
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by spacefarmer, Jun 9, 2018.

  1. GoldDragon

    GoldDragon Captain

    Jan 25, 2017
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    Who said this game was SUPPOSED to be helpful? Step back, Breathe deep, and go look for something that doesn't shoot at first. THen go find something that only shoots 1 or 2 weapons at you. And going up from there.


    Just because it is there doesn't mean that you can try it. Or that it is easy. Or that it should be. When looking at a PoI, also wonder: How much resources will this cost me. Resources can be plentiful enough (tho maybe not easily gained) even in the early game. Don't take on Shooty PoIs with Pea-Shooters that you get in the Early game. Patience is the key to a survival game. This isn't Doom, Or Quake. And no penalty for stepping back and trying something else.
    Starwing6 and binhthuy71 like this.
  2. spacefarmer

    spacefarmer Captain

    Feb 28, 2018
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    We have Robinson protocol for people who want a more guided experience through the early stages of the game. We have easy mode for people who are just figuring stuff out. Yes a survival game should have the option to be brutally hard in every aspect, and if that's where you are, by all means, have at it, but I don't think that it should be how things are across the board. Again, some people will play the game and then walk away because of how much time they end up wasting. Especially if it is a dumb mistake. I will be more cautious going forward with where I go, and making sure I save (although I am still getting the "backup failed" error, so I dunno how well it's working), but I really don't see what the big deal is about automating a process that is available to us already. If I want to save every 15 minutes I can do so, and it would be great if they could just make it happen automatically.
  3. GoldDragon

    GoldDragon Captain

    Jan 25, 2017
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    Except the fact that is extremely UNLIKELY to ever Happen! This is real-time survival, not RPG.
    Starwing6 likes this.
  4. MidasGunhazard

    MidasGunhazard Captain

    Jul 3, 2017
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    Firstly it's already established that you're not losing anything unless you can't be bothered to recover it.

    Secondly, it's a video game. You're already wasting hours of your time doing something that isn't productive. Lots of people enjoy the challenge of rescuing stranded equipment and puzzling out how to defeat an overwhelming foe. These happen to be challenges signture of sandbox survival games and the whole reason some people play them.

    What do people NOT play sandbox survival games for? Easy-mode autosaving and other features that hold your hand through challenging segments.
    Starwing6 likes this.
  5. spacefarmer

    spacefarmer Captain

    Feb 28, 2018
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    Point one, it's a pain in the ass to recover it. It would be great if it was not a pain in the ass.

    Point two, yea, this is kind of my point. I'm already wasting time, so why would I want to waste more time if a readily available solution is right there?

    Point three, for someone who is very familiar with the genre, and the game in general, sure these are valid points. However, for someone unfamiliar with the genre or just starting with the game, such situations can seem pointless, stupid, and frustrating. I know your whole thing is like "shut up noob, gtfo", but I for one would like to see the game succeed, and turning off noobies due to a clunky save system is not a path to success.

    One additional point is that the best part of this game is that while it is a survival game at it's core, it is not just a survival game. It's also a building game, and a first person shooter, and a space simulator. Not everyone views the game in exactly the same way, and some people enjoy certain aspects over others. So when you rigidly tell people that this is how the game is, so deal with it, you are imposing your view of the game on others and not considering the diversity of gameplay that the game provides, and that not everyone necessarily views the game the same way you do. So while you might like the game to be brutally hard, that's fine, but consider that not everyone likes what you like, and the best part is that this game has the flexibility to accommodate all of these different preferences.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2018
  6. Darkscis

    Darkscis Captain

    Jul 24, 2017
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    I think the point you are missing is that the "save feature" you are talking about is not a traditional save feature. It is basically a complete copy of your save file that you can revert to in times of catastrophic failure (save file corruption, not user failure).

    The game itself saves constantly, that is an 'autosave' feature. Everything you do is saved at the time you do it. How much more autosave do you want?

    Perhaps it needs to be made clearer in game - I can understand the confusion as it confused me when I first started too. I think I have only ever used it maybe twice? Once I realised that the game was supposed to be played single save I didn't touch the button again.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2018
  7. MidasGunhazard

    MidasGunhazard Captain

    Jul 3, 2017
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    For someone unfamiliar with the game it's fun to explore and figure out. Unless you're a casul and you only have fun in games where you never have to put any effort or thought into playing. In which case I would not recommend the sandbox survival genre.

    And don't talk to me about imposing views. You're the one who started a thread to ask for something that doesn't belong in the game, and the devs have never hinted that they want in the game, because it doesn't fit YOUR view of what should be in the game.
    Starwing6 likes this.
  8. Doomtrooper

    Doomtrooper Commander

    Aug 11, 2015
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    If you want to play on hard mode and not reload saves then do that. That's already possible, and we aren't asking for a feature to take that ability away from you.

    Power outages happen. When it does your save file is corrupted, so hopefully you have a recent backup. Counting on the player to manually make backups every so often is not the solution.
    spacefarmer likes this.
  9. Doomtrooper

    Doomtrooper Commander

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Sure, I'll ask God when he's planned the next lightning strike close enough to my house to blow a transformer and lose power...make sure I'm ready to take a manual backup just before that happens...
    spacefarmer likes this.
  10. spacefarmer

    spacefarmer Captain

    Feb 28, 2018
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    You're right that it does autosave where you are when you quit, but there is no record at any point prior to where you left off, unless you manually save. So what I'm proposing is more of an incremented auto save. So basically the same function now where it saves wherever you quit, but I would also like to see something like 2-3 saves prior, incremented out 5-15 minutes each, allowing you to reload 15 minutes to an hour prior to where you quit. There could be some bundling of games into one save file, which opens to a menu showing autosaves, last one list first, and manual saves. This would allow some flexibility to where you want to roll back to, beyond just the limited nature of the manual save or autosave that we have now.

    You continue to characterize me as lazy and thoughtless, when I am anything but. In fact I and others have put a whole lot of effort and time and thought into the game, only to have all that effort and thought undone in the matter of seconds. I enjoy the game and I enjoy a challenge, but I don't enjoy losing hours of effort due to a silly inexperienced mistake.

    Let me put it this way: if the devs didn't want you be able to recover from stupid mistakes, do you think they would have implemented godmode? The existence of that feature alone makes any claim that this game is supposed to be unavoidably hard and any mistakes supposed to be irreversible totally null and void.

    Thank you exactly.
  11. Evolvei

    Evolvei Commander

    Aug 23, 2016
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    Autosave would also slow the game down, affect fps, and possibly create glitches while saving for a lot of players.
    Starwing6 likes this.
  12. Doomtrooper

    Doomtrooper Commander

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Slow game down - No, just do the save when the player transitions to a new menu screen, if it's been at least 10 minutes since the last one. You'd maybe add an extra second of waiting to every 10 minutes of playtime.
    Affect FPS - No, not at all.
    Create glitches - No, if this caused glitches then regular saving would too.
    spacefarmer likes this.
  13. MidasGunhazard

    MidasGunhazard Captain

    Jul 3, 2017
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    The 'casul' comment was a generic 'you', not YOU specifically.

    However, YOU specifically keep attributing this loss of time to a problem with the game when by your own admission it was your fault that it happened. A survival game without consequences isn't a survival game. The risk of that kind of loss is what encourages you to put the time and thought into backup plans, extra supplies, caution while traveling, etc. Those are all concepts iconic to what it takes to survive, and when you can just screw around then fall back on auto-saves to save you whenever things go wrong, you throw that whole concept out the window.

    If you want to cheat to avoid the consequences of the game, then do that. That's already possible.
    Starwing6 likes this.
  14. Doomtrooper

    Doomtrooper Commander

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Oh really, what's the command to fix a corrupt save game file?
  15. spacefarmer

    spacefarmer Captain

    Feb 28, 2018
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    You conveniently ignored my main point about the existence of godmode (and now that I think of it, console commands) negating your entire argument, so I'll just quote it again.

    The only legitimate argument I've heard so far was from @Evolvei that it could possibly affect performance, but as @Doomtrooper said, there are some very simple work around that would make this feature essentially unnoticeable.
  16. MidasGunhazard

    MidasGunhazard Captain

    Jul 3, 2017
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    I didn't respond to the bit about save corruption and power outages because that's honestly such a lame argument. If you live in an intense storm region where that's actually a concern, then yes, you SHOULD learn how to backup your saves. For virtually everyone else, that's not an issue.
    Starwing6 likes this.
  17. MidasGunhazard

    MidasGunhazard Captain

    Jul 3, 2017
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    You think the existence of cheat codes is an argument for just throwing the difficulty out the window? Seriously?
    Starwing6 likes this.
  18. Doomtrooper

    Doomtrooper Commander

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Ok I're just THAT GUY who can never be wrong.
    spacefarmer likes this.
  19. spacefarmer

    spacefarmer Captain

    Feb 28, 2018
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    You got it.
  20. spacefarmer

    spacefarmer Captain

    Feb 28, 2018
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    You are confused about what I'm actually saying. I never said the game shouldn't be hard. Not once. So try actually understanding what I'm saying and take another swing at it.

    I am saying in extreme cases where you royally screw up, especially in the early stages of the game, and when you are not very experienced in the game in general, that we should have the option to undo these royal mistakes so that we don't end up wasting immense amounts of time and get frustrated and want to just walk away from the game.

    See how that's quite different from "throwing difficulty out the window"?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2018

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