New to Playfield Editing

Discussion in 'Planets & Playfields' started by ❋Yuki, Jun 14, 2018.

  1. ❋Yuki

    ❋Yuki Ensign

    Sep 29, 2017
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    I'm unsure what I'm doing wrong, I used the EPD to try and fix my playfield but no matter what I do I can't get it to work I always get errors.

    Attached Files:

  2. jmcburn

    jmcburn Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2017
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    The playfield you included is an Alpha 7 playfield. Are you still using Empyrion Alpha 7.6?

    Otherwise this playfield won't work in Alpha 8.

    Which EPD Version did you use?

  3. ❋Yuki

    ❋Yuki Ensign

    Sep 29, 2017
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    That’s strange, I should be using the new EPD. I can try and delete the EPD folder and redownload the new EPD. I’ll try it again.
  4. jmcburn

    jmcburn Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2017
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    OK, you can try that, a couple of things though. :)

    • The playfield you included was NEVER saved with EPD.
      EPD playfield.yamls always start with:


      The playfield you included was an unmodified original playfield from Alpha 7.6. You can see that from the dev's comments in it. EPD would have flushed those when the playfield was saved.
    • Secondly, you cannot safely edit this included playfield with the newest version of EPD (1.55.0), as EPD 1.55 only supports 8.0 playfields.
      The Biome setup in the included playfield is incompatible with EPD 1.55.0

    You have to decide, for which game version you want to create playfields.

    If you want to use them in Alpha 8.0, you have to

    • either copy an existing 8.0 playfield (e.g. TemperateStarter) and the terrain.ecf into a new folder and modify that one
    • or create a fresh 8.0 playfield in EPD:


      1. Select type of playfield: Planet, Space, Moon
      2. Set your desired playfield version. If you want to use it in 8.0, pick the one i selected in above image: "v 8.05, Build 1666"
      3. Click New

    But if you're new to playfield editing, i would highly suggest to copy an existing playfield instead and modify that one step by step.

    If you have further questions, feel free to ask. :)

    Witt and Kassonnade like this.
  5. ❋Yuki

    ❋Yuki Ensign

    Sep 29, 2017
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    Thank you I appreciate it a lot, I was getting a little bored with the default playfields since they didn’t seem to give enough challenge for my tastes.

    Yeah I deleted everything and tried to edit the playfield_static file of one of the default planes after copying an additional. But after the edits I found a lot of Lines that didn’t correspond with the original files so I thought I made a mistake. (Ex. I see numbers like 0.200000000000000000001 or a lot of lines with TemperatureSomething ‘’ with nothing inside. Before I deleted them I thought that was the problem since my scenario and planet didn’t work so I tried to copy and paste some of the # Lines and atmospheres to try and match the old file that’s why it looked like it wasn’t from the EPD.

    I will try to edit another playfield from start again today and see if it works. Thanks for the reply!

    I really need to find a guide...
    jmcburn likes this.
  6. jmcburn

    jmcburn Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Well it also strongly depends on the workflow you're planning to use and the desired outcome.

    1. Creating new playfields using EPD and Empyrion's SolarSytemGenerator (SSG)
    2. Create or edit 'fixed' playfields with just EPD.

    Nowadays Empyrion playfields can have three types:


    - If you want to use the SolarSystemGenerator to create random playfields, you need to create/edit both the dynamic & the static playfields and have them in the same folder. Then you can use the SSG to preview and create 'playfield.yaml's out of those two.

    - If you want to create 'fixed' playfields and/or a new scenario, you only need to create/edit the 'playfield.yaml' (you can also edit the output playfield.yaml of the SSG in EPD again, of course).

    - And you can also create new static and dynamic yamls again from a playfield.yaml in EPD to go back into the SSG. :D It's can be all a creation cycle: EPD->SSG->EPD, ... until you're happy with the result.

    This is fine, I just didn't bother adding rounding to all the values. :)

    Last edited: Jun 14, 2018
  7. jmcburn

    jmcburn Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2017
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    That won't really work I'm afraid, as the original and EPD's playfields have different indendation (spaces) and that will cause errors again when loading the palyfield into Empyrion.
    That's because, you're editing the static.yaml and a lot of fields are not defined in the static yaml.
    EPD's workflow concept is that you always edit the playfield.yaml, as far as possible. After that you can export a new static yaml from a playfield.yaml. Some values for the static are taken from the playfield.yaml. If you just edit the static, those fields will be empty [] in the static.yaml.

  8. jmcburn

    jmcburn Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2017
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    I'm planning to create a little workflow guide as soon as EPD 8.0 is in a stable state. I'm still working on optimizing workflow concepts myself. So for now playfield creation is still a lot of experimenting. :)


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