd thought of it ages ago. Gorgeous design.
took a new design direction with @Paul Emp https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1339538434 Spoiler: image Miner V2 Spoiler: image Freighter
I'm playing the experimental alpha version since 2 days now and I'm impressed by the planet size and the changed survival elements (tent, new food/medicine and so on). I reached level 10 now and needed a proper fighter vessel ... this is the outcome. It need still to be textured, though: Spoiler
I'm lovin v8 so far . . . as long as the Vegetation & other ground deco doesn't keep vanishing and the harvestable planets don't stop allowing you to pick them . . . On the other hand, I've updated two of my fav explorer HVs. My original Quadtrak HVs that I first built back in v5
I'm really enjoying v8 so far. And with all the changes it's been a good opportunity to slowly go through all my old workshop stuff and get them updated. I've learnt a lot since I made some of them and its been good to go back and give some of them a bit of a polish. The job is far from done and there's a few old bp's (that I never published) that I've ended up completely gutting and starting afresh with just the frames, but its been fun!
Awesome! The 'shafts' you have with the RCS covered by rolldoors n stuff, really reminds me of regular airplanes, i love it!
so guys.. much of you are waiting for the Jericho Transports right? today i send you the first "prototype" of this vessel, wich you can download now here by the forum. for every feedback - please send me an pn! please know, it is an protype and not the finished ship! thanks! EDIT before i forget x) the "Cobra" are a tiny Starter and Low Game ship. will be released the next days too
so if this test is a success will we get to try the large green one? atm off to check this one out and test it so.
I very much like the design, especially what I assume are the cargo pods... but those exposed gennies give me the heebie-jeebies... and I'm a co-op/SP player... You've got redundancy there, which is good- but also more chance of a chain reaction with a couple lucky hits. Avoiding hostile POIs is easy enough, sure- but now that we have orbital patrol vessels... The only other "issue" is game limitation, not design.. it would be nice if docking issues were properly sorted and the ship's cargo section was properly expandable/configurable. Sure, you can do the same with SV pods, but at that size, they'd be pretty expensive to build
Found a little place down by the lake after a disagreement with local Homeowner's Association. It is a Nice View, But they were demanding story-frames to judge the impact of the tower on their View... Having the High ground I set up the tower anyhow and switched off the IFF protocols and hid with a sammich. Problem solved! This negotiating thing is easier than I thought!
made the AEGIS fleet all into POIs for a future 8.0 battle test playfield like Ruckys, but this one will have star wars, battlestar galatica and the last one is this AEGIS random x10 for BSG room x5 and in star wars room random x5 thi something you guys would play?
I needed a break from my CV in the afternoon, so i built a little starter scout or light attack craft: Called it the Serval, exept an armorlocker it has everything one could wish at lvl 10. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1402074049
Gotta say, That is a really neat style, +1 for the stats. Put in a garden after lunch.. something I have been working on that IS symmetrical but just not some version of a Rhomboid. Save for the Tommyknockers showing up and eating the scenery every once in a while I am liking this release.. (The GAU-8 Worms suck too.) I hope that restart seven is the magic number. However, knowing how life works, Here is to number 8
Today I figured out, that in default random scenario we can build our first CV by just swapping alien core with ours and placing missing thrusters in that POI. This is awesome! No more need to spend hours on building that Cube-looking something just to leave that three available planets. 5 different ships with different design. Just choose and repair it.